Chapter 1


Isolated, Seungri feels isolated standing in the middle of his half empty apartment. Everything, down to the smallest object, was taken out of a box and placed somewhere neatly in the three bedroom complex but somehow it still felt empty. Running his hand through his jet black hair with a sigh he lets himself drop onto the leather couch, his body making contact with the cold material and suddenly he finds himself hissing before hurriedly getting onto his feet again.

He walks towards the large window, the one with the pretty big and fascinating lights, the one that assured him that he wasn’t alone in this ten story building, of course for the exception of the others who lived in the building as well.


Drawing the curtains to a close he lets out a heavy sigh walking towards the window in the study, the room was very empty only stacked with boxes allowing a small path towards the window. He shudders at the sight of it, a tingly sensation running up his spine accompanied by nothing but bad feelings.

He of course regretted moving into this block because of course no one wishes to be greeted by the sight of a large sea of green behind their back window, one that looks terrifying just from the sight of it and that fear growing larger once the sun sets.

Seungri diverts his sight away from it as far as possible shuddering with the thought that something may just come out and bit him or even run off with him into the woods never to be seen again. It’s an odd thought but Seungri doesn’t question himself for thinking it. The tree right outside the window is enough to scare the living daylights out of him and ever so cautiously he checks twice to make sure the job is done.

Turning on his heel he hurriedly walks towards the door with his heart beating rapidly in his chest, suddenly he stops.

There’s a rustling that’s heard and the hairs on his neck stand up, Seungri feels cold all of a sudden. The rustling continues and his mind chants ‘no, no, no’ but his heart says ‘yes’, he should check out what’s happening behind the window and as his feet slowly walk towards it his mind begins creating his own Will.

Maybe he can leave the apartment in his sister’s name, she’d always been a tad bit tougher than him, chasing away his so called demons and what not even if they clung on to him till this day.

His intake of breaths is growing larger with each step and he debates whether or not to call the hospital for an oxygen mask once he opens the curtains.


He screams and he discovers he screams quite loudly and there’s a flash of some sort then something, or rather someone, runs out of sight faster than he can ever manage.

Seungri doesn’t sleep that night.


“My, my. Someone didn’t receive a wink of sleep last night.” Comes a gentle voice, Seungri looks around for the source, it’s nothing to be scared he reminds himself and really there isn’t. What’s a small lady with a handbag and a dog on a leash to be scared of?

She stares at the younger boy for a good five seconds, wisely she states, “I understand that you’re new here.”

Seungri nods and fights the urge to run away but the small lady shows no signs of wanting to stop the conversation, “Be aware young man. You’re in for quite a scare, or should I say treat?” she grins with what’s left of her teeth and Seungri feels his stomach lurch.

She brings him to the middle of the hallway pointing out the large window, “You see those woods” she points and Seungri starts thinking up any excuse at hand.

“I should g—“

“No, no” she pats him on the back, “listen to me my boy.”

Seungri gulps suddenly receiving a fright from the dog resting near his feet, “You seem like a curious young boy, if you’re going to go into those woods then just remember you’re not going to be able to escape easily.”

“I wouldn—“

“That’s what you’re going to tell yourself.” She laughs and without a word she walks off leaving the younger dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway. There’s a different feeling this time but it grows larger with fear as he steals a glance towards the large amount of trees waiting for him.


On a Saturday he falls into a routine of jogging late out at night, no friends to accompany him; which is rather sad he thinks. Of course the hustle and bustle of the city would be his for an hour or so but even he himself needs alone time away from it all. The parks nearby aren’t good enough to run around in if there’s kids or couples smooching each other’s faces off running into him every five minutes.

The back of the apartment block seems good enough and he settles for it and he chuckles at the sight of other runners making their way into the forest without a second thought. His mother had told him not to trust old ladies with dogs, or was it cats?

A medium built figure runs ahead of him accompanied by a younger woman, the two running straight without taking notice of the young male behind them. It’s nothing scary but rather the sights around him are fascinating and far more beautiful to the eye than what he can see from behind a window.

