How I Met You

How I Found My Happiness

Kai’s POV



“What’s that?” I pointed at the bird he was holding.

“This is happiness,” the boy said.


“Happiness. Canaries symbolizes happiness.” He said with a smile.

“And what about that?” I pointed at the other bird that was perched by his shoulder.

“This one, is Peace.” He answered.

“So doves symbolizes peace? I thought it was only a symbolic object for freedom.” I said to him.

“Yes, they do.” He replied, again with that contagious smile formed by those heart-shaped lips.

The birds flew toward a nearby tree.

“Bye peace and happiness,” I mumbled, “Hello, chaos and pain.” And then I walked away. I felt so depressed, my life is totally messed up.

Though he didn’t mind what I’ve said and he approached me and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Jongin. Kim Jongin.” I answered.

“Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo.” He answered extending his hand for me to shake.

-End of Flashback-



It was just like yesterday. Meeting the one that has changed me.

I wanted to clear off my mind with all the recent events that have occurred just days ago, that time I was angry and depressed. That’s why I took a leave of absence from my work and looked for a place where I can think properly and gather my broken and confused self. My friends suggested that I should just go to my vacation house that was located near the beach, but I reasoned that there was too many memories that happened there that would only worsen my current situation.

“Jongin-ah,” Suho-hyung’s voice said on the other line, “Stop wallowing in sadness. I’m not there if you decide to do something stupid again. Why don’t you just forget about him and move on?”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one getting your heart broken into a million pieces. I know I’m in a very depressed state but I promise you that I’ll try not to do anything stupid. Baekhyun-hyung is looking out for me just as you requested him. So no need to worry. I’m just trying to get myself together. I don’t wanna mess my life any further. I’ll just go somewhere peaceful and when I get myself back together, I’ll resume working.” I answered him.

“Ok kiddo, I’ll trust your decisions this time. But if you do something stupid, I swear I’ll be by your front door and you should be ready with your suitcase ‘cause you’ll be living with me.” Hyung said, concern evident in his voice.

“Ok ok, I’ll try not to do anything stupid. I don’t want to live with you and your boyfriend. Ew. Haha.”  I answered him.

“Shut it, I’ll be getting back to work now. Bye!”

“Bye, hyung.” I replied before he ended the call.


For the whole day, I’ve been searching on the internet where I could find a place, a place where I could be surrounded by peacefulness, where I can gather myself.

And I was just about to give up when I stumbled upon this bird sanctuary, but it wasn’t your normal bird sanctuary, it was like a park but only with birds being the general population. I’m not really into birds but I admire them. And seeing that there were only few people who visit there, I decided to try the place. Maybe these birds might help me.

So I took out my phone and saved the address of the sanctuary before turning everything off and calling it a night.



The next morning, I arrived at the bird sanctuary at exactly eight in the morning. I talked to the caretaker of the sanctuary and they let me in. Anyone can get in as long as you don’t kill any birds.

I was just strolling in the park-like sanctuary when I came upon a short guy who was holding onto a small cute bird while feeding it. I think he was admiring the beauty of the lake that was just in front of him, where there were swans and other birds that loves to float.

Figuring that maybe the guy didn’t want to be disturbed, I just sat by a bench near a big tree and was only three benches away from the guy. He turned his head towards my direction and looked at me.

"Hello." he said. I answered him with a nod. I kinda don't want to be disturbed that time, especially by a little kid – seeing that he is obviously short.

“I’m just surprised that there are still a few people like you that would want to visit places where there are animals.” He said with a smile on his face.

“What’s that?” I pointed at the bird he was holding.

“This is happiness,” the boy said.


“Happiness. Canaries symbolizes happiness.” He said with a smile.

“And what about that?” I pointed at the other bird that was perched by his shoulder.

“This one, is Peace.” He answered.

“So doves symbolizes peace? I thought it was only a symbolic object for freedom.” I said to him.

“Yes, they do.” He replied, again with that contagious smile formed by those heart-shaped lips.

The birds flew toward a nearby tree.

“Bye peace and happiness,” I mumbled, “Hello, chaos and pain.” And then I walked away. I felt so depressed, my life is totally messed up.

Though he didn’t mind what I’ve said and he approached me and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Jongin. Kim Jongin.” I answered.

“Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo.” He answered extending his hand for me to shake.

"Hi, Kyungsoo." He giggled.

"You're funny." I said even though I was sad, I smiled and stood up, figuring that I’ll just come back another time. His giggle followed me. "Jongin-ah, come here tomorrow, 'kay?" he almost shouted. “We’ll have so much fun together! I promise that you that! I’ll also introduce you to Paradise!”

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