Pranks and A Puppy

Around the Clock

For Kat aye bb


It was weird that I dreamt about unicorns and cotton candy before I was suddenly awoken to the world shaking. Or maybe that’s just my ears hearing buzzing and beeping sounds from all corners of the room. I shot my eyes open and jolted myself up to a sitting position. My heart was pounding too hard. My head ached so badly as I turned my head to all different directions. It was that confusing part of the day (or midnight. The sun wasn’t even up!) when I wondered if I were dead or not. I felt so awake. So so so awake. Who the hell brought alarm clocks inside my dorm room?!

“YAH, CHOMI-AH! WAKE UP!!!” I shook my roommate violently and noticed how peaceful she looked in her slumber. Moving her to lie on her side, I saw she’s wearing earplugs. What kind of sick joke is this?!

I quickly tore off the earplugs from her ears and her eyes popped open with horror. The clocks are still ringing and I think I’m going crazy. Please, if this is a dream, somebody please wake me up.

“WHO DID THIS?!” I yelled to make sure my voice was heard. She opened and I read her lips saying, “What? Can’t hear you.” I sighed deeply and repeated the same question with a higher tone. She put her hand behind her ear and I heard a small, “What?”

Groaning, I got off the bed and charged to all the clocks. I thought of breaking them all, but it would mess up our floor and if that were to happen I’d be the one to clean all the mess. I literally slammed all the buttons to turn the alarms off and returned to Chomi, leaving one clock ringing since I can’t follow where the sound is from, therefore not finding it.

“Happy birthday, Kat!” she raised her hands and made a heart shape. I picked up a pillow from my bed and threw it to her face.

“What the heck is this?”

I love midnight birthday surprises, I really do. But when it includes me being awaken from a deep, deep slumber because of friggin’ 10 or more clocks ringing like crazy, I just really want to kill a person and pull out their lungs.

Chomi was still giggling and shrugged her shoulders. “It wasn’t my idea. I just had to do join it. Did you read the letters?”

I arched a brow.”What letters?”

“You should really look beyond what you see, Kat. There are post-it notes at the back of each clock.”

I pursed my lips into a tight line to avoid smiling. Birthday letters are classic and I love them with a passion. But alarm clocks... Really?!

“You should’ve just pasted those post-its all over my face if you’re planning on doing a birthday prank!” I complained, getting off the bed to gather all the alarm clocks.

“I told you it wasn’t my idea.”

“But you joined the prank!” I whined.

Chomi sighed and rolled her eyes. “Just look at the letters.”

“Sometimes I wonder why you’re my best friend,” I mumbled under my breath, already with 2 clocks in my hands.

“They knew you would get mad, and he knows just how much you love post-it note letters so there you have it. You can find mine too~” Chomi sang.

One by one I gathered all the clocks on top of my bed, still missing the other one that’s still beeping, and flopped down with my legs sitting Indian style.

There were 15 clocks all in all, the other one still unfound.

Ah, EXO... Why didn’t I even think about them planning all this...

Suho: Happy birthday~ Though you keep asking for free food from me, I’m still wishing you a great birthday! Inside this clock are coupons from your favourite clothing band. How’d I find that out? Well...

Suho is now my favourite person.

I can’t read Kris’ message since it’s written in English. The only thing that I understood was his “Hey, Happy Birthday!” and a drawing that’s supposed to be a girl. I tried to not get too offended on how badly he drew me but that’s better than nothing, right?

Luhan: Yo Kat~ Happy birthdaaay! I want to give you food but I would give it to you tomorrow so that we could eat it all together! Or how bout I teach you soccer as a birthday present?

Xiumin: Happy birthday Kat~ Let’s drink coffee together!

Lay: Kat! I’m very very very sorry i love you im so sorry. I forgot your birthday thank goodness I was reminded of it. I’m very very sorry. Happy birthday! T_T Just say anything you want to me, I will buy it for you!

Chanyeol: AAAH KAT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Always smile, okay! BYEEE ^^V

I kind of hesitated when I reached for Chen’s clock. What if there’s a kind of insect inside there? Or possibly a time bomb? I read the post-it note without touching the whole thing and heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen: You hesitated touching this, didn’t you? Kkkkkk don’t worry I didn’t put a cockroach in here. Happy birthday Kat! I gave you gum instead~ Inside this clock is pack of gum. You’re welcome!

