Diary Entry #1

The Diary of an Idol Wannabe

Dear Diary,


I know I’ve been doing this diary thing for years now but I still can’t get over how weird it feels. I mean who is going to read this but me right? Still… I’m feeling lonely again and there’s no one else that I can talk to about Luhan but you.

Time Check: 12: 13 am

Luhan should be here ages ago.  I’ve checked all of his fansites online and I’ve already seen pictures of him from the airport. Gosh he looks so perfect in those photos. <3 Anyway as I was saying, he should be here by now! Where is he?

I remember the first time that EXO had to go overseas and he has to leave me here in Korea he went straight back home and gave me a big hug. He said that he feels bad leaving me here by myself alone.

Maybe he’s just at the practice room again? Maybe I should go visit him there… after all he must have not eaten yet.

Never mind.  I just remembered he doesn’t like me going in the company. Before I sometimes visit him and the guard would let me pass through since Luhan introduced me as his sister so that we could be together even though he’s busy but recently he doesn’t want me going there anymore. He was so pissed off when I visited him last time. So pissed that he even yelled at me (accidentally, I know he doesn’t mean it. He’s stressed) and didn’t go home and talk to me for days.

Maybe he’s with another girl?  Nah… I’m overthinking again. Luhan oppa won’t do that. It’s just not in his nature. He won’t hurt me that way.

Maybe he’s just busy again…


I really miss him…


I want to be by his side…


I want to see him smiling at me again…


I just want to see him…


I’m sorry. I’m being sentimental. It’s just this small apartment seems so big without him around. Anyway good night diary. I have to go to sleep now. It’s getting late. I’m sure Luhan will be by my side when I wake up tomorrow morning.





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