Through The Warmest Or Stormiest Weather

Let Me Hold You


It had been a beautiful summer's day, the sun was shining and the warm rays brought everyone out side. It had been the perfect weather to get the washing dry and sit back and relax with a cool iced drink. It seemed to happen so quickly, the beautiful fluffy white cloud's turned black. The sun disappeared behind those dark cloud's that loomed over the houses.  

Key had enjoyed his day up until now, the thunder roared through the skies, lightning striking and brightening up the dark shadow's cast over the little town. Rain pelted at the window's in a mad frenzy. He was now wrapped up in the thin light red blanket that covered the king sized bed. His body trembling, feline eye's watering, nerves at an all time high. The young feline man had never liked storms especially this bad, the cracks of thunder shaking the apartment block, the rumble's tumbling closer and closer. Small slim, pale finger's clutched at the thin cotton material tighter, a rather bright flash making the younger jump out of his milky white skin.

The crack of thunder that followed caused small whimper's to spill from his bow shaped lips. Body shaking more and more as time slowly ticks by, taunting him that he is alone during the one thing he truly hated. The tv was on, playing rerun's of old drama's yet it had failed to distract the feline beauty from the raging storm out side. The rain started to fall harder, each droplet banging hard against the windows pane's like it was in a furious trance. Nothing seemed to be helping and Key was confused as the dog's laid on the floor un bothered by the rumbles of thunder and flashes of lighting.

With trembling leg's the younger stood up, knee's feeling like jelly. Key walked to the window, peaking out across the street, a small river now ran down the side of the road. A rather sudden flash and crack of thunder made the younger yelp and dash back to the white leather sofa, trying to bury him self in to the padded cushions, wrapping the thin blanket around his trembling body more.

The storm seemed to get worse with each rumble, the storm showing no mercy to the innocent people walking up and down from the shops. A small knock at the door made Key peak his head up from under the thin cotton blanket, a curious expression taking over his striking features. He certainly wasn't expecting any one at this time of night and on Friday. Slowly Key made his way to the front door with trembling leg's, un hooking the chain from the door with shaking finger's. Key slowly opened up the wooden white barrier to reveal who was standing behind it. A small gasp left his bow shaped lips and his watery feline eye's widened at the person who stood before him. 

"J...J...Jjongie" Key stuttered out in shock, happiness and relieve. The man stood there with a small loving smile caressing his plump lips, a suit case stood next to the short puppy like man.

Dressed in a very smart black suit and a nice silky blue tie and smart black shoes on. Dirty blond hair styled neatly, bang's straightened and styled to fall to the side a little bit. puppy eye's sparkling at the sight of the feline beauty standing at the door. With out a word, Jonghyun stepped in side and closed the door before another rumble could shake the apartment and scare his lover.

Instantly Key dropped the blanket, wrapping his thin trembling arm's around his lover's neck, nuzzling his face in to Jonghyun's neck. The younger inhaled the sweet candy scent of his lover, the scent calming his frail nerves. Warm, muscular arm's embraced the younger's shaking frame, finger's rubbing soothing circles in to the thin material of the younger's light blue tank top.

Key sighed softly, feeling content and safe. Key never expected to find his long term lover standing at the door this time of night, it confused him yet he welcomed it. Already he felt a million times better and safer knowing Jonghyun was there to protect him and keep him safe. He was the only one to understand his fears and not judge him for it. Forever grateful to Jonghyun for always being there during every single storm, whispering sweet words and helping him forget the storm even existed.

"Shh don't cry Kibummie, it's alright baby I'm here now beautiful. Don't cry Bum" Jonghyun whispered softly in to the younger's ear. Embracing the younger tightly as he sobbed in to the thick black material of the older's jacket.

Jonghyun stood their whispering sweet, calming word's to help his sobbing lover calm down. His body shock as he sobbed, the older's heart breaking to million's of pieces at the crushing sound's. A rather loud, bone chilling crackle of thunder roared out, Key whimpered and body trembled violently as the roars loomed over head. Jonghyun cooed softly to the younger' rubbing his trembling back gently, placing butterfly kisses on his neck and cheek.

