Bonus Chappie

You Made Me Go Crazy

As Dongsung and Taeyang were walking back to the cafe hand in hand, Dongsung had his black jacket around Taeyang's waist because he didn't want any other guys to look at his girlfriend's .


Girlfriend, Boyfriend, that word totally made both of them blush like mad. Ever since the second kiss-wait no, French kiss- they made, they were beginning to feel like they were those cheesy couples who walk around hand in hand and saying sweet nothings to each other every now and then


When they walk past an alley, they heard strange noises. 


"J-Jiho, s-slowly. Th-the people, haa, outside m-might hear, umph, us. Ah. Haa. J-Jiho~"

"Sorry, Hyunho. Can't hold it. Just a little bit more." 


Dongsung and Taeyang looked at each other, shocked and quickly walked faster. Oh my god, such a weird thing to listen. Yeah right, Dongsung's gonna hear it again anyway. By Taeyang. In his own bedroom. On his bed. With Taeyang. . Oh my god, stop it! Crazy mind.


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RFBestfriend15 #1
Haha, the boys and their dirty mind :D i really love this fic! <3