First day of school (ii)


"Aww, my baby looks so cute in his unifrom." clasp both of her hand together, staring lovely at her son that stomping down on the stairs.

"Umma, stop with the 'baby'. I'm 17 years old now and soon to enter college." With a pout Sunggyu sit on chair, grabbing the toast on his right hand while his left hand reaching for the glass infront of him that filled with milk. He stared at the milk with disgust, he hates milk since he was a kid.

"Goodmorning Appa~" He chirps as he take a sip on his drink. Mr.Kim seems to be immerse in some article on the newspaper, accidently ignore his only son that actually make Sunggyu frowns.

" Don't treat coldly to my baby adeul!!" Mrs.Kim intrudes and pats her son's head, it actually help disappearing those frowning on Sunggyu's face. Mr.Kim sighs as he put down the newspaper and glance at his son that sitting across him.

"So gyu~aah, you already get your physical and mental ready for knowledge?"

That question makes Mrs.Kim smacks her husband's head. "What kind of question is that? Of course he is ready, right my baby?"Sunggyu just nod and munching back on his abandone toast.

"So you already have a girlfriend?"

That kind of sudden question makes Sunggyu chokes on his toast. Mr.Kim panickly reach a glass of water and give it to her son before he gulps down all of it.

" Do you want to kill our only son?" Mr.Kim earn another smack on his head, this time he promise he won't say anything.

Sunggyu who just get all his sense back, let out a heavy sighs. He at least feel relieve, he won't eat toast anymore. keep that on your mind Kim Sunggyu, the toast almost kill you.

 "Goodmorning Mr and Mrs.Kim!" A loud girl suddenly pop out nowhere.

"Yah! Kaeun, what are you doing here?" Sunggyu give a slightly failed glare at the intruder.

That kind of reaction make Mr.Kim chuckles at his son antics. How can anyone afraid of the small eye Sunggyu? That kind of thought make Mr.Kim burst in laughter and earn another smacks from his wife. He shut his mouth and pout slightly before reading the interesting article on the newspaper again.

"Adeul~aaah, don't treat guest like that. Kaeun my lovely Ttal, come here and have a breakfast with us." Mrs.Kim pull another chair beside her.

"Thanks you Mrs.Kim! Sorry if I'm disturbing." Kaeun the oh-so-well-mannered girl slightly bow.

Sunggyu roll his eyes as he get another clean plate and put infront of her bestfriend."Eat anything you want and be fast, we already late."

"I don't think so.." Another girl appears on the dining room.


Sunggyu shouts in frustration as his mother smacks the back of his head, hoping Sunggyu will gain his sense back. Being so loud and scream on the guest's face is obviously rude, that wasn't how Mrs.Kim taught her son.


"Mom!! Did you saw my blazer?" Kaeun running down the stairs when she reach the first floor, an awkward silence lingering around the house.

Kaeun sighs, she is hoping to greet he mother first. She didn't want to blame her own mother but her mother seems to be so busy lately and mostly it because of the school fees. Woollim High School is the Best Elite School in Korea and that is why her mother worked hard. She actually resisted to study in that kind of school but her mother forced her. Judging by all theexpensive fees and high class uniform. She can just study at some Goverment School nearby but to fulfill her mother wishes, she didn't. At least seeing her mother smile for once will make her happy tho.

Kaeun wipes her tears that falling down on the cheek and scream. "MOM I LOVE YOU!!" 

 That make her grin stupidly. You are strong, you are smart, you can do this. The voice chants on her mind as she raise her fist up."Choi Kaeun won't give up easily!" She let out a satisfy grin on her face and finally realised that she is utterly late.She stumble on the stair while climbing up to her room, trying to be as fast as she can.


After a few minutes, Kaeun's foot step seems to be the most noisiest sound that can be only heard in that awful silent house.

Finally in her fully uniform, Kaeun walks to the kitchen and open the fridge, praying that she still have her coffee stock.

Unfortunately, lucky is not on Kaeun's side today. Kaeun groans in annoyance and take a mental note that she have to buy a new stock after school end.

Then a crazy idea pop out on her mind, well it's a great day to annoy someone right? Kaeun finally smile but it turns to be a creepy one.


The heavy rain finally stop, letting the drizzle take over. Chanseul looks at the huge window behind mother that munching over the breakfast.

It is a silent breakfast and she used to it, there will be no talking until everyone done eating. That is in her family rules and no one seems to object it. Sometimes she want to have a warmly breakfast and not a silent yet so cold like this. She want to have a normal breakfast that everyone do.

"Chanseul, why are you not eating?" Mr.Ahn cut off Chanseul's thought and he look so worried.

"I'm not hungry, I will go now." Chanseul stand up slowly not to make any noise as her father grab her hand, pulling her down, forcely.

"You are not allowed to leave the table until you finish your food." Mr.Ahn letting her hand off that slightly get bruise on it.

Chanseul is not mad, she doesn't cry over the pain too. The bruise may be sting but she didn't care less. She slowly picks up the utensils that perfectly lay beside her plate.

The food may look temptating but she know it taste nothing. Maybe it was not the food, maybe it was her surrounding and maybe because of the heartless people in the house make her turn to be like this. She scared if she did, she doesn't want to keep those expressionless face all day long. She want to laugh when she's happy and cry when she's sad. She turn over her head, take a glance at her lovely siblings. She doesn't one that side of her parents affect any of them. She has the gut to protect them.

"No! It's my responsibility to protect them!!" Chanseul jolt up from her seat and that makes everyone in the room staring at her, weirdly.

"Sorry." She sit down back on her chair and starts to dig on her plate, she doesn't care about what does the food taste like. It was not the most important concern anymore. She know what she need to do now. Make a change and the change starts from herself. She know who will help her, obviously those troublemaker.


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