They stood by the open front door for a few minutes, remaining in the tight cuddle they were currently in. The rumbles still cried out but Jonghyun's loving gestures seemed to distract the younger. Jonghyun could feel his Bummie slowly calm down, sobs reduced to small whimper's every so often. Jonghyun moved the younger's face so he could look in to those beautiful brown orbs.

Thumb's caressing the tear stained cheeks, wiping away the last remaining falling tear drops. It broke his heart even more seeing those usual sparkly eye's all red and puffy and stained with faint water trails. Jonghyun pecked the younger's bow shaped lips and smiled warmly, letting the younger nuzzle his face back in to the crock of his neck. Small pant's of cool breath tickled his neck as Key buried his face in to his puppy like lover's neck, kissing and nibbling the salty tasting skin.

"Are you alright now Bummie baby" Jonghyun cooed softly as he placed light kisses on the younger's neck. The puppy like man was mean to on a business trip to Tokyo but as soon as those black cloud's loomed over the airport he knew Key would need him.

Jonghyun smiled softly when a small mumbled yes came from his lover, tightening his grip round the younger's waist. He was so much happier to be at home with his feline boyfriend then on some boring business trip. It wasn't that important anyway, he remember's the other co worker's screaming at him to get back and board the plane but the taxi out side and his heart told him that Kibummie would need him more.

If he got the sack then so be it, hos beautiful lover was far more important to him then working. To some it might seem stupid as it's just a thunder storm but Jonghyun knew how much Key hated them and how frightened he got during them. Key lifted his head to face the pupp like man, a small smile graced his bow shaped lips as the older gently caressed his soft pale cheek.

"I thought you was meant to be in Tokyo Jjong, what are you doing here" Key whispered out softly. He wasn't complaining, he wanted to have Jonghyun whether there was a storm or not. He hated to be alone with out his lover beside him, his world seemed so bland and basic, dull and void.

A loud crackle of thunder made the younger whimper and hug Jonghyun tighter, the rain turning in to hail. The small ball's bouncing of the road and roof's of car's and houses. Jonghyun sighed and brought Key's head up to face him, placing his plump lips against Key's soft bow shaped lips. It was a simple loving kiss, lips melting together. No teeth or tongue was used and the simple loving gesture calmed the young feline beauty down again.

The older pulled back first, taking in how beautiful and breath taking his Kibummie truly was, even with no make up on. The younger wore a simple light blue tank top and Jonghyun noticed Key was wearing his white short's that fell to the knee. Jonghyun never saw something more adorable then his lover right then, watching Key pick up the blanket to wrap around his shoulders. 

"I was going too leave for Tokyo but you need me more beautiful. Your more important then some business deal anyway. I can't leave you here alone Kibummie. Let me get changed then we can snuggle down and watch some movies. Minho lent me How To Train Your Dragon 2, Turbo and Frozen. He said they are Taemin's but I got a feeling he watched them as well" Jonghyun chuckled and Key smiled. a small giggle spilling out.

To Jonghyun the sweet giggles lit up the room and set his heart on fire, he knew the younger felt more calm and relaxed now. Key nodded his head at the older's idea, excited to watch the animated films. Rushing to the kitchen to bring some snacks in to the living area while Jonghyun changed. The Thunder still roared the skies and the hail seemed to ease a little bit turning back in to heavy rain drops painting the town darker.

The rumbles still caused the younger to tremble on the spot, hating how the flashes made him jump and scare the life out of him. The dark cloud's seemed to get darker, street light's flickering on quickly. It was still so warm in side the apartment, the younger had to keep some window's open a little bit and some fans running to keep cool but it was useless. The older's word's had made his heart stop for a moment, feeling like he was over dosing on Jonghyun's love. How could he have been so lucky to have such a sweet hearted, beautiful man like Jonghyun to call his own. He felt so special and so loved, the way Jonghyun had looked at him like he was the only man in the world.

"I love you Bum, ready baby" Jonghyun cooed softly as he wrapped his arm's around the younger's waist from behind. Finger's gently the younger belly lightly. Key smiled and leaned back in to the inviting warmth behind him.

