A Confession

Tutor Boyfriend

Chapter 12 : A Confession

Kyungsoo made an entrance into the Byun mansion as the door was wide opened by a housekeeper, welcoming him with a warm smile. This morning, he was worried to death that Baekhyun did not enter the class after recess time. Fortunately, Mrs Jaekyung informed him that Baekhyun asked to leave early that he decided to look over Baekhyun at his house. He knew this was the time when the boy needed a shoulder to cry on the most. Baekhyun conquered a huge part of himself that whenever the other felt sad, he would feel the same way, so much like a twin. He frowned when he met Mrs Byun in front of the door of the said boy's room, knocking on it with worriness overwhelming her.



"Good afternoon, eomeonim" Kyungsoo greeted the older, approaching her.




"Kyungsoo.. what happened at school? Baekhyun has been locking himself in the room ever since he reached home. He haven't eat anything" She complained. Kyungsoo was like a son to her, since Baekhyun had been friends with the boy for years.




"I'll try to talk to him. Baek.. open up please. It's me, Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo stood in front of the door, taking his turn to knock on it while positioning his ears close to the door. Mrs Byun left to give them some personal space.




A while after, the door was slightly opened by the other. Kyungsoo wanted to cry and desperately felt the urge to kill a certain giant by looking at Baekhyun's miserable look. The magenta hair of his was disheveled, his moist eyes were puffy and reddened, not to mention the ruined eyeliner. He was still wearing their school uniform, but it was untidy unlike this morning. Half of the buttons were left undone plus the disordered necktie hanging on his neck. Kyungsoo followed the other into the room, surprised that it was still well-ordered because Kyungsoo was having wild thoughts that Baekhyun would smash everything in the room, just like the angry Hulk (the effect of watching movies too much).



"Are you okay? Pabo me, of course you're not. You don't need to answer that" Kyungsoo asked, concerned. He had to crowds of used tissues scattering on the bed before he could sit on it. 




"Kyungie.. was I that bad? That he hates me so much.." Baekhyun slowly asked, tears started to stream down the flushed cheek again. He had been crying, then stopped for a while, and then cried again ever since he reached home. He was not sure why must he cry so much for the guy, but he just did. Those merciless words hurts so much, like a knife stabbed hard onto his guiltless chest! 




"No, you're not! You're the best friend I've ever wished for. He's just too blind and stupid dumb- to see how precious you are" Kyungsoo pulled the boy into his warm and tight embrace, hand crawled on his back, rubbing it soothingly to calm him down. 




"But he said it.." Baekhyun murmured while bumping his face against Kyungsoo's shoulder, sniffing sound escaped from the plump lips of his.




"He'll regret it. Cry it all out, and promise me that you won't shed any single tear for that foolish guy anymore" 




"Don't call him that.. I'm the one who's stupid here" Baekhyun, defending Chanyeol. Feeling displeased to hear cursing words for the love of his life.




"Tch. Say it again and I'll smack you" Kyungsoo loosened the hug and gave an intimidate stare to the other.




"Okay. I won't.." Baekhyun shook a head in instant, soon enough stopped crying. 




"Listen here. Ignore what others think of you, because you're precious, Baekhyun" Kyungsoo showed a rectangular shaped smile, cupping on Baekhyun's face and wiped off his dried tears.




"I got it.. Ew, you're being cheesy" Baekhyun teased in croaky voice (out of crying too much), rolling down a tongue before pulling him into a hug again.




"Shut up while I'm being nice! Em.. Baek?" Kyungsoo muttered.




"What is it?"




"You're stinks! Now go and take a bath, skunk!" Kyungsoo pushed the other off of him with disgusted look on.




"Okay, friend of skunk" He mocked before heading to the bathroom, feeling his head weighing a ton. Kyungsoo never failed to make things better for him, that sometimes it came to his mind, Can he live without Kyungsoo?




"Park Chanyeol, you'll regret it.." Kyungsoo whispered.







~ ~ ~

The next morning, Chanyeol purposely used the longest path heading to his class in order to pass by Baekhyun's class. Yesterday, he dropped by the boy's house after school, in great hesitancy, but Mrs Byun said he was locking himself in the room for the whole day. Was it because of me? The gultiness was eating on his inner side that he could barely force himself to sleep that night. As the result, today he could not get himself to concentrate in the class. Which was something very rare to him. Reaching the class, the gultiness turned out even worse to see the empty desk of Baekhyun's. He doesn't come today? 



"What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo asked coldly, coming from behind. He was not that surprise to see the taller standing outside their class. 




"Where's Baekhyun?"




"Why do you care? I thought you hate seeing him so much. Now just go. I don't want to see your face" Kyungsoo scorned before walking passed the other to enter the class.




"Look. I swear I didn't mean it. Please tell me where is he. I want to talk to him and fix everything. I need your help.." Chanyeol lowered down his voice, pleading.




"How can I be sure that you won't hurt him again?" Kyungsoo turned to face him again, mentally judging himself for slowly falling for the appeal of the taller.




"I won't.. because I feel the same way for him" Chanyeol confessed. After being brainwashed by The Love Expertise, Oh Sehun, he could never deny his crystal clear feelings anymore. It hurts! 




"He'll be here in any minute. I'll forgive you this time, only because of Baek. Just so you know, I won't hesitate to break your face if you'd ever hurt him again" Kyungsoo warned the latter, gave up looking at the sincerity in Chanyeol's eyes. This is the best for Baekhyun, because if the other felt happy, he would feel twice happier. 




