A Date That Lasts Forever In My Heart and Memories

A Date That Lasts Forever In My Heart and Memories

While you were resting, you heard a crash in the kitchen followed by a scream. "Yah! Shut up! You'll wake up Red!" You chuckled a bit when you heard the answer to that. "So. Remember how mean she was when she hid our clothes in the beach. I'll wake her up now if I have to. Who cares if I get killed by her hand.She deserves to wake up anyways!" You soon got out of the bed and put on your slippers, walking out of the room. You: "yah! Who said you can wake me up so early!" All 8 eyes turned to you, and out of all those eyes only 3 pairs of eyes smiled at you. And you recognized those eyes. Zico: "Yah! What do you mean early?! It's already 12:30 P.M! You practically slept for the whole day!" You felt a pair of arms hug you from behind, you turned and saw your wonderful boyfriend Park Kyung hugging you. You: "Is it really 12:30 P.M? Why didn't you guys wake me up earlier?" You start pouting when Kyung pokes your cheek. Kyung: "Because you looked cute and you were tired from taking care of the 6 big babies we have over there." Kyung points to the other members. MinHee: "Yah! Taeil's behavior is perfectly good. You mean the 5 babies!" Taeil laughed. Taeil: "But you always call me a baby." MinHee: "Yea. But you are my baby." She cuddles onto his chest. You:" Well, I think we should all go out for tonight. What do you guys think?" Everybody nods their heads in agreement. MinHee: "I have a good idea of where we can go. Why don't we go there?" Everybody agrees to that too. You: "Okay! Great! Since we wasted a good 30 minutes talking. Let me eat. And then we can go get ready!"

(30 minutes later)

You: "Done eating! Now I'll take a shower and then I'll get ready! MinHee, did you shower already?" She nods her head as a yes. You: "Okay! I'll shower and then we can do each other's makeup for tonight. Oh and guys, choose your partner. We're all spliting up and meeting by the entrance when we finish." Taeil goes up to hug MinHee, saying his partner is chosen already. You go to take a shower while hearing everybody fighting over who will be partners with who. MinHee: "Don't take to long though! And help me pick out a better outfit!" You go to take a shower.

(an hour later)

You go to your room and see MinHee laying there with a bunch of clothes trying to decide what to wear. You: "If you want I'll help you choose what to wear and you help me too. But what should we do first? Our hair, Our makeup, or our outfits?" MinHee starts to think. MinHee: "I think our outfits should go first then our makeup and our hairs for last. So then that way we won't destroy anything." You nodded your head in agreement. You: "Good point. Then let's start on choosing an outfit and then we do the hair and makeup." The two of you start to choose the clothes and as soon as you get dressed in the clothes you start on the hair and makeup. You looked at your phone to see the time and noticed that 2 hours have passed by already. You: "I'm doing the last finishing touches on your makeup and then we'll be done and ready to go out. Okay?" MinHee nods her head in agreement. MinHee: "I wonder if the guys are done too. Their being way to quiet out there. I'm getting worried." You: "It is creepy. Let me text Kyung what their all doing now." You texted Kyung asking why it's so quiet out there. He replies back saying that all the guys fell asleep waiting for you. You told MinHee that they all fell asleep out there. MinHee: "Did we really take that long? We should hurry up then before it gets to late to go out anywhere." You finished MinHee's makeup and the both of you walked out into the living room finding all the guys knocked out. You and MinHee looked at each other with a smile. You: "You thinking what I'm thinking?" MinHee: "If it involves scaring them awake then hell yea!" You and MinHee got out the airhorn that you bought recently to scare the guys for fun. You and MinHee both looked at each other and put on earphones to cover your ears. You blew the horn and saw all the guys screaming awake. You and MinHee were laughing so much that you both had to hold your stomachs from the pain of laughing so hard. Taeil went next to MinHee and Kyung next to you to protect you from JiHo, YuKwon, MinHyuk, JaeHyo, and JiHoon. JiHoon: "You guys are so dead when we get our hands on you both!" YuKwon: "After I helped you throughout everything, I won't help you guys anymore. Even if you beg for my help." YuKwon pouted and the rest of the guys were glaring at you and MinHee. You: "Anyways, if you guys stay angry then you'll be left behind and have to stay here all alone without food and having no fun. Do you want that to happen?" All the guys looked at each other and shook their heads no. JaeHyo: "I don't want to be left behind. Plus I'm not even angry. Neither is MinHyuk, and YuKwon. Now the other two are unknown to mankind on their decisions. Ask them if their angry or not?" You looked at both JiHo and JiHoon. You: "Are you guys angry? Do you want to stay while the rest of us go out and have fun? Answer now or you'll be left behind." JiHo and JiHoon: "No ma'am! We are not angry! We can never be angry with the two of you! We will be happy to go and enjoy the night!" You: "Thought so. Now let's go. YuKwon, would you mind being the driver for tongiht? I'm pretty sure the rest can't drive as good as you. Please be our designated driver!" YuKwon smiled nodding his head yes. So we all left the apartment and went down to the car to get in the car. Since there wasn't a lot of room, you had to sit on Kyung's lap and MinHee on Taeil's lap. YuKwon then started the car and began driving.

