Be you.


A guy walked in with ed shirt, a messy tie, and shaggy hair. He came in and bowed.

"Sorry Teach. Am I late??"
"No.." The teacher sighed, "To your seat Sir." 
All the girls twirled their hair and bit their lips.
"Hey? Gotta girlfriend??" Seunghe said. He ignored her.
He walked toward your aisle with his head down and sat next to you. 
"Excuse me. My friend sits there." You said annoyed. He looked up and you saw one eye. At first you were confused but then you gasped. "JU-JUNHONG-AH ???" 




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newday3113 #1
Aaa Zelo-ya... I like the story
kpopkpopkpop15 #2
Chapter 1: That was so cuteeeee! *brb fangirling*
VioletLily #3
Chapter 1: This is simple and adorable, like it a lot ♥