a cruel twin


so , as you guys know ... im a girl and i have a twin boy .im 14 years old and my twin is older than me .. but we are in the same school . i call him sehun and he call me kim soo hyun . not a real twin , just a fake one ..
            we close since last month ... we are always play together , eat together and even gossip together .. i love him as my twin and my very close friend .. but i dont even know whether he loves me as a twin or not .. last time , he has many times to spend with me .. he has many stories to share with .. and has many jokes to tease me .. but nowadays , he keeps ignoring me and always busy with his work . im so sad about him ;( i want the old u twin ! T-T the one that are always tease me .. the one i always chatting with . the one who loves to hear my sad , happy , jealous stories .. i just want us to be like the first day we close ... so , i want u guys to suggest for me , should i ignore him or just be patient ? cause , in a relationship , we just need to trust each other  , royalty and honesty ... so , i hope he will be like the first day we met .. thanks :')




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Samminah #1
wow,so niceeeeeeeee!!!!!!!you should be a writer in the future....i will be ur loyal fan forever.....i know u like exo-l right?????i know everything about you.....hahahhaxD!!!!I WANT TO BE UR MAN WHOEVER IT IS WHETHER KIM SOO HYN OR SEHUN ...I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU
You're 14???
Me toooo
yulsic4eva #3
Yahhhhh!!! You suppose to do this on blog if its about yourself~ ishhh
History_Me #4
uuu...so sad..haha xD