
The New Moon

The walk towards your neighbourhood felt like it was taking forever, however you were certain that it only takes 15 minutes. It felt like every second was a minute, but it wasn't entirely displeasing. Tao was a nice guy, his first impression was quite menacing though. His sharp features were almost a cover for the caring guy underneath. Suddenly your memory jogged, a bell rang in your head, something somewhere in your mind realised that this maybe wasn't the first time meeting this guy. You tried filing through all your past memories in your head, but you couldn't mentally put your finger on it. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't recall it. Once again, your thought process was interupted: "__________?" Tao turned to you once you reached the road you lived on.

"YES!? Ah... sorry... I was in my own world..." You shook your head frantically, as if you were trying to shake away those thoughts.

"Haha... well... do you live near here?" he asked, still laughing at your sudden outburst. You noticed he had a cute laugh, and that he couldn't stop smiling at you. You just blushed.

"Y... yes..." you said as you turned to look up at him. It was very late now, and the moonlight poured from the sky, resting on Tao's face. The stars blinked in the darkness of the sky, a piece of light in eternal shadows. It was almost as if was from a movie. "It's on the street just around this corner... The house with the blue roof. That's where I..." Your words came to a sudden stop. You tried to move, even produce a sound, yet it was impossible. What you just saw sent you into a state of shock, unable to even produce emotion. Your eyes grew wide, and your jaw almost dropped to the flaw.


You circled yourself, making sure it wasn't your house. But it was. The one with the blue roof. Candles were melted on the path leading up to your front door, the wax dribbling down the cracks in the pavement, blood red. The flames the air around them. All around the house, the tree in your front garden, strung all over the fences, littered paper dolls, rustling in the wind. Unrecognisable words were stroon all over them, and every flat surface was covered in black ink, with weird markings, clearly spelling out the word 'Gilraen'. On closer inspection of a paper doll, was your name. You heard sniggering around you, you felt the sharp stares of people pierce your skin like icy daggers. Then you turned to Tao. You felt tears well up in the corners of your eyes.

"No... It's not what you think... This is...!" Tao just stared at the sight infront of him. "...Tao...?"

"Right... I'll see you at school..." And with that Tao turned and walked away from the scene. You felt the warm, salty tears slide down your cheeks, and you just ran inside of your home, before anyone aproached you.

You slammed the door behind you. Everything inside your house was normal, untouched, no charms nor weird scriptures were lying anywhere. Not even any of the things used to create it were lying around. You slummed on the sofa, still crying hysterically at what just happened. What'll I do...? Why did this...? Why is my house...? What if he tells...? Why!? You suddenly heard barking coming from another room in your house. You winced at the noise. "...A puppy...?" you muttered. "Grandma?" You called into the seemingly empty house. There was no reply, but the noise stopped. Maybe it is just the television...

We have confirmed several casualties in the confusion and panic during the evacuation after the Helyawne natural gas disaster that occured a few days ago. Futhermore, over the past few days, reports throughout the country have noted bizarre behaviour in people from Helyawne and the general region of Exolaern...

...Much of that behaviour has developed into crimes such as murder. Behind these incidents are the fanatical religious views of Helyawne village. Based on some kind of religious fervor, senior citizens who stubbornly insist that the disaster was caused by a curse...

...Oh, you mean THAT incident? The one where the guy from Helyawne killed eight innocent people? That isn't even funny! I want to tell them, "Don't drag us DECENT folks into it!"...

...If they're going to kill each other, they can just keep it between them and their relatives. That's the house of the Helyawne punk who killed eight people. This is all because they came here!

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 12: Update
kimyou210 #2
Chapter 8: Hello authornim!!! I love your story. Please update soon. :D HWAITING!!!!