He runs and runs and stays behind the two because it’s the only way to stay safe for now and he’s not going to risk anything. Yet the fascination still plays with his mind and instead of looking ahead his focus remains up towards the starry sky, it’s calm and relaxing and everything in between.

Because there’s nothing that can go wrong and even with his high alert he seems to lose track and suddenly he’s standing alone.

He panics because curse whoever it was that warned him and curse himself

for not listening. Because curse you Lee Seungri for not listening to yourself!

“H—hello?” he ponders only to be met with the echo of his voice responding back to him, he looks around and surely there’s no way out of here tonight because for one it’s too dark to even see.

“Just keep walking.” He mutters to himself ignoring the fear and anger that builds inside him. “Keep walkin—ahh!”

A sharp hit to his head and Seungri writhes on top of the leaves in pain and it’s so cliché, like something out of a movie but frankly he doesn’t seem to care much allowing his eyes to close out of the sudden exhaustion. He feels something beneath his legs and suddenly he feels as if he’s being lifted but surely it’s his mind just playing with him.

Or so he thinks.



“Dae!” the voice comes loudly throughout the forest yet only a certain someone is the only one to hear it. There’s a sigh of faked annoyance and a playful hit on the arm as Omega runs over to where the other calls for him, because for one Daesung shouldn’t have been standing alone and second he’s wondering why Seunghyun hasn’t lectured him for it.

“What is it, Seu—oh my—is he breathing?” the younger of the two contemplates and he’s suddenly feeling worried, well the fact that Seunghyun has a few scratches here and there, those can be treated easily, but rather so because of the younger male that Seunghyun is currently holding in his strong arms.

Seunghyun shrugs anxiously standing still as Daesung walks over placing a finger beneath the boy’s nostrils, he sighs in relief, “He is.”

“His ankle is sprained.” Seunghyun notifies pausing his sentence from continuing allowing Daesung to grab his own scarf from his neck before wrapping it around the stranger’s left ankle. “That should do for now.”

“Stay close to me and don’t you dare wander off.” Seunghyun warns and Daesung grins slightly, he got his awaited lecture.

“Boy, Jiyong is going to be mad when he sees this.”


“You—“ Youngbae ducks “—need to—“ he then steps to his left “—calm down.” He finishes before sitting down on the floor completely to avoid the oncoming objects above his head only narrowly missing him.

“They should be back by now!” Jiyong screams, he surely lived up to his status of a so-called Prince but in more ways than one.

And then once again Youngbae finds himself in the same comforting role, “They’re old enough and besides Seunghyun is older and stronger than us so they’ll be fine.”

“Fine, I’m sorry.” Jiyong finally apologizes because frankly he’s not one to hold a temper towards his loved ones.

“I’m sure they’re only a few mi—oh look, here they are now.” Youngbae smirks amused at the timing but not so much at the certain stranger that’s joining them. “Why i—“

“No questions, I’ll explain later, just help me out.” Seunghyun interrupts and there’s a rushing of getting a first aid kit and laying the stranger down on Jiyong’s bed.

“Not my bed!” Jiyong argues and he wishes to continue but he abruptly finds himself quietening down once studying the features of the sleeping boy.

“Like what you see?” Seunghyun muses earning a glare.

“Is he alive?” Jiyong questions and he suddenly feels strange feelings for this stranger and it shouldn’t be this way, it was nothing like what was his cold-hearted Prince status.

“He is.” Daesung answers throwing the scarf out of sight before he carefully lifts the ankle placing several ‘medical things’, as Jiyong called them, around the twisted ankle. He finished by wrapping it tightly before placing another medical thing having Jiyong wince at the thought of the tightness.



“What’s his name?”

A/N: Co-Author thejitomyri here, I hope you enjoy this lovely fic created by DaesungMonster,

Show her the love! <3

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maryfemme6 #1
Chapter 1: Its going to be interesting story! Update soon! :-)
MessyPeanut #2
Chapter 1: Can't wait for more!!! XD <3 it!
dcca89 #3
Chapter 1: :) I really liked it
Chapter 1: Aw...awww..awww... its that a love from first sight ji hohohoho....

Love it ^^... cant wait 4 more