
Rain Dancing
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Title: Rain Dancing
Pairing: Luhan/OC [Kim Jaera] (Side TaoHun, Side Chen/OC [Seo Jisoo], Mentioned D.O/OC [MamaShrimp])
Word Count: 2,688
Summary: Lu-jerk-han and Jaera? Yeah right. Jaera would rather die.
Inspired:  "We're just dancing on the floor. I keep falling for you. We're just dancing in the rain. Your eyes that look at me are so hot." B.A.P, "Dancing in the Rain"
Notes: I am not sorry.
Happy birthday, pakwanii!



I’m actually going to kill him this time, Jaera thinks, seething as she stalks down the hallway, her friend Jisoo right behind her. Other students jump out of her way once they see her dark glare.

“Jae, wait up!” she hears Jisoo yell, the other, smaller girl who appears much more harmless falling behind. “Don’t do this, it’s stupid!”

Jaera rolls her eyes. “He had his friends dump water on me!” she shrieks back. “My phone is broken, my books are soaked, and my shirt is now see-through! I’m going to ing kill him!” Her glare darkens even further.

Her friend swallows nervously as she moves even faster to catch up to Jaera. “Don’t worry,” Jisoo tries. “Luhan’s an , we all know it…” Although her voice is soothing, she only manages to aggravate Jaera further.

“I’ll destroy him if it’s the last thing I do!” Jaera vows.

Jisoo pales, stopping in her tracks as Jaera continues to storm down the hallway and to the cafeteria.

“Oh… this isn’t good…”




Luhan sniggers, seeing a soaked Jaera making her way across the cafeteria. Sipping his bubble tea, he looks at the shocked faces of his friends and laughs even more, waiting for her to get close.

“What happened, Kim?” he coos mockingly, raising one eyebrow as she approaches. “Did you fall into the toilet again?”

He sees Jaera seething even more. “No, douchenozzle. Some decided it’d be ing funny to drop a water balloon on my head from the rooftop,” she spits out, her own tone cynical and unamused.

The blond Chinese frowns dramatically. “Wow… that must be tough, looking so much like a dirt stain that you get hit instead,” he teases, grinning meanly.

Jaera looks like she could scream.

Laughing victoriously, Luhan gazes at his friends. Baekhyun and Chanyeol try to hide their laughter. Zitao and Yixing look horrified. Joonmyeon loses his smile and instead frowns. Yifan just shakes his head disapprovingly, frowning.

Sehun, however, openly speaks up, a blank stare on his face. “You shouldn’t pick on girls, Lu. Especially the ones who don’t deserve it.” He stands, shrugging off his blazer. He drapes it over Jaera’s shoulders. “Hey, let’s get you to the nurse’s office, okay? She’ll let you go home early.”

Luhan can only watch as his best friend makes off with the girl he focuses all his attention on, that girl shivering from the cold fabric stuck to her skin and looking furious with the fact that Luhan exists.

It’s his turn to look like he could scream.




“Wow, that Luhan guy is an ,” Jongdae whistles, leaning against the back of the couch.

Jaera sits in her living room with her two brothers, Jongdae and Jongin, her friend Jisoo, who just so happens to be Jongdae’s crush, Jongdae’s friend, Minseok, and Jongin’s friend, Kyungsoo, who’s also Jisoo’s older brother.

Sipping at his coffee, Minseok frowns, crossing his legs and thinking for a moment. “I don’t think Luhan’s actually so bad,” he admits. “I’m friends with him. Well… I mean, I was when we were younger. We haven’t spoken since I transferred out of that school, but he’s never been mean.” Minseok’s frown deepens, the creases on his forehead suddenly becoming visible.

“It’s only really this year he’s been a jerk,” Jaera fires back. “We’ve been fine the last two years, but now that I’m a junior, he decides to ruin my life!” She groans dramatically and falls upon Jongin’s shoulder.

Jongin pats his sister gently, sweetly soothing her with hugs and affection.

“She’s right though,” Jisoo adds softly from her place between Kyungsoo and Jongdae. She bites her lip, but quickly continues with prompting from Kyungsoo. “Luhan was been really cool when we were a couple of frosh and he was a sophomore… it’s really recently that he’s been extra mean to Jae.”

The room falls silent.

“Maybe… he likes you?” Kyungsoo suggests.

And there is another few seconds of silence before everything explodes.

“No way in hell!”

“I’d die before she dated him!”

“What an !”

“I doubt that!”

The three Kim siblings and Jisoo protest openly, shaking their heads as they scream in order to shoot down Kyungsoo’s horribly wrong idea.

“I don’t think it’s too impossible.”

All eyes turn to Minseok, who appears to be deep in thought once more.

Jaera’s eyes narrow, her arms cross, and she demands, “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

Minseok smiles amiably, switching his crossed legs. “Just that… Luhan and I were classmates until middle school, which means I’ve seen a lot of Luhan’s different sides.” There’s still confusion on everyone else’s faces. “Okay, let’s start here. Jongdae, when you were a kid, and you liked a girl, what would you do to get her attention?” he asks, looking to the eldest Kim.

Said boy flushes immediately, eyes darting to the oblivious Jisoo and to the protective Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo’s glare tells him back off, so he quickly replies, blubbering out, “I used to like this girl back in elementary, but she thought boys had cooties, so I’d about it, like poke her arm and then yell that she caught cooties, and I got in trouble for it a lot, so I stopped after a while…”

Rolling his eyes, laughter sparkling in them, Jongin cuts him off, “Okay, we get it, you .” Jongdae only blushes, lowering his gaze and fidgeting, pulling at his fingers without looking up.

“Cute,” Jisoo comments quietly, noting his tinted face. Kyungsoo shoots her a betrayed look, but she merely shrugs in reply.

Ignoring the two siblings, Minseok looks to Jongin. “Jongin, what about you? Think back to the same time Jongdae did, around elementary.”

“I did something similar. I’d leave toy spiders in her desk, since she was scared of spiders most in the world. I’d always leave the same note, too. Happy Monday, or whatever day it was, with my name scribbled in crayon. She hated me, but she noticed me,” he replies sheepishly.

Kyungsoo snorts. “You guys are all terrible people,” he snaps.

“Well, I doubt you were better,” Jongin retorts, crossing his arms. Suddenly, he’s looking sour rather than sheepish.

Grinning proudly, Kyungsoo announces, “I baked cookies for the girl I

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Baeasma #1
Oh why did I just saw this
Chapter 1: It's a date hehehe
Fynfynfyn #3
Thumbs up!!
Chapter 1: Lmao, like the person who commented below me, "lol idc if you like me or not; you ruin my phone and I ruin yo life."
Chapter 1: if a guy like luhan did that to me, he would be getting a hand to face.
like lol idc if you like me or not; you ruin my phone and I ruin yo life.
Chapter 1: When i was at the kissing part, i thought 'who is it? who is it?' Seeing the name of the 2 male i was like 'ok i get it, ok i get it.'
Happ Black Day Jaera!!! >.<
Chapter 1: Hahhahah. This is so funny!!!
Chapter 1: idk but i laughed so hard at that taohun scene lol
Chapter 1: like srsly, the Jaera here is sooo like the real life Jaera :D I love it!
Chapter 1: hahhahaha Jee, you srsly made my day! XD