The sweet candy scent flooding his sense's again, nerve's shimmering down a lot, the raging storm slowly turning in to a fuzzy blur in the back ground. Jongyhyun blew lightly on the younger's neck and then placed a kiss there, the sweet strawberry scent of the younger causing his head to spin. Taking Key's hand in his own and intertwining their finger's together, the puppy like man helped the younger bring in the snacks and fizzy pop.

Jonghyun felt like the worlds luckiest man when Key smiled at him, those dimples causing his leg's to turn to wobbly jelly. Key was just so beautiful and perfect in his eye's. Placing the food on the floor by the sofa, Jonghyun sat Key down and turned to put in the first movie to watch. He knew the young feline beauty had wanted to see these films so much and it seemed like the perfect moment to watch them.

"I love you too Jjongie, thank you for coming home Jjong" Key mumbled out quietly, hiding his blushing face in the blanket. Jonghyun just beamed brightly, picking up Key to sit down and let the younger sit in his lap.

Key sighed and snuggled down, resting his head on his puppy like lover's shoulder, strong arm's wrapped around his waist. The younger rested his hand's against the older's, intertwining one hand together, finger's fitting so perfect in between each other. Jonghyun just hummed lightly pecking the feline man's forehead, eye's watching the tv screen light up as the first movie began.

The furious storm seemed to become an annoying blur in the back ground as time ticked by. Key giggled and smiled at the funny part's, body no longer trembling and jumping each time a flash or crack of Thunder screamed out over the night skies. It sounded like it didn't want to be ignored and enjoyed scaring the feline beauty. The loved up couple munched on Oreo biscuits, crisps and cookies.

Jonghyun happily feeding his beautiful lover cookies as his eye's remained glued to the tv. Key yawned a little bit , eye's slowly slipping shut as it got later and later. The rain drop's continued to fall, dancing on the roof of their apartment loudly. The last twenty minutes of the film became forgotten about as the two lover's shared sweet, tender loving kisses and even had a thumb war. Key giggled , eye's turning in to little crescents, dimples boldly standing out as the younger smiled, pearl white teeth sparkling under the dim lit room, main source of light coming from the television.

"Your welcome sweetheart. Remember Bummie never cry alone baby. I promise to never be far away and let you get frightened or scared again and if you do then let me hold you tightly. I be here by you side through the stormiest weather, laughing, crying and freaking out together Kibummie. I never let you be alone again" Jonghyun said seriously as he caressed his lover's soft cheek tenderly. Eye's clouded with the most heart melting love and affection.

The sweet word's causing un shed tears to build in the younger feline eye's, those brown orbs shielded by a barrier of watery droplets. Key pressed his silky soft bow shaped lips against the puppy like man's more plump lips, humming lightly in pure delight. It was another simple press of their lips, the younger opening his eye's again to admire his handsome, god like boyfriend.

He seemed to fall in love more and more each day with the man he was proud to call his own (even when he is a cheesy idiot). Key giggled as his eye's wondered over the older's well built frame, it looked like they were wearing couple shorts. Jonghyun's were black that came down to his little knobbly knees. A dark blue tank top covered his toned chest and abs, those jaw dropping muscles stood out on show that made Key drool a little bit.

"I love you so much Jjongie. Oh let's watch Turbo next pretty please" Key asked as How To Train Your Dragon 2 came to an end. The film had been amazing though the ending had been a blur as his attention had been all focused on his puppy like lover.

Jonghyun chuckled and got up, placing Key back on the sofa, the sound of skin peeling from the leather made the younger wrinkle his cute button nose up. Quickly the older changed the disc over and dashed out to get another pack of Oreo biscuits. They both seemed to have a bit of an addiction to the sweet biscuits. Both could eat through a few packets a day if they could and they weren't so fattening.

Key shuffled him self back in to the older's lap, resting his head against the older's chest, listening to the steady beat's of Jonghyun's heart. They munched through two more packets of Oreo biscuits together, feeding each other the crumbly sweet treat. They both joked about, Jonghyun getting a bit of the white cream filling on the younger's nose then it off which made Key scrunch his nose up in disgust.

