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悪魔の所業アカデミー || 극악 무도 아카데미 (Deviltry Academy) {Register now, future awaits you}

Legendary Master Chaos Mage || Brokenshire Alchemy

Full Name: Brokenshire Alchemy

Nicknames: Master Alchemy, Chemy, Almy

Age: 15 years old

Birthdate: October 3

Birthplace: United Kingdom

Class: {Legendary Master} Chaos Mage


Personality: Chemy was a lonely child, left by her mother and father. It was because of his brother, the Black Knight... Her brother couldn't hurt her even with a slap. He was a caring brother for her until the darkness underestimated himself. She began to be lonely....

Training Years: Her training years are uncountable... About 15 years since she was born...

Training Story: Her brother trained her well. Her brother was evil even when he wasn't underestimated by darkness... He taught her DARK MAGIC. The Chaos Mage can do these. Even other types of magic, she can.

Family Background: Her family died because of her bigger brother... He killed his family because of being humiliated...

Family Members: Mom (Dead) Dad (Dead) Brother (Black Knight) Sisters (None) Cousin (Author's character *OTHER* authors)


Relationship Status: Single

Relationship With?:  None (But many likes her)


Likes: Magic, Prophecies, future seeing

Dislikes: evil, monsters, slapping her

Hobbies: Practicing Music Magic with violin, doing magic fighting for goodness


Legendary Master Manipulator || Suzuki Rin (RainieBomiGfKm)




Full Name: Suzuki Sui Rin

Nicknames: Rin, Suzurin

Age: 15 years old

Birthdate: July 17

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Class: {Legendary Master} Master Manipulator


Personality: Rin was born in Korea and there was were she knew how to dance/sing/rap and more. She loves doing that. Despite seeing her girly appearance, her attitude is the actual opposite. She's boyish and a swag and angsty girl. She can fight without her magic cause she learned Taekwondo in Korea but she prefers using her powers. She loves to eat candies, cookies and many more sweets. She has a big brother named Suzuki Jin. He is a very overprotective and cool big brother to Rin. he is also very Techie, he even taught Rin how to hack through systems to catch bad guys and fix laptops and tracking systeams and many more.

Training Years: 9 years plus her big brothers' Techie lessons

Training Story: Their Dad trained Rin right away after he trained Jin. He said that time should not be wasted and in a small span of time, you can learn many things. So he trained Rin and knew that her powers was manipulating. Her Dad taught her everything there is about manipulating. Rin can manipulate reality itself. She activates it by dancing a specific song (dance break of Boyfriend's You and I).Then you know its activated if you saw light shining on her hands. She just say whatever she wants to happen and in a blink of eye it's finished/ Rin can amnipulate anything. She uses either her mind or hands in manipulating. From things to people. Most importantly, she can manipulate the time. For example, a girl was about to be bumped by a car. Before it happes, rin danced and immediately stopped the time then she moved the girl and pushed her back. She resumed time and so the accident didn't happen. Rin is also Invulnerable, meaning she can't be harmed or Rin is immune to physical damage.

Family Background: Suzuki family lived in Seoul for 6 years and came back to Japan. They are a wealthy family but warm-hearted people. They never forget to pray and not just praying when needed only. Her Dad is a Master of Magic, he cannot do all of it but he teaches it all to his children or special people who has powers. His powers are Superhuman Speed and Strenght. Her mom's powers are telepathy and can track people by her mind.

Family Members: Suzuki Tomohisa (Dad), Suzuki Nazumi (Mom), Suzuki Jin (big brother, Black Knight's enemy)


Relationship Status: In a Relationship with a human

Relationship With?: Jo Kwangmin


Likes: Cherry Blossoms, Clean Rivers, Peaceful and beautiful places, Sweets, Kpop, Gloves, Fashion

Dislikes: Evil, Black Knight, Heat, Blood, Annoying People

Hobbies: Singing/Dancing/Rapping, Playin Piano and Guitar, Riding her motorcycle or private jet (Rin got that hobbie from her big brother), Sitting near rivers, Baking, Shopping



Master Elementalist || Chicoi Mochali

AFF Username: iSweetHeart

AFF Profile:


Full Name: Chicoi Mochali (pronounced 'Chick-oh-ee Moe-cal-ee' ^^)

Nicknames: Mocha(because she loves mocha lattes) or Cici(because most people can't pronounce her name)

Age: 15(international), 16(Korean)

Birthdate: March 28, 1996

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Class: Elementalist, Illusionist, or Priest  ^^


Personality: Mochali is a very sweet and shy girl. She is VERY shy around new people, but not afraid to try to be friends with them. She can be very childish sometimes, but she can behave when she needs to. If she doesn't get something her way, she won't complain, but she won't be happy. She is always first to compliment someone, even if nobody else will. Even if you have flaws, Mochali finds something to compliment you on.

