
The Big Brother Syndrome
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Hello~^^ So I finally managed to update the oneshot. I hope it doesn't sound too weird and that I didn't disappoint anyone! And if I did so, I'm sorry and maybe you can leave a comment about what I can do better :D

Thank you to all you subscribers! You are awesome.  I'd also love to shoutout to aakyhae for a comment for me :D Thanks a lot and I especially hope that I didn't disappoint you! 

P.S.: Can someboy please tell me why the aff staff applied a note, saying not to post images? Did this happen before? oO Why would anyone do that?


The Big Brother Syndrome


Kim 'Big Space Star' Heechul was in the whole school widely known as a protective hyung.
People loved to call him a dramatic - and really, it wasn't even an exaggeration, everyone would agree on that statement in a heart beat.
Nevertheless, everyone also knew that he loved and protected his dongsaengs to the level of being scary.  
His favourite protege was without a doubt Lee Donghae. 
He always protected Donghae from everything and if someone dared to say anything bad about him, the person indirectly insulted Heechul. 
The self-proclaimed 'Big Space Star' may not be a football player or even particularly good at moving his body in a sporty way but damn, everyone knew that a mad Heechul was a terrifying guy with the unbelievable ability to scream one's ear off. It's hardly a surprise that rarely anyone dares to even walk besides the crazily protected dongsaeng but the guy didn't mind it at all. 
He had friends, people who were brave and probably crazy enough to get to know him and he felt content with them.
However, he didn't plan on staying boyfriend-less his whole life, just because some insane chicken that called himself handsome and pretty all the time forbid anyone to go near him. 
When he first told his protector about his want as teenager to date freely, Heechul didn't seem to agree...not even a bit.

"I'm your hyung, your brother! Of course, I have to protect you from all those bastards!"
"Technically, we aren't even relat-"
"Oh, shush. I'm just trying to shield you from-"
"-Ever getting a boyfriend. You and your Big Brother Syndrome. Seriously, if condoms give 98% protection, you bring at least 120% protection with you."
"What can I say? I'm awesome."

So, after a huge amount of digustingly awkward but weirdly still cute aegyo, Kim Heechul finally "allowed" Donghae to date. The junior thought that his senior's behaviour was kinda cute but sometimes, he just felt like strangling or throwing a pan at his hyung.

Donghae was extremely excited when he got asked out the very first time in his life. His first date ever and it even was with his long time crush. His name was Choi Siwon, he was pretty popular (especially with the ladies) and Donghae always had to his lips unknowingly whenever he saw the boy's seducing eyebrows jumping by.

Heechul looked at the black haired junior in front of him. Right from the first second, he knew that he didn't like this bible psycho. Siwon was famous for his "amazing" and totally exaggerated bed stories but not the one with fairies and mermaids. His "friends" had the honour of listening to his stupid stories, although Heechul doubts that anyone actually likes Siwon. It must be the cool eyebrows. Yeah, definitely the eyebrows.

"So, Siwon."
"Don't call me that, you ing -" Heechul bit his lip. Even if he thought that Siwon was more disgusting than wearing crocs to an event, he had to behave. Donghae liked him after all but this guy was just too provoking. Besides, everyone knew that NO ONE can call him Chullie other than his best friends.
"You wanted to say something?"
"You bring him home at 10, at 9. And you will bring him back exactly as he will come down right now: completly dressed  in that outfit and of course still a , do you understand me?"
He gave the date of his dongsaeng a scary glance. 
"Oh, come on, Chullieboy, let me have some fun with that little , hu? You understand, ri-"

Before Siwon was able to end his sentence, he felt his back pressed against the wall.

"Touch him and I ing swear, I'm gonna cut off that little friend of yours, put it into a shredder and give it your dog to eat. Do you understand me

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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 1: Nice! Well written and Heechul is really cute!
Chapter 1: This story is interesting... Heechul is funny and cute... I laugh along during the reading....
Chapter 1: :P sorry, it took me too long to read something from you. but hey, I really laughed a lot. although the story went a little too fast but the conversations were pretty humorous. thanks! :D
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha love it!!! I hope you can make a sequel with HanChul couple :)
Ciannaa #5
Chapter 1: OMG AHAHAHA Heechul is so funny XD and awww Siwon and Donghae ♡ ^-^
I hope you can make a multi chaptered fanfic out of that? :D
Great job unni *thumbs up* hehe

Obwohl ich zuerst skeptisch gegenüber dieser Idee war, muss ich sagen, dass mir das sogar besser gefällt als die tmi version :D Wahrscheinlich weil mir Sebastian nicht so sympathisch ist wie Heechul:D Heechul ist auch um einiges witziger :'D und man kann ja auch Jace und Hyukjae vom Charakter aus her vergleichen, oder? XD Hyukjae ist irgendwie eher niedlich im Vergleich xD Und awww Heechul und Hangeng ^-^ (obwohl Siwon und Heechul auch nicht schlecht gewesen wären ^-^ ) LG von mir

PS: wie wäre es mit einem os mit Hangeng und Heechul als Fortsetzung? :D
PPS: Du solltest keine Nacktbilder hochladen? XD
SimplyAsian #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha Heechul is overly protective
tvxqsujushineeexonct #7
Chapter 1: Oh my god! Thank you so much for mentioning my name ^^
And I loved the story. I think you should continue with this storyline. Heechul is perfect! I love when people write him as Donghae's overprotective hyung. :D
Zapple #8
Chapter 1: Omg yes Heechul is terrifying >< anyways, nice story! Looking forward to anything else you have planned~
tvxqsujushineeexonct #9
Looks like it's going to be hilarious. The intro sounds really funny!
Waiting for some Heenim shenanigans!