They cuddled, kissed, laughed and played about, the film had become back ground nose as the rolled about on the floor, Jonghyun tickling the younger to give in and feed him more Oreo's. Their dog's just seemed to roll their eye's at their owner's childish behaviour, they had seen this happen far too many times and it always ended with them in the bed room being even more noisy.

"Do you give up now baby, can I have the last biscuit now" Jonghyun asked, voice sounding so hopeful. Key had to giggle, it looked like Jonghyun was wagging his imaginary tail happily. Key just nodded his head, he was far too weak to beat Jonghyun and would never win a tickling contest.

The storm out side seemed to have calmed a little bit but rumble's of thunder could be heard still, flashes going off in the distance. The rain continued to fall hard though. It already felt so much fresher out side, the apartment still felt a little hot but it was bearable. Key got up and wrapped his blanket around his body, sitting back in Jonghyun's lap.

The older broke the last Oreo in half sharing it with his lover. He could never leave his Bummie out and always shared the last sweet treat with his lover no matter how small it was. Whether it was cakes, crisp, biscuits or desserts, they shared everything together until it was all gone. Key rested his head against the older's chest, the soothing heart beats became the younger's lullaby, slowly his feline eye's slipped shut.

Key gave up fighting to stay awake any longer, it was already late and he was tired from the mucking about and play fighting with Jonghyun. The thumping beats was like a personal anthem for Key, it always calmed him, soothed his worries and nerves away and was the best medicine to help him sleep and smile when he is ill. Jonghyun always told him the beating of his heart was for him only and the love the younger gave to him was keeping it beating.

"Beautiful Bum Bum, sleep my gorgeous, perfect angel. I love you Kibum, never ever forget that, Let me hold you now and forever eternity" Jonghyun whispered softly in to the younger's triple pierced ear. one hand intertwined with the younger's, resting in Key's lap.

The older ran his thumb over the back of the feline beauties hand in soft circles. Jonghyun could never express just how much he loved the younger, Key was his world, his oxygen, his blood and his reason to be alive and live each day happily. They had been together for just over five years and it had been the best five years of the older's life. Each day seemed to get better and he felt more happier each day as the sun raised over the hills in the distance.

Jonghyun chuckled as small, cute snore's fell from the younger's slightly parted soft and silky bow shaped lips. Dainty eye lashes laid perfectly against the soft, pale milky white skin. The sharp cheek bones still stood out even with out make up on to hight light them. The film became forgotten about once again as the older focused on his sleeping lover, the thin cotton red blanket covered his slender body. Jonghyun felt so happy to have helped take Key's mind of the fearful storm that roared the skies all evening. To see that million dollar smile and the sweetest giggles that set his heart alight made the rushed trip home and one hundred pound taxi fare so worth it.

"I love you too Jjong" A small sleepy mumble left the younger lips in a daze. The older thought Key was fast asleep yet he loved hearing those words come from the younger. Never would he get used to the deep honey sweet voice say those three words that meant the world to him and kept him alive and his heart beating.

Jonghyun breath hitched as he watched a heart melting, sweet smile caress the younger's bow shaped lips, he was sleeping peacefully with a heart stopping smile on his lips. Jonghyun swore his lover got more and more adorable each day. The older's lightly squeezed the younger's hand in his own, loving the feeling of the soft flawless skin against his own. The day he confessed his love to Key was the best and most nerve racking day of his life yet it had gone better then had ever imagined.

Key had cried and Jonghyun thought he had messed up big time yet the crash of the younger's lips on his surprised him so much he fell in to the sea. Key jumped in after him and they swam about in their suits, kissing under the shining moon light that reflected off the calm ocean. The gentle waves brought them to the beach were they laid in s tangled mess for hour's kissing, cuddling and playing about.

The went home wet and coated in sand which had gotten in every where. It had been the best day of their life's and neither had felt so alive and so happy before that day. It had been the perfect date and every year they go back to the same place, same time and do everything they did on that very special day. It never failed to bring them to happy tears, falling in love with one another all over again.

