Chapter 5

Off The Record

It was day four of on-stage rehearsals, and Minseok felt more exhausted than ever. That freaking sun was showing no signs of cooling down or going away, and the heat was getting to him. Minseok never realized before just how much his mood depended on how hot or cool he was.

“Chanyeol! Stop. That. ing. Jerk. Leg. Movement,” yelled Minseok, as he felt the heat becoming unbearable. He wanted to strip and dance on each member’s graves as each one of them had managed to piss him off one way or another.

He knew he was being extremely nit-picky due to the stress and his hormones, but he couldn’t help but yell when he noticed a member playing around and not taking the rehearsal seriously. He just wished for one perfect dance-through, was that so much to ask for?

“Hyung, you’re being really on edge today,” commented Sehun. “Give us all a break because we’re really trying our best here!”

“If that’s your best, then I’m surprised you guys still have fans left to buy your tickets,” spit back Minseok. He knew he had gone one mean comment too far when he saw the shocked and hurt looks on the member’s faces. “Look...I'm sorry, guys….I’m not feeling too good right now….”

Minseok glanced away, not wanting to look at them any longer because he felt ashamed for what he said. Being the eldest, he should be more supporting and looking after them well. But all he had managed to do was at them for the smallest mistakes.

Minseok sighed as he felt helpless, wanting to get away from the group. As he made his way to get off the stage, he felt the dizziness overtake him. He felt his knees go weak and the blackness begin to consume his vision as he heard the yells of the members calling out to him.

He finally gave into the darkness, fading into unconsciousness.


“Hyung? Hyung!”

“Minseok hyung!”

Minseok woke up to the calls of strange voices he couldn’t make out. He found it difficult to open his eyes, so he gathered all the strength he had left and pushed his eyelids outward. His vision felt a little blurry, but he was able to make out the faces of Sehun and Tao.

“Sehun,” whispered Minseok, “water.”

Sehun held a bottle to his brother’s mouth as Minseok drank from it.

“Hyung, how are you feeling? You fainted on the stage and hit your head pretty hard!” said Tao, hovering over him and checking for any more damage.

“Where are we?” asked Minseok, unfamiliar with the surrounding.

“At the ER. After you fell, you bled a little from the head and everyone kind of freaked out so we rushed you here,” answered Sehun.

“No, it’s not that serious. I’m fine guys, it was most likely a minor heat . We can’t skip rehearsals like this, we only have a week and a half left before the concer—” started Minseok, only to be interrupted by Luhan.

“Sehun and Tao, go fill out the paperwork for him and I’ll wait here for the doctor,” said Luhan, ushering the boys out of the door. He turned his attention to Minseok, who was doing anything but looking at Luhan.

Minseok had avoided Luhan as much he possibly could during the past few days. At rehearsals, he completely avoiding commenting or trying to fix Luhan’s movements. Afterwards, when they all would go out to eat together, he would avoid Luhan’s gaze and attempts to strike a conversation with him.

Minseok wished he could run out of the hospital room, but he couldn’t find the strength in his body to do so. He felt so weak and helpless.

“Hyung--,” was all Luhan could manage to say before the doctor came rushing in.

“So, Minseok-ssi, I have good news and bad news,” said the doctor.

“Bad news first please,” responded Luhan in place of Minseok.

“Well, you have a minor head concussion that will require you to get as much rest as possible. It will only take a few days to heal so refrain from any heavy activities,” said the doctor, moving on to the next piece of information. “Good news, your baby is perfectly safe. Luckily, you didn’t fall on your stomach, so your back and head took most of the impact!”

As the doctor left the room, Minseok immediately felt Luhan’s piercing gaze on him.

“You’re...pregna---” started Luhan, getting cut off by Sehun and Tao who had entered the room.

“Okay, you’re all discharged. Let’s go home,” said Sehun happily, being the oblivious kid he usually was and not comprehending the tense atmosphere.


Minseok lay in bed, completely numb from any emotions and thoughts save for one. You’re….pregnant?

Minseok’s heart picked up pace as he recalled the look on Luhan’s face. He knew Luhan had realized that the baby was his. How could he not? He was the only one he had been sleeping with.

He groaned as he thought of what to do next. What was he possibly going to say to Luhan? What was Luhan thinking right now?

He hadn’t received any calls or texts from the younger boy, and the curiosity was killing him. He needed to know what was going through Luhan’s mind, but the thought also made him scared.

The feelings he had for Luhan were not a simple crush or a one-time fling type of feelings, they were more deep rooted than he realized. Luhan made him feel like the most loved person in the world while also making him the most insecure, self-conscious person. How could someone have that sort of effect on another?

He knew Luhan had power over him. He almost hated himself for being under his spell, unable to break away and find his freedom. The grip was nonexistent, yet Minseok felt like it was the most powerful force in his life.


Minseok realized he wouldn’t have to go in to work for rehearsals for the next few days as he rested like the doctor told him to, and the thought was almost enough to make Minseok shed tears of relief.

The fact that he wouldn’t have to face Luhan or his questions was more than welcome. He knew he would have to face him at one point, but today was not that day.

