
Not Forgetting



It has been a year after he left me, and since that, my life just between school, my room and cemetery. I don’t know until when I’ll be stay like this, but for now, this is my life now. And now I was with Sehun, he’s now was my fiancée.

“Babe, what are you thinking about? Always zooning out. Or do you have my replacement?”

“Hey! I’m not okay. I just thought about Jonghyun oppa. It has been a year now and thanks to you Sehun-ah. Thanks for giving me some time to really prepare myself. I know it’s a bit hard, but thanks to you oppa”, I replied and hugged him tightly.

I was with Jonghyun oppa, until his last breath. He keeps promising me, not to worry about him. Even though we all knows, he will never gonna be okay. But he still smiles and gives us his most warm smiles. Make us, especially me, being happy till his last moment.

“If you going to give up on me, I too am going to give up on me. I'll fight it. I'll fight it for you. Don't you worry about me? I'm okay. I'll find a way to hang around and annoy you for a long time.” 

His words will always in my mind. His love, his warmness and his care, will always be by my side. I will never forget about him. He’s my first love and how would we forget our first love. But, still thanks to Sehun, he understands me and gives me some space for Jonghyun oppa to still remain in my heart as my past.

“Jonghyun oppa, I have fulfil my promises towards you. I’ve found my happiness and now I’ve been engage with this Oh Sehun. Kamsahamnida oppa, because still give me some time to loved you. I’ll not forgetting you for the whole my entire life. I love you oppa…”

I and Sehun walked out from cemetery. Before we leave the cemetery, I take a glance on his grave and smiled. “Gomawo oppa”. We both get into his car and he drove us towards my home. Now, I love Oh Sehun, as much as I had love Lee Jonghyun before this. But he still remains in my heart, even though Sehun was my fiancée now.

“I’ll live happy ever after oppa. I promise you.”

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