
Tidal Rebellion

“The areas stir with whispers of a rebellion.”

Yifan raised an eyebrow at Joonmyun over his cup of coffee, “What do they have to rebel about?”

Joonmyun’s eyes drifted towards Chanyeol, who sat a little straighter in his seat, “The government I guess. Isn’t that what they always rebel about?”

Yifan turned his gaze to the report in front of him, “I will never understand why it is not enough when we provide all the eight areas with electricity in exchange for only 50% of each area’s produce apart from area  5 because we need most of their coal to generate electricity. It’s a give-and-take relationship.”

Joonmyun and Chanyeol shrugged lightly not knowing as to reply, as they always were when reports came in about rebellions and unrest in the areas. Yifan made a careless motion with his hand, “Carry on with the report.”

“Area 7’s silk production rate has dropped by about 20% in the last week. The area representatives have yet to send us a report on the situation in the area.”

“The new area representative has been tardy in the reports so far, send someone down to check on the situation and the area representative.”

“Right on it,” Chanyeol piped up readily.

“Areas 3 and 4 have reported a leak in one of the pipes. We have sent representatives down to take a look.”

“Keep me updated on that situation.”

“No problem,” Joonmyun answered before turning back to the paperwork on his desk.

Yifan stared at the report in front of him, something or the other about the crops they had been receiving from area 1 and 2 for the last six months or so, and let out a huge sigh.

“Tired?” Chanyeol teased from his desk across Yifan’s office right next to the door. Joonmyun’s desk was opposite him, the two of them flanking the sides of the doors like sentinels guarding Yifan. He was after all the only heir to the city’s sole resource company, handling the resources that pass from the areas into the city and from the city into the areas.

“Definitely less tired than you look,” Kris chuckled, “You were never the most reliable choice as my secretary. Joonmyun was always the one better at paperwork, I cannot help but wonder why I decided to hire you in the first place.”

Chanyeol made a noise at the back of his throat, ““We were friends for eight years Wu Yifan. That, and because the only reason Joonmyun and I became your playmates when you were sixteen was because we were always meant to be at your service.”

Yifan rolled his eyes, “Anyway, I’m almost done with the report. Shall we drop by Xiumin’s bar on the way home for a shot or two?”

Joonmyun shut his laptop and shrugged in Yifan’s direction with a small smile, “You should say, ‘Shall I drop by Xiumin’s bar’, you know very well you father doesn’t allow your personal assistants to enter bars.”

“Shall I,” Yifan corrects with a roll of his eyes, “So you’ll bring me to Xiumin’s bar?”

“If I said no? Your father did mention before that Xiumin’s bar was always a little too close to the walls that separate the city from the areas.”

“I’ll take a cab there then.”

“That’s why you don’t actually have to ask us permission to go Wu Yifan,” Joonmyun sighed and picked up his bag, joining Chanyeol at the door to wait for Yifan.

Choosing not to reply, Yifan slipped the report into a folder and left it on his desk, grabbing his items and joining Chanyeol and Joonmyun to leave his office.

Joonmyun and Chanyeol were in fact, supposed to be Yifan’s personal assistants and bodyguards. They were both younger than him, by one and two years respectively, but had been brought into the Wu family when Yifan was sixteen and stayed as his friends and playmates. Now, almost eight years into the future, they were not only Yifan’s personal assistants and bodyguards, but also his closest friends.

Joonmyun gave Yifan a once over as they stood at the office door and shook his head slightly, “When will you ever remember that you have to wear the government’s pin?” Joonmyun asked as he fished one from his pocket and helped Yifan pin it on.

“Probably never, it isn’t a very flattering accessory.” Yifan mumbled, too used to Joonmyun’s motherly nagging over the government pin.

“It is not meant to be a flattering accessory Yifan,” Joonmyun chided, “It is a representation of your position in this city and is an invitation to any big event hosted by the city council.” Chanyeol patted Yifan on the back sympathetically

“I dislike being treated specially because of the government’s seal on me,” Yifan argued.

Joonmyun chuckled, “It’s not like we haven’t talked about this before Yifan. When you go out, it’s not about being treated specially or like any other person, it’s your safety that matters. No one will dare attack someone with the government’s seal.”

Right above Yifan’s heart, the metal pin burned orange and red with a sparkling hint of silver that only made it look all the more meancing.



Xiumin’s bar was a pleasant little place that served simple alcoholic drinks at a reasonable price and provided much relief for city folk after a long day. Yifan enjoyed the atmosphere and the drinks and once in a while when he was free, Xiumin’s company was an added plus.

Xiumin himself was like a breath of fresh air among people who were throwing suffocating pretend parties to curry Yifan’s favour in the hopes of one day getting a share in Yifan’s inheritance. He was a genuinely kind person who judged with his heart rather than his eyes and was tactfully straightforward in his words – a trait that Yifan liked immensely.