Minseok knew his parents were coming in today, and he desperately wanted to meet them at the airport even if he was supposed to be resting. The doctor did say no activity, but he didn’t say rest in bed like a coma patient.

Minseok got dressed as Sehun called to let him know that he was going in for rehearsals.


“Minnie!!” exclaimed his mom as she bear hugged her son, who winced from the grip as he mumbled into her shoulder.

“Mom, not so hard please. My head still hurts,” said Minseok as he pulled away to give his dad a hug.

“Sorry baby, it’s just been so long since we saw you! You’ve put on a little weight, thank God,” laughed his mom as she planted tiny kisses on Minseok, who turned red from the affection, embarrassed from the stares he was getting. Luckily, no one had recognized him yet.

“Let’s get out of here before we get mobbed,” said Minseok as he caught the eye of a young group of girls who were staring at him in suspicion.

On the way home, his mother droned on and on about the new place they had moved into in America.

His parents had moved to the United States two years back, when his dad was promoted to the position of vice president of his company. He was relocated at the head branch in Houston, a city in the largest state of the country. His parents didn’t want to leave their sons behind, but Minseok’s career had just taken off when he was accepted as a choreographer into the entertainment company while at the same time Sehun had debuted with EXO.

So many things had happened at once, and Minseok had assured his parents that he would take care of himself and Sehun without any worries.

Although now, that promised had been broken by the existence of the child that was currently taking up rent in Minseok’s belly.

As they reached the apartment that Minseok and Sehun shared, his mother went straight into the kitchen to make them something to eat.

“Mom, you just got off of a fifteen hour flight. I can cook just as well as you now so please sit. I’ll make it,” said Minseok as he tried to push his mom out so she could rest.

“You’ve gotten so mature! When did my baby grow up?” chuckled his mom with a smile, as she planted a kiss on his forehead.

Minseok felt guilt leave his brain and make its way into his heart. Could a person die from heart break? Mom, I’m not a good son. Please, stop making me feel guiltier than I already am.


There was a week before the concert officially began, and Minseok was finally feeling strong enough to return to the rehearsals even though he was dreading the Luhan part of the whole situation.

He sighed as he said goodbye to his parents, making his way out the door. As he got in his car to drive to the arena, he almost wished he would get in an accident. Not a huge one, just a small fender bender so he could fake a whip lash and get the rest of the week off. Or month. Or year.

As he reached the arena, Minseok mentally prepared himself for any reaction that Luhan might show. He knew the boy was a hyper bubble of energy, and he would want to ask right away about what he had found out that day in the doctor’s room. Luhan wouldn’t ask him in front of the others, right? Of course he wouldn’t. He’s not that dumb.

Minseok made his way to the stage, heart pounding so fast he hoped no one else would hear it. He felt as if his heart would jump out any second and make a run for the highway, leaving Minseok to deal with whatever was about to happen.

But nothing happened.

As Minseok walked on the stage, he was welcomed by all of the members who rushed to ask him how he was doing and how he felt. He was welcomed by all of the members except for one.

Minseok, consumed by hugs and pats on the back from the members, felt his heart drop to his feet as he caught the sight of Luhan blatantly turning the opposite way and begin stretching for warm–ups.

Minseok felt a bout of nausea course through his body as stood there, waiting for Luhan to send him once glance.

But it never came.



a/n-: angst up in this !

errrm...sorry if my a bit ty. 

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I don't know what else to say except I'm shocked! My fic is featured...what? How did that happen?? Im still surprised but thank you guys so much!! Wow >.<


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Chapter 34: ahahahahahahahhaha. I can't help but laugh on Minseok and Sehun's antics! Urrrhhhh siblings!! Luhan is crazy!!! and the epilogue! gosh! this story is really cute!
eybeesea #2
Chapter 34: Fudge brownies!!! Every single chapter of this fic was interesting. I love how you wrote Minseok. How he's always thinking of decapitating the members, especially LuHan. I loved the initial angst. And the drama with Mr. Lu was uff! I can tell that you have a great sense of humor, based on this fic. Some of the dialogues, hilarious! I don't usually read mpreg but this fic changed my mind. Excellent job on this one.

I hope you don't mind, I have a question. How did LuHan find out Minseok was meeting with Mr. Lu? I'm really curious.
Chapter 34: The quips are really funny and those cliffhangers and the fluff, amazing story!
It's been like 10+ times i have been rereading this all over and over again and everytime I read it, it's still as amazing as the first time I read it!
Elahy95 #5
Chapter 34: Oh my? such a lovely fanfic. Last part of Xiumin get mad to Sehun for get Tao pregnant it's so hilarious??. I can't get over from that. I really enjoyed read this.❤
Chapter 28: Luhan’s -of-a-damn-father needs to fight me. I’m gonna kill that goddamn son-of-a-. He’s gonna fill the wrath of this EXO-L. (Brain: it’s a FF.) me: grr
Lovexiu16 #7
Chapter 34: I think you did well. I really enjoyed it, it's very halerious.
cassidyann34 #8
Guess who needs to feel better going to reread this
baozi007 #10
Chapter 34: Woo this fic is over cute. Love it.