Their Story Chapter 5

Princes For Princesses

At the same time in TaeNy's class.

Taeyeon's POV

Tiffany, shall we do the 'tour' today? "Aish, no no no!"

Tiffany, sorry about yesterday. So, shall we do the 'tour' today?

Hey, Fan. About our 'tour', when we are going to do it? "Do it? The hell, as if I'm asking a girl to have with me!" I ruflle my hair, frustrated with my own thought. I'm confused about what should I say to her when I ask her to do the 'tour'. Today. Yes, it should be today, so I can let go all this misery in me!

I was busy dealing with my own though when I heard Mister Lee called me.

"Mister Liu?" he calls me.

"Yes, sir?" I turn my head to look at him.

"Have you taken Miss Jung for the tour?" he asks. Sweat starts to fall down from my forehead.

"N-No, I haven't, sir" I answer nervously. My friends begin to look at me which makes me more nervous.

"Why?" he asks and frowns.

"B-Because something came up. So, I couldn't take her. I'm sorry, sir," I apologize and he just nods.

"Today make sure you take Miss Jung. You don't want her to get lost in this school, do you?" he says and I just nods as an answer.

Then I turn my attention to look at Tiffany, she is smiling at me. Unconsciously, I smile back at her, and as usual my heart starts beating faster.



Tiffany's POV

I know it. Deep down in his heart, he is not a cold person. I know someday I will melt his coldness. Just wait.

Suddenly I feel somene pokes my arm. When I turn around, I find Victoria is smiling at me. I raise my brows and give her a confuse look.

"Am I dreaming or is he really smiling at you?" she asks and nudges me. I just giggle and nod.

"You're not dreaming, Vic. That cold Liu is really smiling at Tiffany," Ailee butts in.

"Aww, so the coldness is slowly melted, huh?" now is Eunjung's turn as she pokes my cheek. Geez these girls are teasing me again. Somebody help me, please.



Meanwhile in YulSic's class.

Yuri's POV

Somebody kill me, please! Why is this happening?! Is this for real that she is my partner for a goddamn week?! My life is over!

When she is walking back to her seat, I turn my gaze at her. She seems don't care at all, expressionless is plastered on her face.

"What is happening to her? Does she hit her head? Is she already forget about what happened between us?" I just shrug on my own thought.



Jessica's POV


I really want to scream just right now! Why it should be him?! Can I get another partner?!!

"Calm down, Sooyeon. Calm down," I mentally calming down myself. This is just a coincidence. Yeah, a goddamn coincidence.

Okay, so for a week I have to act professionally since it is about my school's assigment, and I don't want to get bad score just because of my personal problem with him. Yes, I can do it. I can do it.



In KryBer's class.

Author's POV


The bell has finally rung, and Amber is immediately approaching Krystal who is still putting her books back in her bag.

"Hy, Krys," he greets her and flashes his dorky smile.

"H-Hi," Krystal awkwardly greets him back. Amber can see that she is a bit blushing and he finds it cute.

"Let's go?" he asks and Krystal just nods as answers after she took out two lunch box from her bag. Yes, one lunch box for her, and the other is for Amber, as a gift for helping her yesterday. Lunch box is the gift.

Amber immediately walks ahead and followed by Krystal, but when they step outside, Amber takes the direction to the cafeteria.

"Amber!" Krystal calls him as he keeps walking to the opposite direction, then he turns around to look at her.

"Yes?" he asks confuse.

"Where are you going? The cafeteria is over there," Krystal says while pointing to the right direction. Hearing what Krystal says, Amber can't but chuckle which makes Krystal mpre confused.

"If we have lunch in the cafeteria, there won't be just YOU AND ME, Krystal," he explains, but Krystal is still confused with his explanation.

"Let's go to the rooftop," he says again as he gently grabs Krystal's hand and drags her.











Helloooooww. Thank you for reading it, I hope you enjoy it^^

After a long inner struggle, I decide to change the sentences into present tense. ALL OF IT. Kekeke.

Because to be honest, I was really confused when I reread my own stories -_-

Well, I hope you can understand since English is not my expertise^^

Next chaper will be updated soon, so keep waiting, reading, and loving it. Chu~

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Aish1994 #1
Chapter 13: Pleasee update...
dolphindork #2
Chapter 13: Keep writting thor...
It's nice story
Update pleaseee
dolphindork #3
Chapter 13: Please update this story thor....
Kyber kryber kryber :D
kitkatoreo #4
Chapter 13: Please update soon. Coz I can't wait to see them together. Kyaa~~ thanks
Chapter 13: Please update soon!!! Thanks!
sone_marg14 #6
Chapter 13: ok author=shi take your time and i'll be waiting for your update...
munyil_cutez #7
Chapter 13: ok, we will wait ur update!!!
sone_marg14 #8
Chapter 12: please continue this story..i love the way the bickering yulsic..yulsic shipper...
YowCamille #9
Chapter 12: i love it :") please update soon author-sshi :)
eunie30 #10
Chapter 12: please update soon