Counting On It

Counting On It - Myungsoo
Another day of filming came to a close, back in your street clothes, you happily slid your arms through your deep red leather jacket, your black pants hugged your legs tightly with your simple scoop neck tee under your jacket. Lifting your black purse over your shoulder, you happily pulled your hair out of the collar of the jacket. Zipping the jacket up slightly, you turned around and tucked some hair behind your ear.

Myungsoo was staring at you, his hands fiddled with the sweater sleeves, pulling them over his hands, his fingers were only visible while his slightly ripped jeans hugged his legs and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

Raising your hand, you wiggled your fingers waving at him with a smile curling onto your lips. Blinking quickly, he lifted one hand out of his pockets of his pants and waved back slowly.

"Good job today, Myungsoo~" You cooed

"You too" Myungsoo nodded, his hand dropping while yours mirrored his hand hung to your side.

"See you tomorrow, have a good night" You turned around and started to walk to the bus stop so you could head back to your quiet home.

"You too" Myungsoo whispered into the chilling air, his body soon shivered from the dropping temperature.

Evening rain clouds started to roll in, thundering in their approach, Myungsoo grabbed his phone and slipped it into his back pockets, walking to his black car, he pressed the button and unlocked it while the lights flashed at its owner. Opening the driver door, he slid into the seat and closed the door behind him.

The lights over head, gently lit up the car while Myungsoo rested his head against the head rest, letting out a deep breath, he leaned forward, sliding his key into the ignition, he started the car while the gauges moved and lit up with life. Pressing the palm of his hand against his forehead, he rubbed his tired eyes gently before he put his car into gear and drove off.

Finding a seat on the bus, you slipped your ear buds in your ear while everyone moved with the bus and its twists and turns along the road. Choosing song after song, you watched light poles pass on either side of the road. Sliding your hands in the pockets of your leather jacket, you finally reached your stop before you got up and paid your fee. Exiting the bus, you started to walk to your small apartment.

Rounding the corner of a large alley, your eyes lifted to your one room apartment, climbing the outside stairs to your door, you pulled out your keys and slid your silver key into the ebony lock.

Walking through the door, Myungsoo slid the keys into his pocket while he started to slip off his shoes once he closed the door behind him.

"Hey Hyung" Sungjong called from the couch, with a bright smile.

"Hey" Myungsoo tiredly replied.

"There is some dinner in the fridge if you are hungry" Woohyun pointed out, lifting his eyes from the screen of his phone.

"No thanks, I think I am just going to head to bed early" Myungsoo walked through the living room and down the hall to the bedroom doors that lined the tight hallway. Turning into the second door on the left, he opened the door and closed it quietly behind him.

Shaking his jacket off of his shoulders, he hung it on the back of his computer desk chair, turning the chair around, he sat in the soft chair. Twisting in the chair, the screen of his computer happily shined with each turn of the chair.

Pulling himself up to the desk, he shook the mouse waking up the computer, typing in his password the computer sprung to life. Quickly pulling up the web browser, he typed in the web address and hit enter quickly. Checking to see if the next episode of the drama was out, that he just happened to be filming, he had to settle with last week’s episode.

Pressing the play button, he let the whole episode buffer while he changed into some grey sweat pants and a black tank top. Setting his phone the desk in front of the keyboard, he pressed play while he watched the episode.

Keeping his eyes on you and your parts, he couldn’t believe how much you were like the main character that you were portraying. The beautiful scenes rolled before his eyes, the gaze in his eyes becoming softer and relaxed while he watched you closely. Pulling his knees up to his chest, he watched you taking notes on every movement, every word that spilled from your lips. Everything about you captured him and caused his heart to beat faster.

"You’re watching this again?" Hoya grumbled, leaning against the door frame, startling Myungsoo.

"Y-Yah!" Myungsoo turned quickly, pausing his show while Hoya chuckled and folded his arms over his chest.

"You know it would be easier to watch her if you just went out with her already" Hoya retorted.

"These things take time" Myungsoo turned his attention back to the screen.

"It is obvious that you love her" Woohyun remarked coming up behind Hoya.

"How can you say that?" Myungsoo shot back.

"The way you look at her, the way you act around her, it is kind of obvious" Dongwoo quietly nodded his head.

"So what if I do like her? I can’t do anything about it!" Myungsoo stood up, his desk chair rolling behind him.

"You can do a lot of things" Sungjong cooed while the rest of the members crowded around the door.

"I could, if I had more time" Myungsoo grumbled, his fingertips gently drawing on the glass table top of his desk.

"You still have plenty of time" Dongwoo tried to be optimistic

"Yeah, you still have two more episodes you have to film" Sungyeol butted in.

"That isn’t enough time" Myungsoo dropped his head. "How can I make her love me like I love her?" He waited for an answer from any one of his fellow members but none of them said anything.

"See? I can’t. This is just a waist of time." He pulled his chair back under him, resuming the drama, he plugged in his headphones and muffled all of the talking from s. 

