


It would be rude to wish Sojin apart from her husband, but Minah couldn’t help but think like that. She often wondered if Sojin was ever even hers to start with. It didn’t matter though. Minah still felt like Sojin was stolen away from her, even if Sojin was never even hers.


For her 25th birthday, Minah didn’t want a party, but of course, her parents had to throw one. The ‘party’ was practically only Minah’s family and Sojin’s with the addition of a few uncles and aunts.


And since Sojin was married, her ‘family’ would also include her husband, whom it was obvious she loved very much.


Minah had wished and wished on every star, every time the clock hit 11:11, every time she threw a coin into the water, that her feelings for Sojin would go away.


They didn’t.


“I’m gonna go get a drink.” Minah excused herself from the little circle of people surrounding her. She didn’t want this party, not at all. Especially not when she could clearly see Sojin and her husband being lovey dovey.


Entering the kitchen, she found that it was empty of any other person, thankfully. She heaved a breath and went to get a glass of water. Minah leaned on the counter and took small sips, wondering when she should go back to the main room.


Just then, Sojin entered.


Now would be a good time to return.


As Minah began to walk towards the living room, Sojin happened to speak.


“I didn’t get to say happy birthday to you personally so,” Sojin started off as Minah nearly passed by her. Minah paused in her tracks and looked at Sojin in the eyes, “Happy birthday.” She smiled to the younger girl.


“Ah, thank you.” Minah bowed her head. Sojin showed a confused face, “Why so formal?”


It was a question Minah didn’t know how to answer, so she laughed it off, “Sorry.” Minah felt her face warming up, “And happy early birthday to you, incase I don’t see you on your birthday.”


“Thank you,” Sojin smiled before showing a pained face playfully, “I’m turning too old.”


Minah couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face, “You’re not that old.”


Sojin widened her eyes, “Are you kidding? I’m nearly halfway!”


A light chuckle escaped Minah’s lips, “Well you don’t look old. And besides, you’re only turning 32”


“See? Even you admit that I’m old.”


“What? I never said that!” They bickered back and forth for a bit before the two began to laugh.


Minah felt happy, a warm feeling spreading throughout her body. Her eyes were gone as she smiled widely, hearing Sojin’s clapping of amusement.


As soon as everything died down, Minah felt her heart beating rapidly, a sign that she still very much had feelings for Sojin.


The happy feeling quickly left as she remembered Sojin was now married. It suddenly felt as if a weight was pinning down Minah’s heart.


Sojin noticed the sudden change of atmosphere but before she could talk to Minah about it, the girl had escaped back to the main room.


“Bye, have a nice night.” Minah bowed to her guests that were slowly leaving one by one. The last guests to leave were Sojin’s family.


“I expect to see you all at Sojin’s party soon.” Mrs. Park smiled. Minah could already feel her mood plummet.


“Yeah. We will.” Minah’s father answered because Minah did not.


Minah turned her head, looking away from Sojin and her family, desperately trying to think of something to use as an excuse of not going.


The parents all said goodbye to each other before Minah’s mother began to walk to her room with her father, “You close up and lock up, Minah, your father and I are very tired so we will head to bed first.”


Minah said bye to the Park family as the each left the house. Minah heard Sojin tell her husband to leave first so she could be alone with Minah.


Sojin looked at Minah, waiting for the girl to look back at her, but she didn’t.




The girl still didn’t look at her.


Sojin sighed before surprising Minah with a tight hug, “I’m sorry for ever hurting you. You don’t have to go to my party.”


Minah could smell the scent of cologne from Sojin’s husband on Sojin.


Hurt, Minah placed her hand on Sojin’s waist and lightly pushed the girl away, “I wasn’t planning on going.”


Though Sojin expected it, it still stung nonetheless.


“Right… Of course you didn’t...” She trailed off before turning and heading out the door. Minah frowned deeply and closed the door before escaping to her room.


She laid on her bed and closed her eyes, she really needed to get over Sojin.


They were grown ups now. Sojin will soon have children and Minah can’t be jealous. No way.


“Are you sick, Minah?”


Minah didn’t answer.


Her mother placed a hand on her forehead and gasped, “Honey, you’re burning up! You can’t possibly go to the party.”


Minah’s never been happier to be sick in her life.


“I think I’ll stay home with you.”


Minah shook her head, “You can go. I can take care of myself.”


“Are you sure?”


