
The New Moon

You decided to go change your clothes. Although the uniform was very nice, it gets uncomfortable after a while. You took out your bun and let it unroll naturally, so it rest against your back.You chose to wear a simple t-shirt with a dinosaur on it (Baekhyun got it for you on your birthday) and some comfy cotton tracksuit bottoms. It was a relief, as your body was free to move. Just as you were about to head down for dinner, your mobile phone vibrated, causing it to move on your desk. You looked at the screen, it was a text from Baekhyun. 

Hey, Chany and I decided to have a MAHUUUSIVE party at his, and we are gunna bring all of our ultimate friends :D It'll be held this weekend from 7pm, so be there or be square xD P.S. Feel free to sleep around, it'll probably end late :P

You sniggered, and decided to reply after you ask your parents. They were normally okay with any party, but were unsure of having their daughter sleep over at a guy's house. However, you kept your hopes high, and headed downstairs for dinner.

You came down, and your mum and grandma were having an angry discussion, however the food did look very inviting. You sat down at your usual spot, across from mum, next to dad. "...You see? That's why I didn't want to move out here." your grandma stated.

"We had no choice. It was part of dad's promotion" she replied, looking down at the rice in her bowl. 

"People from Helyawne aren't supposed to leave Helyawne... We'll be punished for taking up residence this far away."

"You might be from Helyawne, mother, but we're not. I don't want to go back to the country and all its inconveniences. My heart belongs here." your mum said, sharply.

"Daughter... Gilraen will curse you if you talk like that... Both you and __________ are Exolaern women with Gilraen blood in your veins." grandma tried to reason.

"Then you should have stayed in Exolaern by yourself!" Your mum snapped back.

As they were bickering, you decided to form a conversation with your dad, who was taking refuge in the daily paper. "...Dad, dad?" you wimpered. "...Was grandma against us moving?"

Your dad lowered the newspaper, "...now you come to metion it, she was... She said that there was a curse for leaving Helyawne. They had a bit of an argument over it. I thought she had given in." He then folded the newspaper in half, realising that this is a question that does need explanation. "You know that deity your grandmother worships? Gilraen... I think? Apparently believers don't like living outside of Exolaern. And your grandmother is very devout..." Your dad stopped, when he realised that the volume of the argument was increasing. 

Your mother was still trying to convince grandmother that it is a whole load of codswallop. "Besides, there are lots of families who moved away from Exolaern, it wasn't just us. Are you saying they'll all be cursed?"

"YES!" you grandma shot back. "The curse is real... GILRAEN'S CURSE IS REAL...!!" She stood up and slammed her hands on the table, spiling a few bowls everywhere. Everyone in the house just stopped in complete and utter silence - you could here a pin drop. It stayed like that for a few minutes, when your dad got up, you decided to follow.

"It's all right, ___________. Your grandmother is just in shock because of the disaster in her home village... She might be homesick and want to go back to Exolaern for a while. But,well, she'll be back to her normal self soon enough."

"...yeah...you're right..." you said, smiling slightly, yet there was still sorrow in your eyes. "Hey dad? Can I go to Baekhyun's party on the Saturday? Megan is going too..."

"That should be fine, get your mind off all this... be careful though" Your dad smiled and laughed. You smiled too. "Off to bed now, _________, it's Friday tommorrow, so you still have school!"

"Okayyy dad, thank you though!" You smiled, but you still couldn't get the things from today's antics out of your head.

It's because he let Helyawne... Gilraen's curse will smite us too...

You walked past the dining room, and overheard grandma chanting again.




"My family won't believe me."

"They won't listen to me."


"Please calm your rage."


That's so stupid.

Please forgive us, Gilraen.

Please don't curse us, Gilraen,


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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 12: Update
kimyou210 #2
Chapter 8: Hello authornim!!! I love your story. Please update soon. :D HWAITING!!!!