Watching you, acting on the screen made his heart happy, his eyes glazed over with fresh tears as he knew that there was no way that you would see how much he truly loved you. Your eyes sparkled perfectly under the lights of the set, none of your body movements were wasted, your lips that relayed the lines of the script onto the screen were just so beautiful and perfect causing his heart to pick up while his eyes trailed down each strand of hair. Hypnotizing him under your beauty, both inside and out, his love for you grew with each passing moment.

A few hours passed, most of the members went to bed but Dongwoo stayed up with Myungsoo, making a plate of food for him, Dongwoo went in and placed the food filled plate on the side of his desk.

"I’m not hungry" Myungsoo told Dongwoo not moving his eyes from the screen.

"Why don’t you just do something to take the first step and make her fall for you? Then she call fall for you on her own and you wouldn’t be pushing her to love you" Dongwoo leaned on the desk while Dongwoo’s words peaked Myungsoo’s attention.

"What you think I should do?" Myungsoo asked Dongwoo while he paused his show and turned all his attention towards his hyung.

"I think the answer is in your drama" Dongwoo smiled as he pointed to the red rose that was on the screen, placed beside you while you looked down at it, while you were in a beautiful park.

"That is it!" Myungsoo cried happily wrapping his arms around Dongwoo before he quickly let go and grabbed some food to quiet his grumbling stomach.

The bright sun spilled through your blinds, your alarm sounded before you turned off your alarm and sat up, pulling your phone over to you, you slowly woke up while checking your messages. Rubbing your eyes gently you finally slipped out of bed, pulling up the covers, you headed to your closet.

Changing into a black scoop neck shirt, light jeans that were slightly ripped on the knees, you pulled on some black boots that settled right below your knees. Slipping a long necklace over your neck, you pulled out your black purse and combed through your hair. Doing a light make up job you walked out your door, making it to the bus stop, you loaded onto the right bus and rode it til your stop.

The white ear buds hung from your ears while you listened to some different music to help you with today’s script. A short ride later, you walked to the set from the bus stop.

Once you arrived inside, you walked over to your chair while you awaited orders. Your eyes looked at your makeup table finding a beautiful bouquet of red roses and baby breath, tilting your head in confusion you turned your head, scanning the area you didn’t see anyone. Carefully, you lifted the flowers up from the table and brought them closer so that you could smell them.

Fluttering your eyes closed at the sweet perfume, your eyes lifted and looked in your mirror, finding Myungsoo in his chair across from yours, he was trying to hide a smile behind his hands. Turning around in your chair, you watched him as he saw you looking at him.

"Thank you" You remarked thinking that he was the one that had left the flowers. Looking around your makeup artist, happily showed you your new clothes for the day, changing into them and having her do your hair and makeup you were soon done and on the set once more.

The day seemed to fly as you noticed Myungsoo being a little cold and distant today. As time passed, and the breaks began to dwindle, you walked over to him during the last break of the day.

"Myungsoo…" You called as he turned around and looked at you a little surprised. "Is something wrong?"

"Does something look wrong?" Myungsoo retorted a little coldly

"I just… well I was noticing that we haven’t talked today and I was just wondering if you were okay" Your voice got quiet due to his cold voice, his attention turned to your quiet voice.

"Sorry, I just… wanted to tell you something but I didn’t have the heart to do it yet" He rubbed the back of his neck with his quivering hands.

"What is it?" You probed just wanting him to be himself around you, even if the news were for better or worse.

"Well… I have really liked being on the set with you… but our friendship has turned into a crush.. for me" Myungsoo glanced up at you, you looked at him slightly confused as he let out a struggled breath, "I l-like you and I gave you the flowers too" He spilled.

"Thank you for the flowers" You smiled at him gently, while his head just bobbed up and down, analyzing his nervous body, you smiled and bit your lip gently, taking a step closer to him, his eyes lifted up to yours.

"Myungsoo, you are not like all of the other guys… if you want to go out for coffee or something after the drama has ended, just give me a message or a call" You smiled up at him, his lips pulling into a bright smile.

"You mean it?!" His voice dramatically changed for the better, causing you to nod and blush.

Wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, he picked you up effortlessly and spun you around in his arms. Holding onto his shirt tightly, you started to giggle and laugh at his cute antics.

"How can I do that if I don’t have your number?" He asked after he stopped abruptly and placed you back down on the ground. Giggling, you pulled out a slip of paper and wrote your name and number on the back of the card, handing it over to him he smiled and slipped it into his pocket.

"I’ll text you for sure" Myungsoo nodded his head excitedly, seeing his cute dimple appear, you nodded with a smile before you both hugged each other tightly.

"I’m counting on it~"

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Chapter 1: your story made me smile when i read the ending...
sooo sweet!!!
Chapter 1: Aww this is cute and it made me smile after going through a rough time. Thank you.
Chapter 1: OMG sequel of their coffee date?? XD
Chapter 1: i hate "you" stories but i love you and i love this story


are you trying to kill me with all the cute myungsoo stories???
Chapter 1: Omoo myungsoo is soo cute~~ kkk~~
ForeverViolet #6
Chapter 1: Omg I love how shy and cute Myungsoo is in this one! So glad he mustered up the courage. IM PROUD OF U MY BBY <3 Great job as always
Chapter 1: How cute! (x So glad Myungsoo got the guts to ask her. He's so cute. Aigooo