"Thanks. Baekhyun is lucky enough to have such a small yet brave friend like you" Chanyeol showed a charming smile, in which finally got Kyungsoo to understand why Baekhyun fell for the guy. That thousand dollars' worth smile.




"It's good that you know" Kyungsoo answered proudly.




Right at the moment, Baekhyun arrived there, greatly regretting for coming to school today. He refused to come at first, but his mother kept on nagging, insisting for him to go that he ended up there. He stopped on his tracks, looking at the taller. Shine in those eyes and the bewitching smile of Baekhyun's were all missing, replaced by a plain expression and soulless stare. Baekhyun could feel the wound in his heart, once again bleeding as to see Chanyeol. He turned around to enter the class without bothering the taller standing beside the door, as if Chanyeol was just a stranger there. Kyungsoo stood there, watching and waiting on either one of them to make a move.



"Baek.. I'm truly sorry about what I said. I've never meant it that way. Will you forgive me?" Chanyeol said slowly, while gripping on the wrist of the smaller, halting him. 




"Let me go" Baekhyun answered in flat voice of his, without turning to the taller. Arghhh. I'm not strong enough to face him! Baekhyun innerly screamed to his weakened heart.




"No. I need you to listen to me"




"I don't want to hear anything more" Baekhyun slightly turned before sweeping off Chanyeol's hand from his, but failed when the other tightened up the grip.




"I'm not giving up until you hear me!" Chanyeol insisted.




"I said I don't want to!!" Baekhyun yelled, roughly Chanyeol's hand.




"Baek.." Kyungsoo butted in, feeling sick himself for evidencing such a tense scene.




"I don't know anyone by the name Park Chanyeol anymore" Baekhyun harshly said it before once again proceeded to the door.




"Maybe this isn't the right time, or the best place, but.. I like you and I think I'm in love with you" Chanyeol finally admitted it, managed to stop Baekhyun from moving for a second.




"I'm sorry, but I don't like you" No, no! What did I just say?!!



Baekhyun said it before stepping into the class. He could not turn to look at the taller, into that round alluring eyes of his while saying it, because he knew he was lying. Lying to himself! He was too scared to get hurt again. Right at the time, the bell was rang, assigning the end of recess time, and the students were all rushing into their respective classes. Meanwhile the half dazed Chanyeol did not show any sign of leaving there. It felt.. hurts.



"I'm sorry, but you gotta try harder. That's Baekhyun. Once he started to move on, he won't turn back again" Kyungsoo said, giving a small smile to the taller before taking his leave. 




"You're lying, Baekhyun. I know you are!" Chanyeol whispered in aching heart.







~ ~ ~

Later on after school, Chanyeol requested for a basketball match (just for fun) with his fellow teammates, including Sehun. He needed to pull himself together again in order for him to handle his disorganized emotions. He only had a sleeveless shirt and a short pants on, teamed up with Sehun and another guy. The match ran all smooth for half an hour, just until at one point, his eyes caught Baekhyun with none other than Kyungsoo walking by the court, heading to the gate. He was unaware of the ball thrown by Sehun towards him, because of his distracted mind. As the result, it bumped right on his head that Chanyeol felt like the world around him was spinning. Ouch, where am I?



"Yah. Are you okay?" Sehun dashed towards him. 




"It hurts! Why did you throw it at me, idiot?" Chanyeol scowled, rubbing his aching head.




"Sorry. You pabo! You're supposed to catch it. Keep your mind on the game will you?" Sehun added while caressing on the taller's crown of head, showing a sign for a break to fellow teammates. Then flopped down on the ground with Chanyeol.




"I did.." Chanyeol defended himself.




"No, you're not. You were looking at somebody outside the court" Sehun shook a head to his emotinally sick friend.




"Sorry" He sighed.




"Did you apologize to him? Tell me, how was it?"




He sighed, again.




"He rejected you?" Sehun asked more, like a reporter he was.




Chanyeol slowly nodded.




"So.. are you giving up this fast? A rejection doesn't really mean he refused but, it means by try harder" Sehun added, resting an arm around the broad shoulder of the latter.




"You think so?"




"I know so.." 




I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough. 









ღ ღ ღ




Author's note:

I'm really sorry that I can't reply to every single comment but I really do appreciate such lovely words from all of you! ily all. /sobs/

When I said, it's going to end soon.. it's because I have to end it. School is starting in just a week more.

I don't think I can make it to update even once a week. I'm sorry.. I wish I can stay longer with this story. ;-;

But.. I'll see if maybe I can slowly make a sequel of this when I have times. Idk. (/-\) 




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Chapter 13: i'm reading this again in 2018~
bubblethea #2
Chapter 13: Soooooooo, i was wondering... Can you make a sequel? And explain what will happen to them esp to hunhan? Baekyeol is precious<3
bubblethea #3
Chapter 13: How come i just found and read this story? Its so adorable! My heart flutter because the way you write the story
Chapter 13: And I want to know further and Hunhan..So,maybe a sequel?
Plz author-nim
Chapter 13: So sweet,so fluffy....
emilia90 #6
Chapter 13: could u make sequel for hunhan please????
Exofanland #7
Chapter 13: This is the CUESTEST EVER!!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Sequel.....Sequel........Sequel......
Chapter 13: plsplsplsplspls hunhan sequel

come on, author-nim
I really love tutor boyfriend