
Before February
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In this chapter, Baekhyun calls his dad 'old man', but his dad really isn't that old, since Baekhyun's in high school, maybe mid forties or so~


Month 03 Day 12

Kyungsoo was awakened by the blaring sunlight hitting his face. He squinted his eyes at the brightness, and shielded his eyes with his arm. He had no idea what time it was currently, but it seemed like they'd slept until school dismissal. He looked at his watch, just before the final bell rang.

But apart from that, there was something even bigger he noticed. On his shoulder, Minjae was resting peacefully, eyes closed with strands of her hair falling infront of her face. She resembled an angel while sleeping, Kyungsoo had to admit. was slightly open, and she nuzzled her face closer to his neck, causing him to hold his breath at the sudden action.

"Idiot, I skipped about three classes thanks to you." He glanced down at her sleeping face, trying his best not to make any fast movements, fearing that he would wake her up. He had never felt such at peace before with someone else, and to his surprise, he found himself staying in that position for longer than he planned.

A small smile slowly took over his lips that were originally pressed in a straight line as he stared at her, sleeping. It might've seemed weird for a guy like him to be doing something like this, but this moment for him now was blissful.

Minjae frowned when the sunlight shone on her eyes, and he reacted fast by shielding her away from the sunlight with his hand. He let out a relieved breath, calm that he hadn't woken her up from her slumber. He couldn't take his eyes off her when he started staring, it was hard to, and he just wished time would stop right here. 

This girl, lying on his shoulder, was really something to him.

He felt warm when he saw her, and eventhough he was often annoyed at her company, her suddenly not being by his side when s weren't around made him feel empty. It was as if something inside of him was missing. It'd probably become a daily routine for Minjae to involve herself in Kyungsoo's business ever since he enrolled here. 

"Maybe you're not such a bother after all, Go Minjae..." He leaned in closer to her, so that their faces were almost touching, and traced her lips with his thumb ever so gently. He could feel the tingles up his spine as his thumb slid over her soft, kissable lips.

Just when Kyungsoo was about to lean in even closer, to the point where he could place a short peck on her lips, he pulled back instantly. He shouldnt've been acting like this, it was forbidden, according to the rules the loan sharks had stated. This isn't love... I'm just feeling weird... You're not in love, Do Kyungsoo. He tried his best to convince himself by slapping himself a few times while constantly reminding himself he wasn't supposed to have any feelings for any girl, and it eventually worked after so much convincing.

But it wasn't fair at all. Why couldn't Kyungsoo fall in love? Just because those loan sharks had said so, it didn't mean he had to obey them. Was it a sin to fall in love? He was pretty sure it wasn't, but if those loan sharks were to find out, he would place Minjae and himself in danger.

As he settled back in his original position, his hand still shielding Minjae from the sunlight, the rooftop door slammed open.

"KYUNGSOO! BIG TROUBLE, WE NEED TO GET DOWN THERE ASAP!" A distraught Chanyeol appeared, drenched in sweat.

"Chanyeol?" Minjae rubbed her eyes, still in her drowsy state as she lifted her head off Kyungsoo's shoulder, not realising that she'd been sleeping on his shoulder the whole time.

"What is it? What do you mean?" Kyungsoo stood up, shooting a serious look at the giant.

"Well, to cut it short, Baekhyun's father heard about what he's been up to! For some reason, his father knows about what we've been up to, and he's in big trouble right now, and he's right at the entrance! So, that's why I'm telling you, we need to go down right NOW!"

No more explanations were needed, just entirely nothing. The three of them rushed downstairs, extremely anxious to see if Baekhyun was alright, and what was happening at the scene currently. 



They reached the school entrance with sweat trickling down their foreheads as they panted heavily. The three of them widened their eyes as they saw Baekhyun standing face to face with his father, who looked like an authorative man. He had the face of a strict discipline teacher's and he stood with his hands behind his back like a wise scholar. At first glance, they could tell this powerful man was going to be a problem.

"Why the hell do you care about what I do? It's my life, I do whatever I want, and you can't be there to control what I want to do, you old man!" Baekhyun burst out, face red with anger.

"And you dare to speak to me that way, Byun Baekhyun? I don't know what kind of nonsense you're blabbering about at this moment, but you are going to be the heir of Byun Co. Law Firm, you are going to become a lawyer no matter what!" His father retorted with the same tone of anger, the two of them were much alike.