I opened the clock and joyfully took the pack of gum. It only had one gum left. Wow, Chen, I am sooo thankful. Then again, I could really use a midnight snack. Excitedly, I pulled the last piece of gum until a fake plastic cockroach that I swear looked real snapped at my finger. I literally screamed and threw the spawn of the devil across the room. And that was the day I sworn to end Kim Jongdae’s life the first thing after I leave this room.

“Oh my god, what was that?” Chomi quaked and the only thing I said was “Kim Jongdae.” Chomi, without questions, replied, “Oh.”

After countless of deep breaths, I continued reading all of the short greetings.

Baekhyun: Aye happy birthday Kat! Chen threw my picture away so I’m giving it to you. You’re welcome~

He wasn’t joking.

Kyungsoo: Happy Birthday... I’ll cook you anything you want for your big day. Only for your birthday.

Tao: I hope you read this before you read Chen hyung’s. I swear he did it to me and I cried almost punched him. Happy birthday kat! My reminder is your gift kkkkkkk

Too late, Tao. Too late.

Sehun: Ohohohohorat happy birthday kat! To the bubble tea store!

“Hey, hey, that’s my letter! Read it read it!” Chomi tapped my back and pushed me to read her long- letter. How could she fit this all in a small post-it?

Chomi: Wow, you’re already so old. One year older and another year wiser! It’s such a perfect time to say that you are nothing less than of my family member. Hihi.

“Yah,” I called out. “Did you get this from the internet?”

“Uh...” I found Chomi fumbling with the ribbons of her pajamas. “...Nope.” Liar.

Those were the only things she wrote that are not song lyrics of my favourite song. I grinned and gave Chomi a tight hug.

“Aw, you’re such a sweetie!” I cooed and squished her cheeks.

“I know~”

“Though it’s so obvious you got it from the net.” Chomi grunted, I laughed. “But really, thank you.”

The remaining two clocks are messages from my other two friends and I just really feel so happy and loved. Though I was awoken against my will by deafening buzzing and ringing of more than a dozen of alarm clocks, I’m really so happy and I feel so blessed to have such amazing people in my life. I feel like tearing up, honestly moved by everyone’s short but meaningful messages.

The unfound alarm clock had stopped ringing, probably ran out of battery. Then it got to me that on that alarm clock is mostly Kai’s. I was sleepy, yes, but I don’t know what got me to think that Kai’s post-it note letter is much more important than sleep.

With the help of Chomi, we flipped the room upside down just to find one freaking alarm clock. We convinced ourselves that it was too dark to search for a small clock and we’ll just have to search it again tomorrow before we attend class. I was dying with curiosity, thinking if he only wrote something about chickens or much more than that.


The next day, it was my turn to be violently shaken awake by Chomi. I didn’t get enough sleep, and I didn’t get much time to prepare for class either. I quickly prepared myself for first period and made a mental checklist to look for Kai’s letter once school is over.

Okay, so I was a bit paranoid. I woke up very late but arrived at school very early. I blew one strand of hair that escaped my ponytail out of my line of sight and walked to where Chomi’s and my locker are located.

After unlocking my locker, I was welcomed by another surprise. I don’t even know what’s worse anymore, being stirred up by 15 clocks, or seeing all the things inside my locker wrapped in red gift wrappers. Christmas gift wrappers. Christmas. In spring.

 My books are wrapped. And also my notebooks. And even my plushie is wrapped. I was surprised they didn’t wrap my locker’s lock.

“CHOMI-AH!!!” I belted. Chomi started erupting in loud unladylike guffaws. She laughed too much she bumped a lot of people, moreover, attracting a lot of attention. I sighed deeply and closed my locker and dragged the laughing Chomi to our classroom.

I am so going to go wolf when I see EXO.


“You three got lots of explanation to do.” I sneered, my arms crossed across my chest and foot impatiently tapping the ground. Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were all holding back wide smiles. I’m not even mad. I just really just want to know the mastermind of all these birthday pranks. And it’s most probably the three of them.

“Okay, okay, I’m going to admit it,” Baekhyun submitted, pulling his hands out of his pocket to put his arms out in surrender. “We planned all of it.”

Before I could react, Chanyeol stopped me. “BUT! But, we just made sure it would be a birthday you would never forget. It was a request.”

“Actually, he even scolded us. I guess we went a bit too far?” Chen innocently smiled.

