P.E Win

The New Moon

"WAAAAAAAAH! I HATE ENDURANCE RUNS!" you complained as you started getting changed in the changing rooms. You pulled of the school uniform, which consisted of a white blouse  with a red ribbon around the collar, and dark blue pleated skirt, with a matching blue blazer with the school's crest on the pocket - Treleau Acadamy. You wore knee high socks with it, and black lace up shoes, you couldn't deal with pumps becuase they kept slipping off and also hurt your feet. You pulled on the sports kit, a white t-shirt with the school's crest on it, and a pair of rather short shorts in navy. You never understood why they gave you such short shorts, other than it kept you cool.

You headed out into the heat of the sun, unfortuantely for you, it was summer. You hated summer. No. You despised it. You found it very difficult to cope with the heat, and you found that it is easier to get warm in the winter than to get cool in the summer. The boys did the endurance run first, to see how many laps they could do in 15 minutes. One boy did catch your eye, who must have been as fast as lightning. He was at least ten metres infront of everyone, even lapping a few people. You could hear a few girls chant his name, Chen. You know you couldn't compare to the speed of that boy, but still, it was worth a try. Something about him was suprisingly attractive, whether it be his amazing cheekbones or his prankster attitude. You looked over the thought, knowing there was not a chance in hell you'll get a guy like him.

You weren't bad at P.E, you just hate having to be compared to other people to see how many laps you can do.  All the girls lined up on the starting line, and they sharp tin sound of the whistle began the run. Many girls decided to give up on the first lap, resorting to walking most of the time. You kept a steady pace, however the heat was very tiring. You and four other girls, including Megan, were left running. You heard Baekhyun chanting your name every time you went pass the starting line, which sent encourgement flowing, manging to push yourslef to the front of the small group. One minute was left, and the other two girls dropped out, and started walking. You and Megan decided to have a playful race when it got to 10 seconds - just to make it interesting. As soon as one of the P.E teacher's booming voice shouted "10 seconds left", you and Megan looked at eachother. You gave it your all, stride after stride, pushing yourself to the limit. You edged infront, and Megan knew she couldn't keep up. You managed to squeeze one more lap before the final second.

You fell to the floor, a panting, sweating mess on the grass. Megan lay there with you, "congratulations, pant, I knew you could do it!"

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Baekhyun threw himself at you once more, pulling you on to your feet.

"Thanks" you said wearily, and grabbed a bottle of water. You gulped small gulps of water, feeling the cool liquid slide down your throat. Your face lit up when you realised Chen came over to congratulate you. 

"That was pretty good, but you'll never be as good as me." Although his comment was witty, he smiled a genuine smile afterwards. You smiled back, finally getting some attention from other people. Maybe there is a match making God...

Everyone started heading back to the changing rooms, and you realised lunch was up next. You hurried to the changing room, when Baekhyun stopped you. "Hey, can you take all the stuff back to the P.E store room, I need to catch up to Chanyeol quickly..."

"But..." You started, but got inturupted by Baekhyun again

"Thank-you-so-much-I'll-make-it-up-to-you-bye!" and he sped off just like that, and smiled as he did so. It was obvious that Baekhyun just wanted to get to the front of lunch que, so you just sighed and grabbed the boxes of stop watches and the orange cones in your arms. You laughed to yourself, you can't question guys and there stomachs. 


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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 12: Update
kimyou210 #2
Chapter 8: Hello authornim!!! I love your story. Please update soon. :D HWAITING!!!!