And Then I Hate You Once More..


Park Yeon Lee is a grade A student with grades to die for... but goes to a school where you could have the best grades in the entire world, but never really be considered an intelligent person. She has a dream to become a successful lawyer, but since her family can't afford her to go to an well-respected school, her days at Seong Gong academy are slowly destroying the 'success' of that dream. Even though Seong Gong Academy probably teaches the most important things in all of South Korea, to a non-attending Korean, the name 'Sucess' is just a bluff, and Park yearns to attend a school where she can become what she always wanted to be.

And if that wasn't bad enough, to top it all off, she has to deal with him.


She sighed when she saw him sitting by the dumpster where she was about to throw away the trash. Why he chooses to come see her at a dumpster by a non-popular noodle shop was beyond her, but she ignores him and throws away the garbage quick so she can go home early. But he stops her again, his hand wrapped around her skinny ankle and she can't do anything but stop. She turns to him, and he tilts his head to the side, slowly clearing his throat.

"Uh... erm.. can you... help me with my homework again?" He asked, slowly smiling. She was sick of this. Everytime she sees him it was the same thing. He always, always asked her for 'help' on his school work but he never really does anything but watch as she does it for him. She knows it's wrong, she knows he won't learn anything this way.... but how can she say 'no' to Kim Jonghyun, a famous pop-idol that's slowly sweeping the nation, a well-known student at Saeng Gag High Academy, a school she only dreamed of attending,

.... And her once upon a time childhood friend.


Main Characters:


Park Yeon Lee (Parky, Parksy, Park)

A top of the class smart student who lives with her family on the poor side of South Korea. She's usually called Park, even though her name is Yeon Lee. She works at a Noodle Shop that's owned by a man who's in love with everything noodles. She loves reading manga, playing video games, dreaming &' has been told a lot of times that she has sort of an attitude. She hopes to be a lawyer one day so she can end up on one of those lawyer shows. She despises everything, and really everything that involves Kim Jonghyun.


Kim Jonghyun

A famous pop-idol who once upon a long time ago was poor. He lived and grew up in the part of South Korea where Park lives and used to attend Seong Gong Academy, considering he was also Park's neighbor, before joining SHINee. He then moved and now attends Saeng Gag High Academy only because of his importance. He isn't really bright, and begs Park, his childhood friend, for help on his work. His a bit laid back and lazy and gives Park a hard time.



Park's older brother. He's really popular in school because of his looks, but puts Park before everyone. He's kind and caring when he wants to be, but is also the number two cause for all Park's problems. He doesn't get perfect grades, which is why their parents sometimes lean towards Park in their affections, but tries his best to get the perfect look so he can become a model and help his family move from where they live and give Park a better education.


Hyun-Ki (KiKi)

Park's bestfriend &' go to guy. Because of his nerdy-ness AND sort of liking towards boys, he get picked on by most of the kids at the school. He's still kind towards everyone, and loves Park as a sister. Though he annoys her sometimes, because of his obsession towards Kim Jonghyun.


Mi Sun

Park's friend since birth. Though she can be a bit y, she always has a soft spot whenever Park needs a listener. She keeps her smartness hidden from the students, so she can keep her title as 'The Most Popular Girl At Seong Gong' &' secretly, keeps Park hidden as well, but doesn't know it.



Thank you so much to 'RisingStarr Graphic & Character Charts' for the Poster & Banner! Love it so much!


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soojooomin23 #1
hahahahahahahaha favorite chapter! <3333333
OhMyShupaGirlll #2
Omg, This Was So Funny! (= I Couln't Stop Laughing At The 'She Left Me A Message Saying She Moved To England' Part. :) <br />
Update Soon.! I'm Growing To Love This Story!
ourmysticstories #3
KoreaAndAppleMacbook #4
oh my god, I love you for writing this. your writing style is so fresh and funny, and it isn't "chat like" with just people talking back and forth. you detailed everything out perfectly yet made it fun to read too. also, you added some of yourself in there with the rants haha. i have to say, this would have to be one of my favorite stories on here and i hope to see it on the 'featured' list one time. please update soon. <3
OhMyShupaGirlll #5
Update Soon. ! <3
MitskaSuja #6
haha, the history rant was funny. :D <3 NOOOOO. WRITE MORE!!!!!
soojooomin23 #7
nooooo, CLIFFHANGER! :( i like this story, it's so suspensful and funny.
IskaBahNaya #8