“He?” I arched a brow.

Chanyeol, like realization slapped him across the face, made a face and turned to the other two boys. They kind of silently communicated for a few minutes.

“Kat-ssi, what time is it?” Baekhyun asked, with a worried expression. I looked at my watch.

“5:30pm,” I replied. “Why?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be where you should be right now?” Chen

“Where should I be right now?” I asked back, totally confused. I took my planner from my bag and looked at all the places I was scheduled to go today. There’s none.

“Are you kidding me?” Baekhyun mumbled in irritation.

“Is there something that I’m supposed to know?” I really feel so stupid right now.

“You read all our letters and not Kai’s?” Chanyeol was in a great state of disbelief. He’s not the only one.

“I intended to search for his post-it letter this morning since I cannot find it yesterday. What did he write?”

Chanyeol shook his head and sighed. “I can’t believe you.”

Chen pushed me, muttering me the words that I should’ve known last night before I rushed to where Kai and I were supposed to be 30 minutes ago.

5.00pm. In front of the big clock behind the school. Cheesy meet-up place, but it’s Jongin. Kim Jongin is all that matters.


I was worried that maybe he already left. If I were him I would stop waiting, to be honest. Although I thought that he already gave up on waiting, I still ran to the school’s huge clock. It was a cheesy meet-up place but it got me too excited my heart beating so fast seemed to slow me down rather than hurry up my pace.

Knowing Kai, nonetheless, he’s not the type to just quit. When I got there, I knew I was right.

He spotted me quickly. I expected him running to me like what boys in dramas do, but nope.

“YAH! Why did you come so late?” he shouted a few yards away.

“I didn’t read your letter!” I shouted back.

“What? Why?”

“I couldn’t find the clock!”

“You could’ve searched harder!”

“It was past midnight, what do you expect me to do?”

The whole conversation was basically us shouting at each other because of the large distance between us. I was still walking to him since I was already so tired of running. Blame me for being physically unfit.

“I expected you to read my letter first!”

“It was hidden in the most secluded part of my room! You should’ve placed it behind my desk or something!”

“It wasn’t me who placed the clocks! It wasn’t even my idea! Aish, I’m tired of shouting. Wait me there.”

“You should’ve run here seconds ago, then!”

I huffed and squatted. Feeling the ache of my legs, I just sat down and waited for Kai to reach my direction. He stooped down to be on eye level with me. The first few seconds were silent, just both of us looking at each other. I don’t know about anyone else, but chocolate brown eyes are my most favourite thing. Especially when it’s Kai’s.

“Katrina.” Do I hear angels singing from a distance or is it just Kai? I swear when he says my name with such a gentle and serious voice, I feel like melting. I felt my face hot.

“When you say my name like that, I swear...”

He chuckled lightly and ruffled my hair. He left his hand on top of my head and flashed me a wide grin.

“Happy birthday!”

I think I’m hearing heaven singing.

“Thanks,” I felt so shy all of a sudden.

“Sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused. I specially asked Suho hyung to plan for something more, I don’t know, quixotic,” he bowed his head and chuckled nervously.

“Quixotic...” I repeated. “You and your deep words, Kim Jongin.”

“Today may not be ‘quixotic’ but it’s surely memorable. Thank you. And thank you to the other boys as well. But let me just give a word of advice; don’t let bagel line plan a wedding. Please.”

Kai laughed and nodded his head. He’s so precious.

“Don’t your feet hurt while sitting like that?”

“Actually, it’s starting to go numb.”

“Idiot,” I pulled him by his arm to make him sit before me. As he fell on the ground on his (ground is so lucky – I mean, ouch), I heard a small yap.

“What was that?”

“Ah, ya... I told you to stay quiet...” Kai whispered under his jacket.

“Is that what I think it is...” I muttered, reaching my hand to tug his coat. Kai leaned his body forward, making me miss. I groaned.

“Yah, if you called me here to give me a gift, you should’ve done it minutes ago,” I laughed, already getting on my knees to strip, I mean, see what’s inside his jacket.

“Okay, okay, stop right there!” I did what he asked as he revealed the most adorable thing that breathes in the whole world. No wonder I hear heaven whenever I’m with Kai. It’s because he has a friggin’ puppy under his jacket! Yes, I was expecting a dog because of its small bark, but not this kind of cute puppy. It was the best kind of cute. The cutest of the cute. I could die because of its cuteness. The puppy is like a dog snowball with white fluffy fur and cute nose and aaah – so adorable.