You can never lie to Mochali. She knows whether you're telling the truth or not AND can tell if you're upset. Mochali loves all human races. She believes that everyone should join together one day and be happy. She loves all elements of the world. Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.

Training Years: 3

Training Story: When Mochali found out she had this power, she was freaked out at first. She tried her best to keep it from happening because it would just happen suddenly until she got a hold of it. Once she did, she got a feeling she wasn't brought to this world to be human, she was brought to save lives.

Once Mochali got a hold on her powers, she actually enjoyed being able to control elements(elementalist)/being able to hold magic that others can't(illusionist)/ being able to bless people(priest). But she would always be mad when something went wrong.

Family Background: Mochali's dad didn't really say much. It's not that he couldn't talk, he was just always 'busy'. So Mochali and her father didn't really have a relationship. Mochali's Mom was always a hard working person....working from 4am to 7pm to keep extra money around. Her mom always made time for Mochali though, and they would laugh and sing and dance. Having fun with her mom always made Mochali happy, and she will always respect her mother.

Family Members: Mom/ Chicoi Suuki/ 37 , Dad/ Chicoi Leeku/ died at 34


Relationship Status: Single/ never had a boyfriend.

Relationship With?: N/A (but some boys liked her)


Likes: Mocha lattes, ice cream, snow, the sun

Dislikes: The dark, thunderstorms, awkward moments, flavored water, stains, mean people

Hobbies: playing piano, practicing magic with her angelic singing voice

Back-up Ulzzang's name: Shin Yeong



Master Illusionist || Im Zedong

AFF Username: donzzy_sone_Ann

AFF Profile:


Full Name: Im Zedong

Nicknames: Zen

Age: 18

Birthdate: July 13, 1993



1. Illusionists

2. Priests

3. Ranger


I'm a man that gets nervous most of the time. Call me coward but never ever call me weak. I'm not weak and will never be. You don't know what I can do. You know what people say? I may be silent most of the times, but when I get mad, people start to run away from me. But I'm kind. I just don't like evil stuffs or anything related to Evil. I'm a patient guy. Actually, I have a weird personality.. So call me bipolar.

Training Years: 2 years

Training Story: I got the hardest time of my lifetime. It was hard, especially with my personality. Structors would always scold me for failing all their tests. And when they really need to see my true self, they would make me remember about my dead sister, so that I would be mad and I'll be on rampage. >:(

Family Background: My family used to be a very extravagant one. But being in an extravagant family comes with danger. My dad was involved in a Casino fight. His playmate accused him of cheating but my father declined. The next day, our house were ambushed. My parents were able to survive, except for my younger sister, Tia. It's because of my cowardness that she died. I failed to rescue her. 

All our belongings were destroyed and even all our money were taken. His playmate told him that its the payment for the money he cheated for. Now~ My parents is living in a bungalow type of house. Finally, they learned how to live a normal life. My father, working as a manager of a 5 star hotel while my mom is a housewife. While my older sister, Im Nana (After School), is currently a teacher at Deviltry Academy.

Family Members:

Im Yoora - MOM - 49 years old

Im Joro - Father - 50 years old

Im Nana - Sister - 22 years old

Im Tia (Chocolat) - Sister - 14 years old


Relationship Status: Single

Relationship With?: (Near future) Chocolat's Julianne



-Ice cream



-Mind games


-Classical music

-Tight Jeans

-V-cut shirts

-Spiked bracelets

-Leather jackets



-being called weak

-being reminded of her sister's death

-too much bright light

-strangers looking at him


-being cheated on




-practicing on my powers


Park Jiho


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Hi!!<br />
I just applied here is the link!<br /><;br />
I don't no why it all runs together like that. Molla!<br />
But please read it anyway!<br />
I hope you'll accept it!<br />
cherryblossom- #2
Still loving it! ^^
tobiwan #3
I'll be applying after school okay? I want to be a manipulator ^^
WOOH~~~ LOL at the gif~ XDD<br />
It's getting nice so far~ ^^ Update soon` ^^
cherryblossom- #5
Ah~ I like it so far! ^^
RainieBomiGFKm #6
are they like... nemesis now? O_O
Wah~~ Accepted immediately? Thanks~!! :D
I applied as Im Zedong~ ^^<br />
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