
Before February
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Month 05 Day 09

"This is crucial!" Baekhyun burst out, sliding the classroom doors open with much force on a fine Wednesday morning. Everyone in the class almost jumped when they'd heard the boy shout, and questioned whether he was in a right mental state.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes before he buried his head in his arms. He was trying to hide from Baekhyun, but he knew it wouldn't work since they sat next to each other. After losing their second gang fight for the past month, he really didn't want to hear any of Baekhyun's proposals, because the reason for their two losses was because Baekhyun had just thrown them with random gangs that had members who ranged from their late twenties to late thirties. Although Kyungsoo felt uneasy when the boy had encouraged him that it would be a great oppurtunity for them to settle his debt, he still didn't trust it. 

But even if he rejected it, Baekhyun would pester him and the guys into it anyway, so there was no way out.

"Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo!" Oi, Park Chanyeol, hear me out!" Kyungsoo felt Baekhyun shaking him violently, probably doing the same to poor Chanyeol who couldn't get a wink of sleep last night because of his last minute assignments.

"What the hell is so important, Byun Baekhyun," He abruptly rose up from his sleeping position and gave the other boy a glare, "That you have to suddenly barge in the class to annoy the living hell out of the both of us?"

"I overheard something on my way to school," Baekhyun plopped down on his chair, inching closer to Kyungsoo and Chanyeol who'd appeared at their desks in less than a second.

"What? Apink won Show Champion?" Chanyeol widened his eyes in excitement, he was really anticipating what he'd said was true.

Baekhyun squinted his eyes and gave the giant his 'weirded-out' look as he shook his head, "Wha - No... It's something way more urgent! We need to stop this happening, or else they'll cause havoc in our school and we can face freaking expulsion."

"Apink is secretly a gang and they're out to get us?" 

Kyungsoo mentally facepalmed himself. He gave the giant a sharp glare, and he zipped his mouth upon making eye contact. Hopefully, he would stay that way for the remainder of Baekhyun's talk. 

"Who'll cause havoc? It's not like anyone's holding a grudge on us," Kyungsoo said, although he knew there were quite a number of people who hated them for taking their money. Well, maybe there are a few... but they wouldn't dream of terrorising the school just because of us, right?

"There were about six of them, huddled in a corner outside a shop when I was on my way to school," Baekhyun raked his slender fingers through his hair, "Ahh... and then they said something about wanting to sabotage us in the afternoon. I stood there for awhile, so I was lucky I could get some bits and pieces. They said something about their leader knowing you, but I've never seen them around these places before. I recognised their uniform though, they're from Yongsan All Boy's School close to us. I hear their gang beats people from other schools up if they catch them in their territory."

"They must've been kidding," Chanyeol reasoned, "There's no way they would do that. Yongsan is full of nerds, after all."

"Meh, I don't know, and I don't really care," Baekhyun shrugged as he rested his chin on his palm, "They can try to sabotage us, they'll lose anyway."

"Don't get too cocky, Baek." Chanyeol nudged the boy.

Kyungsoo sat still while his two friends started their daily childish banter. He stared at his piece of blank paper in front of him, pencil in hand. He scribbled the word 'Yongsan All Boy's School' on it. No matter how hard he was thinking, he couldn't find how it was all related to them at all.

Sighing, he crumpled his piece of paper into a ball and stuffed it in the depths of his desk.



Kyungsoo ruffled his hair as he exited the changing rooms after a tiring gym class. He was partnered up with Go Minjae again, and he had to stop himself from paying so much attention to her. 

As usual, he was always the last to finish changing because it was lunch and he could take his free time. The sun shined his eyes while he watched all the students of Yonsei walking, talking or fooling around from the windows of the building. He wondered where in the world Chanyeol and Baekhyun were since he hadn't seen them when they'd entered the changing room.

Must've abandoned me to get first dibs on cafeteria food again, He sighed, wondering why he was still friends with them.

He could've went up to the rooftop at the that time to maybe relax, but no - he had to hear someone calling his name at that moment. He turned his head to see Sunwoo, their class' quiet nerd, running up to him with what seemed to be... tears in his eyes?

He's calling me, right? Kyungsoo squinted his eyes and looked left and right to make sure he hadn't mistaken him for another Do Kyungsoo. Psh, as if there was another Do Kyungsoo in this school. He needed to stop hoping.

"Kyungsoo... Kyungsoo... I'm sorry... I didn't know..." Sunwoo kneeled down as soon as he was in front of Kyungsoo. The boy's hair was messed up and his uniform was wrinkled, he could see some visible dirt marks. Kyungsoo didn't know what to say, seeing Sunwoo's face filled with snot and his swollen eyes where his unstoppable tears were coming from was enough to leave him speechless.

"Why? What're you sorry for?" Kyungsoo stared down at the kneeling boy, the expression on his face was sombre while he continued to stare at Sunwoo, almost as if he was shooting lasers at him with those eyes of his.

"It's because of me... I d-d-didn't know, it was n-night time and I t-though no one was there... Now th-they're here and they're vandalising the school and it's all because of me..."

Kyungsoo didn't know what Sunwoo was talking about until he remembered the words Baekhyun'd said earlier, I recognised their uniform though, they're from Yongsan All Boy's School close to us. I hear they're gang beats people from other schools up if they catch them in their territory.

"Sunwoo, listen to me," Kyungsoo bent down and grabbed the boy's shoulders, "What did you do? Perhaps... did you... with those Yongsan boys..."

Sniffling, Sunwoo nodded, "I-I... accidentally went in their territory..."

And with that, Kyungsoo dashed off faster than lighting, figuring out the reason why Baekhyun and Chanyeol had disappeared.



There were swear words spray painted outside the school walls and the school gate had been viciously beat down until it was lying beaten on the ground. Kyungsoo widened his eyes as he watched six masked boys all wearing uniforms from Yongsan All Boy's School. He watched the six of them beat Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun down.

"Which one of you Yonsei bastards was the one who came into our territory?!" One boy shouted, and Kyungsoo couldn't see how he looked like since he was wearing a mask. 

These boys were crazy to do something like this to a school just because someone'd invaded their territory. It couldn't even be counted as theirs, it w

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18/9/15 - Sorry if I haven't been able to update guys, my tab just closed on me while I was writing a chapter, and it pissed me off- omg


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Chapter 41: Though im late this is one of my favorite story thank you so much
Chapter 41: Though im late this is one of my favorite story thank you so much
Chapter 6: Thanks much im so excited for the next chapters
Chapter 8: Seriously great! Why i just found this story just now :((
Inkyeongie69 #5
Nice !!
Chapter 35: and i love baeksoo friendship too
Chapter 32: chansoo T.T
Chapter 16: love kyungjae moment so much..
Chapter 15: just kiss her already !!!!!
Chapter 13: lol at the end