
( n ) the process of being reincarnated or born again.
G3 + G4
1) subscribing is mandatory, upvote when you can. 2) biased replies aren't favoured, neither is chasin' your bias' . 3) keep drama to a limit. 4) being flirtatious ain't a sin, but there's a borderline to everything. 5) in pm. 6) love is genderless. 7) 24 hours of reservation.  feel free to ask if more time is needed. 8) don't you dare leave without a word, inform us. we won't handcuff you. maybe, junhyung would.   9) let's bring back the kind of roleplay where we all become a family.  
10) whatever application format is fine. 11) we'll welcome you nonchalantly, not the firm '24hrs' . 12) refrain yourself from deleting your comment, it's a headache for us. 13) talk to everyone, even if they speak with emoticons and all; we were once like that. 14) stick to cultivating your idol's lifestyle, don't get way too involved with ooc. 15) don't lock your walls. 16) inactivity of 48 hours is sayonara because before joining here, make sure you'll be active. do some oath . 17) alternative name is 'rebirth', include your idol's name if in a different language. 18) password is the color of your mom's chest hair. 19) that's it! 


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f(x)' sulli pls?

( + ) i dyed it to emerald green just now.
acquiescent #2
exo's kyungsoo?
if krystal doesn't come can i be her?
if she does give me sulli please.
/ rainbow (--:
kai was reserved for me.

may i be amber of fx?

+ clearly, it's green.
reserving exo's chanyeol and luhan for a friend?

senpaidesu #7
Chapter 1: may i be snsd's taeyeon?

: pink.
coercion #8
Chapter 1: reserving snsd's yoona?
and kai for a friend?

n o ??? transparent ##
haunting #9
reserving exo's sehun pls.

/ um white. ooo.
calcium #10
Chapter 1: may i reserve fx's krystal, please.
/ omg lol, uhm, blue?