Chapter 5

A Devil Beside You

The bathroom door burst open as Eunhae approached the stunned Yesun pointing into space.

"Yesun-ah, are you okay?" She asked in concern.

Yesun looked ather best friend then back at the 'Devil'. *Does she not see him?* "Uh...yeah I'm okay. Eunhae-ah, do you see anyone around here?" She asked to confirm.

", are you sure you are okay?" Eunhae felt her forehead. "Do you want me to call Dongwoo Oppa or Hyunseung Oppa?"

"No! I'm fine. I was just.....nevermind."She dragged Eunhae out of the bathroom. Before she left, she saw that he had disappeared. *Maybe I was just seeing things.*

"Soooo How was it with Woohyun??" Eunhae wiggled her eyebrows and nudged the blushing Yesun.

"We didn't talk much again." She frowned.

Eunhae facepalmed herself. "What?? I gave you the chance already."

"I know, but Ijust don't know what to say when I'm around him. He's just so perfect in everyway and all these girls are always after him while I'm just......average. It's just intimidating."

"But he likes you!"

Yesun perked up in joy. "Really??"

"Well, I'm just guessing. I mean he did care about you when you were at the hospital." Eunhae nudged her.

"He's just being a gentleman. If it was some other girl he would do the same."

Eunhae rolled her eyes. "Come on. Just have some confidence in yourself." Yesun bit her lip and went into her lecture hall where Dongwoo was waiting for her.


Yesun was preoccupied with jotting down an outline from her lecture when she felt a sudden chill go down her spine.

She turned to her right to see her cousin flirting with her best friend. "O-Oppa."

Dongwoo turned around to see a pale Yesun. "Yesun-ah, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Do you want to leave?" Eunhae asked worriedly.

Yesun shook her head. "I felt a draft come in and I just wanted to borrow your jacket."

"Oh, okay. You scared me." Dongwoo gave her his infamous eyesmile and took off his jacket for her. Yesun wrapped the jacket around herself as she continued to write down notes.

Another gust of wind blew pass her so she zipped up the jacket and shrivel against herself to keep warm. *The air conditioner is on too strong.*

She continued copying notes when she heard a whisper in her ear. Thinking it was dongwoo, she turned to look at him, but instead she saw Dongwoo and Eunhae kissing.

Her face turned red as a tomato as she ducked her head down, pretending she did not see anything.

"What a cute couple. I like your red cheeks." A deep voice said.

Yesun turned to the other side to see the 'Devil' sitting right next to her on a red lollipop. Startled, she knocked over he books and turned pale.

"W-Where....W-Who." She started to panic. Yesun did not have a very good feeling about this 'person' if he is one.

Nervous, Yesun gathered her belongings and left without telling Dongwoo.

She started to power walk, every now and then taking a glance behind her. to her relief, the so-called Devil was not stalking her. She sent Dongwoo a text calling it a day and headed home.


Yesun reached her doorstep and looked for her keys. She unlocked the door and went inside. The house was quiet and soundless so she assumed Hyunseung and her Beast Oppas went off to a 'mission'.

She sighed and headed to the kitchen. *I wish they would retire from being gangsters.*

Yesun stopped in her tracks when she saw a tall guy dressed in dark colors digging through her refrigerator. "W-Who are you?" She yelled and grabbed a broom.The guy turned around with a smirk.

Yesun dropped her weapon and pointed a finger at him. "D-Devil??"

He walked closer to her and took out his red lollipop.

"W-Why are you here??" She moved farther away from him.

"I'm here for you." He whispered seductively in her ear. Yesun couldn't take the shock and fainted right on the spot.

"Oppas! Don't leave me!!!" Yesun was running for her life towards her Oppas, but the more she ran, the further they were. She started to sob when their figures disappeared. *Don't leave me! I don't want to be alone!!*

She dropped to her knees and stared to cry harder, but a cold hand touched her shoulder giving her the goosebumps.  She looked up, hoping it was one ofher friends or family, but it wasn't. "W-Who are you?" She asked. She was suppose to fear this figure, but for some reason, she trusted him.

"Follow me." He whispered with his deep voice.

"Where are we going?" She asked. "Trust me."

Yesun willingly followed the blurry figure, holding his hand. Her heart fluttered with joy when she felt his manly hands colliding with her soft smooth skin. *Woohyun Oppa??*

Yesun's eyes flutter open as she abruptly sat up from her bed. *How did I get here? What was that dream about?*

"I carried you up here. You're heavy." the 'Devil' commented while flipping through Yesun's yearbook.

She frowned and snatched it back. "Yah! Devil I thought you said you were going to let me live?? Why are you being like this."

The 'Devil' waggled his finger and tisked at her. "You forgot the other part. You have to fulfill a duty first."

"Oh right." Yesun mumbled, barely audible.

"Oh and by the way, the'Devil' has a name too." He took out his lollipop and stuck out his hand. "Hoya." Relunctantly, she shook his cold hand.

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Chapter 23: yayy happy ending!! Good job author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿)
Chapter 16: I thought dongwoo is in the same class with yesun but how come he didn't notice hoya before? I mean the time when hoya was introduced to their class
Chapter 23: Aww i love this ahh reminds me of the movie mourning grave except thag it did not have a haply ending hahah
bine84 #4
Chapter 23: Cool story
great job!
EvelynEve #6
Chapter 23: cute and amazing story!
i love it author-nim! ^^
candyface #7
Chapter 23: loved it an amazing story line :) hoya is just too adorable.
nabi_devi #8
Chapter 23: awe this was so cute! love the plot!
Chapter 23: Omgosh amazing fic
I laughed my ___ off when hoya was Luke 'L? Death note?' XDD
I wish things like this really happened...or maybe they do /shot
Chapter 23: i have re read this for the 10th time and it still hasnt got old