Shy boy

Shy boy

"Taekwoonie why are you ignoring me?" 

Hakyeon pouted, looking at his best friend. Well, at least Hakyeon thought of him as his best friend. They did everything together, even if sometimes Taekwoon was unwilling.

Taekwoon tisked and looked towards the other side of the cafeteria. He hated the pet name Hakyeon had placed on him. It was even worse when he called him that in public. 

"I told you not to call me that, it's annoying." He mumbled, but Hakyeon had perfected the art of understanding Taekwoon's mumbles. 

"Why? It's cute, like you!" He smiled at him from the other side of the table, eyes crinkling up while he stared at his friend. People thought Taekwoon was a cold uncaring person, but to Hakyeon, Taekwoon was just adorable. "What's wrong? You're being unusually quiet." 

"Aren't I always quiet?" He replied, his eyes looking back Hakyeon's way to notice the smile was gone and in it's place was a genuinely concerned look. 

Taekwoon looked away quickly, blushing a little. Hakyeon couldn't know that he was feeling awkward around him because he had a certain...dream about him last night.

A dream with Hakyeon over him...kissing him...and...

Taekwoon put his head on the table and groaned, trying to get the images out of his head. 

Hakyeon just stared at him with worried eyes. 

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" 

Taekwoon became even more embarassed. Now he was worrying Hakyeon.

"I'm just feeling a little nauseous is all, I think i'm gonna go to class early. Bye." He mumbled quickly, standing up and walking hurridly away from the table with Hakyeon staring after him with a confused expression. 

While walking away, Taekwoon groaned. He felt dirty having those thoughts about his friend. Taekwoon didn't even consider himself gay. Maybe it was just...hormones? But why did the dream involve Hakyeon and not some pretty girl?

It was true that recently Hakyeon had been going through a sort of...growth spurt. It happened so fast, Hakyeon used to be much shorter than Taekwoon, but now he was almost taller than him. Taekwoon had also noticed muscles that weren't there before...

Taekwoon cursed and covered his hands over his face. He really did not need this right now. 


"Are you feeling better Woonie?" Hakyeon asked the younger as they met up to walk home together. 

"Stop with the names, they're embarrassing." He said, walking right past Hakyeon. 

Haykeon pouted again and followed after him, catching up to walk right next to him. 

"But they suit you!" He protested. 

Taekwoon scoffed, "Others would disagree." 

"But other's don't really know you. You might look scary to other people but to me you're just cute!" He chuckled. 

Taekwoon who had been trying to keep his composure had to look away. He could feel the red on his face. 

"Taekwoonie are you blushing?" Hakyeon gasped, staring in wonder at the red on the younger's neck and ears. 

"Shut up." He growled. 

You are! I made Jung Taekwoon blush!" Hakyeon laughed

"I said Shut Up. I'm not blushing." He mumbled, picking up his pace to get away from the smiling idiot. 

"Ahh Taekwoonie really is the cutest!" he said to himself. 

"I hate you." 






Yay for Neo fluff! 

I know this is really short, I might make a longer, more...explict one some other time. 

But even though it was short I hope you liked it! ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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Blue82 #1
Chapter 1: I'd really love to see this longer. It has so much potential.
Chapter 1: make longer and more istg youre one of the best neo author ;;
a-topp #3
Chapter 1: Yesss i like it. So cuteeee
Chapter 1: ㅋㅋㅋ

Only Hakyeon who can made Taekwoon blushing and smiling syhyly~
Chapter 1: hahahaha I really love it when n tease leo its just crack me up so cute and fluff ^^
jasminemaki #6
Chapter 1: Cute! Hope you make more!
Chapter 1: Cutie cutie couple^^
Sooo sweet dear
Wish a sequel^^
But thanks
Chapter 1: Ah, this is really cute. A sequel would be nice! Hahaha. :3