“Seriously...” Kai mumbled under his breath. “I was about to say a speech before I give this to you.”

“Where did you get him?” I asked as Kai gently and carefully passed the white puppy to my hands.

“It’s a her.”

“Where did you get her?” I’m the happiest person on earth.

“A friend of mine is giving away his puppies since they’re already too many. I want to keep them all to myself but I figure you want one.”

“You know me so well,” I said, smiling too widely, playing with the puppy’s paw. “What should I name you, you cute little angel?”

“Should I name him after you?” I asked, looking at Kai straight in the eye. He didn’t respond. “How about Santa Paws?”

“What kind of name is that? And she’s a girl!”

“But she’s like a snowball. Reminds me of Christmas.”

“But she’s a girl...”

“Why don’t you name her yourself then?” I shot back, playfully glaring at Kai.

“How about Ooyoo? It means milk. It also sounds cute when you say it.”

I tapped my fingers under Kai’s chin like a dog. “You’re a genius.”

I raised Ooyoo before me and grinned at her. “Hello, Ooyoo! I’m your new owner! Let’s get along, okay?” Her bark is the most adorable thing ever.

“I think you’ll raise her well.”

“I’m just a beginner. You can teach me.”

“You want to raise Ooyoo together with me?” There’s a cheeky tone in his voice. I hit his arm.

“Ah, yah! It’s like you’re proposing.”

Kai smirked and looked at the clock. The sky is turning orange, the sun setting. Our first sunset together with Ooyoo.

“Thank you, Jongin-ah.”

“No problem.”

“I really feel like kissing you.” Woah there, Kat.

“Why aren’t you doing it?” Woah there, Kim Jongin.

“Not in front of Ooyoo...” Actually, I really want to. So badly.

“Should we unwrap your gifts now?” he turned to me with a grin.

“What gifts?”

“They wrapped the stuff in your locker with Christmas wrapper, right?” Kai laughed.

“You thought about that? And here I thought you’re different than the other guys...” I pouted, walking slowly away from him. “Let’s go home, Ooyoo!”

Ooyoo started barking madly and I, at first, didn’t know what to do. How do you calm down a puppy?

“Uh, Ooyoo-ah, be quiet please. Hey, shhh. Wait, you’re not a baby, um...” I sighed and turned to Kai. “How do you stop her from barking...?”

“And here I thought you’re going to leave me,” he gave me a warm smile and patted the empty space beside him. “C’mere.”

I wasn’t even planning on leaving him in the first place.

“You should talk to her without feeling nervous. Just stay calm. All it takes is basic training, and watch the sunset with me.”

“Is the last part really necessary?”

“10/10 would recommend.”

“You’re so lame,” I sighed, sitting beside him and let Ooyoo walk around clumsily before us. She’s too cute how do I even function properly.

“But you like me.”

“Huh,” I scoffed. “True. You like me too.”

Sunsets are overrated, but I wouldn’t like to be anywhere else and doing other things. There’s a calming silence between us, and I thought that this is the closest thing to heaven that I’ll ever be. The sixth and a half hour after midnight is the best. And I wonder what the next hours have in store for me. After the heated debate I had in my head, I leaned closer to Kai and pecked his cheeks lightly. “Thank you, really.” 


“The rain seems to be warm today.”

“It’s not raining.” Kai said, otherwise.

“What?” I looked down at Ooyoo and stopped myself from exclaiming profanity. “Ooyoo-ah!”

“I said stay calm just minutes ago!”

“She peed on me!”

“She did? – Ooyoo-ah – Yah, she even pooped!”

“Ooyoo-ah, please don’t piss me off,” I sighed deeply and picked her up to take her to my dorm. I can't even be mad while she's looking at me with innocent and watery eyes.

Kai thought it was the right time to tell puns, in which he replied, “She already did.” I hit him on the head and ran to my room to have my clothes washed and changed. Kai was laughing too hard behind my back, ridiculously singing the lyrics of Happy Birthday.

Got pranked two times and got peed on, but I still won't trade this day for another birthday gift.



Aye gurl happy birthday to you hihihihihihi halo bentley

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awww <33 thank you so muchh ^^ i honestly love this one shott so mucccccchhhh. love you man