The girl nodded. Her mother sighed, “Alright. Call me if you need anything, I’m right next door.” She said before kissing her daughter’s forehead, “Sojin won’t be happy to hear this.” she mumbled, leaving Minah’s bedroom.


Minah threw the blankets off of herself, feeling a sudden rush of heat. She laid on her bed, feeling dizzy.


It wasn’t long after Minah’s parents left the house that Sojin had come over to visit. At first, Sojin was angry at the news, she had thought Minah faked it. But after seeing the pale girl on the bed, all her anger slipped away.


“You really are sick.” Sojin muttered, sitting on the bed side, placing a hand on Minah’s forehead before pulling away, “You’re so hot!” She exclaimed.


“Thanks.” Minah croaked.


“That’s not funny.” Sojin chided although she was smiling.


Minah groaned, tossing and turning on her bed, “I don’t feel good.”


Sojin placed a hand on Minah’s arm, “Stop moving. That won’t help.”


“Why are you here?” Minah asked weakly.


“I came to see you.”


“Shouldn’t you be at your party with your husband or something?” The sick girl slurred, eyes closed tightly. Sojin frowned and stood from the bed, leaving the bedroom. Minah relaxed a bit at the thought of Sojin leaving her house.


Not a minute later, Sojin came back into Minah’s bedroom with a wet cloth, a glass of water, and some pills.


“Sit up.” She ordered. Minah’s eyes opened in surprise, “What the hell? I thought you left.”


“No, I didn’t.” Sojin replied, “I’m gonna take care of you.”


“I don’t need you to take care of me.” Minah grumbled, “Why don’t you go take care of your husband?”


“Because he’s already a doctor and he doesn’t need my help.” Sojin retorted, “Now, sit. Up.”


Minah quietly sat up, ignoring the stinging pain in her eyes. Sojin’s husband was a good person. He was the ideal son-in-law. Handsome, kind, a doctor. And what the hell was Minah?


A not-so-good person, an average girl, mean, a failure.


“Are you crying?”


“I’m sick and I feel like . Do not talk to me.”


“You’re even meaner when you’re sick.”


“I’m a mean person.”


Ignoring the girl’s statement, Sojin placed the pills into Minah’s hand, “Take those.”


Minah popped the pills into and attempted to take the glass of water from Sojin, only to nearly drop it. Sojin rolled her eyes and brought the glass up to Minah’s lips, “Here, drink.”


Sojin watched Minah drink the water before she set the glass aside.


Minah spoke before Sojin could, “You can go back to your party now.”


“So eager to get rid of me, eh?”


“Yeah.” Minah replied truthfully. Sojin bit her lip, taking the wet cloth and gently placing it on Minah’s forehead.


“Feel better, alright, Minah?”


“Yeah. Go and have fun with your husb--” Minah bit back the word, “I meant go and have fun with your party.”


“I thought you had gotten over me.”


Minah took the cloth on her forehead and threw it aside. She pulled the blankets up and turned away, her back facing towards Sojin.


“Go away.”


Sojin began to talk again, “I thought you would have gotten over me after you had gone to college.” She took a shaky breath, “That’s why I began to date.”


Minah quickly turned around and saw just as Sojin’s figure leave the door.


She needed to talk to Sojin.


She had gotten better over a couple days and as soon as she did, she left the house to go to Sojin’s. Her fist knocked on the door rapidly before Sojin’s younger brother opened the door.


“Oh, Minah.”


“Hello, is Sojin home?” Minah asked, a hint of desperation in her tone.


“No. She left this morning.”




“You didn’t hear?”


“Hear what? I wasn’t here at her party.”


“She announced she was moving away.”


Minah’s breath hitched and she widened her eyes, “What?”


“Yeah, the pickup truck came today, they’ve already left.”


“Do you know the address of where she’s moved to?”


“No clue. All I know is it’s a large house uptown.”


Minah cursed under her breath, “Alright, thanks, buddy. I’ll see you later.”


“Bye, Minah.”


The girl rushed home and into her room where she grabbed her phone and immediately dialled the number she had always had put as her #1 speed dial.




“Sojin, where are you right now?” Minah tried to keep her voice steady despite the hurt building up in her chest. Why hadn’t Sojin mentioned anything about her moving?


“I’m.. I’m at home.”


Minah almost scoffed, “Home.” She raised an eyebrow and laid back in bed, closing her eyes.


It was silent and all Minah could hear was Sojin’s steady breathing. She thought about what to say, but she didn’t know what to say. She had already lost Sojin to that too good of a doctor guy, what more was needed to be said?