(1 hour and 30 minutes later)

We finally reached the place that MinHee said was a good place to hang out with people and friends. She said the name of the place is called BaySide and that a lot of people come here to have fun. As soon as we parked the car and walked to the entrance we decided to split up. You and Kyung, MinHee and Taeil, YuKwon with JaeHyo and MinHyuk, and the two trouble makers got together. You: "Remember, Meet here within the next 4 hours and we'll go look somewhere else to eat dinner." Everybody nodded yes and went their seperate ways. You: "Do you think it's a good idea to let them go their seperate ways? What if they do something and get in trouble?" Kyung chuckled at your questions. Kyung: "Yea it's a bad idea. Especially with JiHo and JiHoonie together. But if anything happens I just hope they call us and tell us what happened and whether we should worry or not." You nodded your head and felt Kyung holding your hand. You blushed a bit and walked  with him hand in hand. Looking at all the things to do.

(3 hours have passed and it was almost time to head back)

You and Kyung were walking when you saw a boat with people in it. You asked Kyung if you both can go on the boat. He nodded yes because he was curious about what the boat is. As soon as you both got in the boat you went to the back were it had no roof and it was filled with couples. You: "Oppa, look how pretty the stars look tonight." You smiled and looked at him. Kyung: "They are pretty. But I have my own star right next to me already. And my star shines so bright. It lights up my world in the dark. Red, I really like you. Actually, I love you. And I want to make this night super special." Kyung cups your cheek with both his hands, and you were surprised how warm they were. But you were even more surprised when he was leaning close to capture your lips in a kiss. You closed thee distance, taking him by surprise. He smiled into the kiss and kissed you back. Your lips fit like two puzzle pieces that were made for each other. You both broke the kiss to get air in. You: "Oppa, I love you too. And I'm happy to be your star. You are also my star,shining in the dark. And making me happy." You both turned around when you heard MinHee and Taeil talking on the boat too. They also kissed. You smiled at them and called out to them. You: "Well, I had a great time. Let's head back to the entrance. The guys have to be waiting for us already." You all walked towards the entrance after getting off the boat. A voice called out to you guys and you turned around seeing the others walking to go to the entrance. MinHyuk: "Well, we're all here now. Including JiHo and JiHoon. Shall we go look for that restaurant to eat at now? I'm starving!" The others nodded their heads in agreement. You: "Sure. Let's go now. I'm pretty sure we're all starving right now!" Everybody laughed with you. You felt Kyung holding your hand and lacing his fingers with yours. You looked at him and smiled. He leaned in once more to capture your lips in a quick kiss. MinHee turned around and started teasing you and Kyung. MinHee: "Awww! Look at the cute couple!" She pointed to you two. Kyung: "Yah! Don't be talking all that smack! We both saw you and baby Taeil kissing too on that boat!" MinHee and Taeil Looked at each other and blushed. You laughed at them being cute. You: "Now look who's being the cute couple." You and Kyung stayed holding hands and so did MinHee and Taeil. The others guys saw and started making fun of the two couples. They all held hands with each other. JiHoon: "Look we're being cute too! You guys aren't the only ones!" Everybody laughed and walked out of the place with smiles and laughs. You walked out with laughs, smiles and good memories that will be in your heart and memories forever.

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