The credit's started to roll up on the screen as the movie slowly came to an end. Jonghyun was fighting to stay awake for much longer, he hadn't even watched the film, too busy taking in his lover's natural beauty. Jonghyun felt too tired to even get up and take Key and him self to bed, choosing to sleep on the sofa. His beautiful Bummie was in a deep, peaceful sleep and he would seriously hate him self if he woke the younger up. Especially knowing that the younger had been having trouble sleeping the past few weeks, hating the thought of Jonghyun being away from him for two whole weeks. This was with out a shadow of a doubt a million times better then being away on some boring business trip.

Just having the younger in his arms was more then enough to make his day brighter and so much better. Jonghyun smiled and kissed the younger's head, inhaling the sweet, gentle strawberry scent. The fluffy milk chocolate brown strand's of hair tickled Jonghyun's nose a little which caused a light giggle to slip past his plump lips. Butterflies wildly running riot in his stomach and his heart beat going in to over drive. It had been so long yet he was still head over heels madly in love with Kibum. The younger was the only one to bring out such strong emotions from him. Puppy eye's gazed around the room once more, a light chuckle leaving his lips at the mess they had made in the living room.

Empty Oreo packets laid scattered over the wooden floor, the fluffy white rug was now a crumpled up mess in the middle of the room. Socks had been thrown off, one hung from a lamp shade and one rested behind the television. The dog's were fast a sleep in their little basket by the window, a cool gentle breeze blew through the small open gaps. Slowly Jonghyun let his eye's fall shut, letting darkness take over him. He could feel the small pant's of air hitting his chest as the younger's breath ghosted over his heated, tanned skin. Finger's remained intertwined and rested in the younger's lap. The storm went on for hour's through out the night yet Key never let it bother him, sleeping calmly as the rumbles came back louder and more violent then before.

The warm arms wrapped around his waist helped him say relaxed and the constant steady beating made all his fears disappear in to thin air. Jonghyun had a permanent smile on his plump lips as he slept calmly, he would stay seated in that seat and hold Key forever if he could. No matter whether it's sunny, raining, snowing or storming out side, he would forever hold Key in his arms and not let the younger get him self in to such a pickle like he did earlier. Jonghyun hated hearing the younger whimper and cry, hated how his perfect slender body trembled with each rumble of thunder.

Jonghyun felt so happy and felt he had made the right decision to leave the airport like he did and come back home. He will forever listen to his heart and let it lead him to his lover whether Key just needed a cuddle, kiss or protection he will be there. They had the next two weeks to spend together with out work annoying the older, planning on spoiling the younger a lot during the time off. Where ever Key is, you will find Jonghyun with him, his heart attached to the younger's. Through thick and thin, whether rain or sunshine, the warmest and stormiest weather he will hold Key tighty in his arms and will never ever let him go and that was promise Jonghyun vowed to keep forever eternity. As long as his Kibmmie was happy, smiling and giggling then he was more then perfectly happy.

A/N Hello lovelies :D <333333

First up Thank you to my 14 subscriber's and my upvote :3 <33333 your all so amazing let me love you ><

This is longer then a drabble XD

Hope you enjoyed my Jongkey random fluff ^.^

I needed a break from writing so much O.O

Comment and Subscribe let me know you thoughts on this cheesy ball of fluff XD

P.S feel free to drop me a message with any ideas or plot's would like writing, I do need ideas sometime XD

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Chapter 1: >U< They're really adorable. I love the way you write fluff and actually, judging by the words you use and the way you write, I think you'd be awesome at writing as well (only if you're comfortable with it). I'd give it a go! Well done. C.
Chapter 1: Awww heart melting,cute sweet.poor bummie was so scared.not only he was alone but also there was storm so of course he had a reason to be scared but yay he got his handsome puppy with him and wow jonghyun was such a lovely and caring boyfriend protecting and loving kibum like this.kisses,kisses are always the best and oh god the cuddling scene you wrote was so amazing the tickling then the way the sweetly talk to eachother,sweet words nicknames its just simply very good and yeah thunder have to be forgotten in such lovely moments.oh yes kibum was really adorable in those clothes he was wearing,fluffy ball.

Enjoyed this cute oneshot.thanks for making us smile,it was so good:)
Keyq1998 #3
Chapter 1: jongkey sooo sweet ><