Greeting him cheerfully, Xiumin leaned against the counter and grinned widely at Yifan, “Welcome again, it’s been a while since you’ve been here.”

Yifan slid into a chair smoothly and sighed, “As always, work is a pain because when will it ever be different? Can I have the usual?”

Xiumin smirked at Yifan before turning to prepare their drinks, “Work is only a pain for workaholics who attempt to finish too many projects in too little time. If you want it to be different, maybe you should learn to change your methods of working.”

As Yifan readied himself a witty comeback, a soft voice called from the far side of the counter top, “Xiumin, could I please have another glass of whatever you just gave me?”

Two heads turned to see a brunette grinning at Xiumin, smooth bangs partially covering his eyes as he sweeps them back with a sweep of his head.

Shooting a sign of acknowledgment across to the stranger, Xiumin turned back to prepare the drinks with a practiced and confident hand.

“Who’s that?” Yifan asks curiously, “He seems to be a new face.”

“I think his name is Lay. He moved into this part of town recently and has been coming down to the bar almost every day in the evening for a drink or two since he arrived.” Xiumin replies as he turns to deliver Yifan’s order and brings a glass of something blue to Lay.

Yifan accepted the glass from Xiumin and watches the bartender saunter over to exchange a few words with the stranger, Lay, who flashes Xiumin an angelic smile as they spoke.

Yifan just sips on his drink, watching Xiumin and Lay interact out of the corner of his eye while trying to be as discreet as possible, an amused grin tugging at his lips. He blinks once in surprise when Lay gets up from his seat with his drink in one hand and a spiral-bound book in his other while bearing a wide smile.

“Alright, alright, I will,” Lay seemed to be saying as Xiumin nodded his head approvingly. Lay strolls to the empty seat beside Yifan and gestures lightly, “May I sit here, Mr...?”

Yifan notices how Lay has a dimple on one cheek when he smiles.

Yifan gestures for him to sit with a smile, “I’m Yifan, Wu Yifan.”

Lay bows slightly, “I’m Lay, moved into this part of the city not long ago.”

Yifan notices how Lay’s voice had a soft lilt to them, much like a gentle breeze drifting through the city in the middle of autumn.

Lay asks about what Yifan does and when he realises that Yifan was the Wu Yifan of Wu Enterprise, he grins bashfully in embarrassment and they strike up a short conversation on the flow of trading between the city and the areas. Lay made a pretty knowledgeable conversation partner and their opinions flowed freely and easily as they talked, for the ten minutes before Lay decides to call it a day.

As Lay proceeds to the door, Xiumin leans across the bar top and wiggles his eyebrow suggestively, a smile surfacing across his lips.

 “What?” Yifan hissed.

“Seems like you find him attractive?”

“Shut up,” Yifan snorts and turns to look in Lay’s direction as he left the bar.

Their eyes meet.

Yifan notices how Lay’s eyes curve into two crescents when he laughs.


A/N: And so, here we go~ First chapter up ^^

Special thanks to first subbies kroongho and aredgemstone. Thank you thank you!

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Julia425262 #1
The foreword impresses me much but your warning all the way takes me down :((( I'm not ready to read any SE fic right now, so I'll save your fic and wait for the time when my heart feels stronger and it's willing to take any unhappy ending story :(((
amaxinglay #2
Chapter 15: *ugly sobs*
such an amazing story
huge thank you author-nim
ImSoCursi #3
Chapter 15: omg! what else cUn i say? its just... its amazing thank you for writting such an amazing story im looking foward to read more from you!
Chapter 15: No.....omg T_T if I wasn't at school I'd be crying right now....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS PIECE OF ART <3 I loved every moment of it! (although I'm still mad because you just killed my husband T_T)
blackrosa413 #5
Chapter 15: but it's hanging~
did yifan success???after that did yifan kill himself???
not fair...
Chapter 14: OMG I haven't had time because of school but now I read it and OMG YOU CAN'T JUST KILL MY UB T_____T but anyways you ARE an amazing author and now I'm off to read the last chapter T_T
amaxinglay #7
Chapter 14: .mayor son is an .how could u kill yixing.i knew he kills yixing someday and he did im crying
that was beautiful and sad
amypond #8
Chapter 14: hi~ i've been reading your fic for a while but i waited until you uploaded the final chapter to write a comment here. kinda disappointed that it doesn't have a happy ending, but i enjoyed reading the story ((also, reading the part where yixing died hurts so muchㅠㅠ)). this chapter feels like it kinds of rushed though, but i really like it. thank you so much for writing this story <3
blackrosa413 #9
Chapter 14: and what???that mayor son killed yifan father and his own father???
what his plan?!
blackrosa413 #10
Chapter 14: whatttttttttt???yixing didn't die right?!!!!!!!
nooooooo author-nimmmm!!!!!!