“Alright then.” Minah sighed, clutching her handphone, “Bye, Sojin.”




Minah didn’t hang up yet. It was clear Sojin had said that word without thinking.


“If there’s nothing you’re going to say then--”


“I’m sorry.”


A deep exhale came from the other line, “If I hadn’t assumed that you would have gotten over me while you were at college then none of this would have happened.” Sojin sighed, “And we might still be together, even if we weren’t exactly ‘together’ to begin with.”


Minah bit down on her lip, “I still love you.”


“Minah, let’s not make things harder than it already is. I’m with him now.”


All the younger girl wanted was to hear Sojin say it back.


“Right.” The disappointment was evident in her voice, the sadness clear, “Bye, Sojin.” And before Sojin could respond Minah ended the call and buried her tear stained face into the pillow.


“Congratulations.” Minah forced a smile and handed the small wrapped box to the man in the tux who was smiling happily.


“Thank you so much, Minah.” His smile was so genuine it hurt.


Minah nodded, “It was about time for Sojin to start a family. I’m happy for you two.” She paused, “Well, now it’s you three.”


He chuckled and pulled Minah in for a hug, “I’m glad Sojin has a friend like you, Minah.”


Minah tried her best not to show her true emotions as she nodded and laughed, “Right.”


The guests were all in the main hall. Minah had followed Sojin to the back room for some privacy.


“Hey.” Minah called out gently. Sojin turned around, surprised, “Oh, Minah.”


“I just wanted to personally say congratulations for the.. baby.”


Sojin couldn’t meet Minah’s eyes, “Thank you.”


Minah couldn’t feel more embarrassed, “You don’t have to act so awkward around me anymore, Sojin.” She faked a laugh, “I was young and naive before. I’m dating someone now.”


“You are?” Sojin asked in surprise. Minah tightened her jaw and nodded, “Yeah, I am. Her name’s Yura.”






“Oh.. That’s..” Sojin stopped for a moment, “That’s great! Congratulations, Minah.”


“It’s nothing big, we just started a couple months ago.”


“Months? Wow, and I’m only finding out about it now?”


Minah laughed weakly, “I didn’t feel the need to tell you with you and your baby and husband and all.”


The younger girl coughed and blinked her eyes rapidly, “I have to get going now anyways. I have to pick Yura up from her university.”


“She’s a student?”


“She’s in her last year.” Minah nodded, looking up and meeting Sojin’s eyes, “I’m happy for you, Sojin.”


It was all Sojin needed to hear to tear up, “Minah.”


“I’ll get going now.” Minah pressed her lips together, trying to hide the fact that she was close to tears too.


As Minah parked her car at the university, waiting for Yura, she pulled out her phone and clicked on Sojin’s contact. Composing a new message, she quickly typed in, “0/4.”


“Zero years out of four that I had gotten over you.” She mumbled.


The passenger door suddenly opened and Minah was greeted by a happy voice, “Hey! You were actually on time!” Yura smiled widely, sliding into the car seat.


Minah quickly hit the send button before looking over and seeing Yura’s radiant smile. The sight of Yura’s smile couldn’t help but make Minah smile as well. She slipped her phone back into her pocket.


“Yeah, sorry about last time.”


“No problem, so what’s the plan tonight?”


“How about a movie night? Snacks and all?”


“Sounds good. Let’s watch a horror movie.”


Minah smiled genuinely as she peeled out the parking lot and drove home, a bitter-sweet feeling filling her chest.

2,314 eep

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sooyeonjung #1
More SoMin pleeease
more girl's day fanfics juseyo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Chapter 2: The feels. ;-;. Great story!
Chapter 2: why you're so great? this is great. everything is perfect exept for un-happy ending. (For Sojin and Minah) aish!! perfect!! Supercaulifragelisticexpialidocious
Chillbear #5
Chapter 1: i could be scratching wall right now but too bad i cut my nails few days ago
this fic is killing me inside the feels is too much T^T
Chapter 1: I ship hyerixminah.
But omg
How much do u want me to cry.
Like my pillow is wet.
Like wet wet- rainy wet .-. D:
iamout #7
Chapter 2: I'm actually surprised that this has a sequel ;; Nevertheless, the expectations I had is up to it too ovo
Hoping JinRa won't be too sad of a ship too. There's still some left-over SoMin...as expected...unfortunately
...and the angst comes back again to bite me ;;
NateRiver777 #8
I really really love this fic! Pls make more of Girl's Day fanfics, and I don't mind if it's angsty stuff XD