"Then, you old man, let me tell you this," Baekhyun took a deep breath, "If you cared about me, you'd let me do what makes me happy. And this is what makes me happy, fighting with my friends by my side."

"Fighting, eh? I haven't heard that word from anyone ever since I gave your brother a good self relflection lesson, but in the end he's turned out to be a useless failure! Don't tell your father you're going to be like him, Byun Baekhyun. I didn't raise you like this, you little bastard! This path is going to lead you nowhere, you're just risking your life, and becoming the lowest of the low!"

Baekhyun remained silent, his eyes were downcast in an unreadable expression, until he faced his father again, "Hyung isn't a failure, he parties often at clubs, but he's really a smart guy! You were too blind to notice that, and you kept pressuring him get good grades... Now he's doing the things he enjoys, he's having the freedom. And, you never raised me. The people I remembered who raised me were the maids, butlers, no one else."

His father was speechless, but his furiousness was heating up, "Enough! I'm taking you out of this school, you will have a private tutor, and will prepare to study abroad in Europe! I'm not giving you the freedom until I find who influenced you, I'll teach that little idiot a lesson, not to mess with the Byun family! Get in the car, RIGHT NOW!"

Baekhyun objected, and struggled with all his mind from the bodyguards who were forcing him in the car. 

"What do we do? At this rate, we'll never be able to see Baekhyun again if we don't act fast!" Minjae panicked.

"I'll just say I was the one that influenced him and then maybe we can talk things out--" Chanyeol was about to step forward, but Kyungsoo stuck his arm out, holding him back from acting rashly.

"Guys, you have nothing to do with this. I was the one that dragged you all in this gang conflict, and I'm responsible if any one of you ever gets in trouble," He explained.

Kyungsoo had to do it, he was going to endure whatever consequences he was going to face from Baekhyun's father, and possibly Sehun's if he ever came across the old man. Like usual, Chanyeol and Minjae were trying to stop him, saying it was too dangerous and they could find a way together. But this time they couldn't, he wanted to find a way to deal with this by himself, because he didn't want any of them taking the blame.

"I'm going, don't try to stop me. All your reasons will now be void."

With a slightly nervous heart, Kyungsoo stepped out of the crowd, and he immediately stood out from everyone else. The scene between Baekhyun and his bodyguards ceased, as they stared at him, who had just intruded them.

"Who are you? How dare you interfer in our family business..." Baekhyun's father, or Mr. Byun, stared at him with annoyed eyes.

"It's me."

"What?" Mr. Byun replied rather harshly with his roaring voice.

"It's me, the one who influenced your son," He repeated it again, chanting to himself to show no signs of fear.

"Kyungsoo, are you crazy?! What're you getting yourself into?" Baekhyun stood stuck to his position, unable to move as his father walked closer to Kyungsoo.

"So, you are the one? You little idiot," Mr. Byun scoffed, stil mantaining his stern voice, "You should know better than to mess with us Byuns, we're lawyers after all! Have you never been educated in your whole life, is making trouble the only thing you're good at?! It must've been a curse for my son to meet you!"

Instead of shooting words at the elder male, Kyungsoo decided to remain silent, and he would let Baekhyun's father's actions decide how he was going to pay the price for his 'evil doings'. 

"It's either you transfer yourself to another school, or I myself will give my son a private tutor, and he will never step foot near you again," Mr. Byun said.

"I..." Kyungsoo's lips trembled, he didn't like any of the two choices at all, couldn't there be another way he could stop this? He would even agree to some torture if that was what the privileged man wanted, and if that was what it would take for him to stop pestering Baekhyun.

"Don't choose any of them! Think about what will happen, Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun yelled, there was no joke in his voice, "You're letting that old man humiliate you, and that's what you hate the most!"

Kyungsoo ignored Baekhyun's words, because it was true, he hated facing humiliation. He hated when the boys back at the North tripped him over on often occasions, he hated when they

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18/9/15 - Sorry if I haven't been able to update guys, my tab just closed on me while I was writing a chapter, and it pissed me off- omg


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Chapter 41: Though im late this is one of my favorite story thank you so much
Chapter 41: Though im late this is one of my favorite story thank you so much
Chapter 6: Thanks much im so excited for the next chapters
Chapter 8: Seriously great! Why i just found this story just now :((
Inkyeongie69 #5
Nice !!
Chapter 35: and i love baeksoo friendship too
Chapter 32: chansoo T.T
Chapter 16: love kyungjae moment so much..
Chapter 15: just kiss her already !!!!!
Chapter 13: lol at the end