The arival of Minho's hyung

Female President [On editing]

Incheon airport 

"what? Yes, yes, Don't worry, I'm on my way to Minho's house." said a tall man with brown hair as his secratary carries his laugage 

"Mr. Choi, what is your purpose going here?" asks his secratary

"Aigoo Won Younggie, I come here to meet Minho of course I miss my dongsaeng of course." he answers suddenly a girl with a brown hair comes to his side 

"JIn Hyuk oppa!!" she exclaims, Jin Hyuk smiles to her

"Ji Hyo-ah, hello there." said JIn Hyuk with a smile 

"So what's the plan? I should make MInho move to that academy?" asks Ji Hyo with excitement, Jin Hyuk nods 

"Oh yeah, I have the student council's phone number." said Ji Hyo, Jin Hyuk smiles 

"Gomawou Ji Hyo-ah." said Jin Hyuk as Ji Hyo sends the number to his phone 

"let's get to the car okay?" said Jin Hyuk, Ji Hyo and Won young as they go to a cab where they go to Minho's apartment 

Minho's apartment 

"Dingdong!" a bell was heard, MInho groans as he opens the door pressing some buttons

"Minho, it's me your hyung~" coos JIn Hyuk, MInho gasps as he backs away from the screen 

"Mr. Choi, open up please." said Won Young, Minho whimpers as he goes to the bathroom and calls Sulli


"Sulli! My hyung is here otokae?!" he whimpers 

"Omo, Minho-ah gwenchana?! What happen?!" asks Sulli in panic, Minho starts to whimpers as the bell starts to ring all over again 

"Can you come here please?" asks Minho, Sulli agrees as she rushes there 


"Aiish why isn't he opening." grumbles Jin Hyuk sudenly Sulli passes through him as she rings the bell 

"Minho, open up!" she said, Minho instantly open it and pulls her in before Jin Hyuk even gets a chance to get in 

"What happen? Why is your hyung here?" asks Sulli in worried, Minho whimpers 

"He tires to kill me..." he whimpers "I got this from him." said Minho as she shows her a letter from his brother, as Sulli reads it the bell starts to ring even more, Sulli sigh as she pushes Minho to the bathroom 

"Stay there, I'll deal with him." said Sulli, Minho nods as he hides there, Sulli opens the door cooly 

"At last!" said Choi Jin Hyuk "Now you are you pretty lady?" 

"Oh, so you're Minho's brother huh?" asks Sulli, Jin Hyuk nods 

"Well just FYI your brother is rigth there whimpering like a puppy because he's scared of you." snaps Sulli, Jin Hyuk gasp

"How dare you speak like that to Mr. Choi!" scolds Won YOung, JIn Hyuk stops him 

"It's okay, she must be Minho's girlfriend." said JIn Hyuk "Gwenchana, I won't hurt him." 

"Arasso." said Sulli as she lets him in, Minho is stil whimpering in the bathroom as Jinhyuk comes in, he goes to the bathroom finding his brother whimpering

"Minho, it's me your hyung." said Jin Hyuk, MInho moves backward as he whimpers 

"Do...don't hurt me hyung." whimpers Minho, Jin Hyuk sigh as he makes MInho stand up 

"I won't hurt you this time, I won't okay? Trust your hyung!" said Jin Hyuk, Minho whimpers as he nods 

"I need to talk to you it's important, it's about our family." said JIn Hyuk, Minho eyes turn cold 

"If it's about grandpa leave this aparment imidiately." said Minho coldly "Even thougth if it's about umma or appa, I don't care just leave me alone." snaps Minho, Sulli gasps 

"Minho, calm down." said Sulli as she hold his hand 

"Sulli is it?" asks Jin Hyuk, Sulli nods 

"Let's talk for a while." said Jin hyuk, Sulli follows Jin Hyuk but Minho holds her hand tigther 

"What's wrong?" asks Sulli, MInho shakes his head 

"Please, I dont want you to be hurt." begs Minho, Sulli sigh 

"This is just a small talk don't worry." said Sulli as she let go of her hand as she approaches Jin Hyuk 

"So, you and Minho are going out." said JIn Hyuk, Sulli nods 

"What's your parents occupation?" asks Jin Hyuk 

"I actually work for my family in a cafe." said Sulli 

"A cafe, an elite one? Good salary?" asks Jin Hyuk, Sulli nods 

"it was quite good at least to keep us alive." said Sulli, Jin Hyuk listens to her 

"So, what happen to your parents?" asks JIn Hyuk 

"My father, he's somehwere I don't know, my mother she's a nurse in a hospital." answers Sulli, Minho gasps as he heard the conversation 

"So anyway, Choi Sulli-ssi, I would like to ask you something." said Jin Hyuk, Sulli nods 

"What if I told you Minho was actually enggaged to someone already." said Jin Hyuk, Sulli gasp 

"JIn Hyuk-ssi, what are you talking about?" asks Sulli 


"But Minho..." 

"Get out! Now!" he snaps, Jin Hyuk nods as he gets out of there, Sulli looks at him in worry 

"Minho..." calls Sulli softly as she holds his fisted hand, his fist starts to fade as he sigh 

"Are you okay?" asks Sulli, Minho sigh and shook his head 

"My life is ruin Sulli!" whimpers Minho, Sulli gasps as she cups MInho's face 

"He's still your hyung no matter way, but Choi Minho you have me." said Sulli, MInho nods as he hugs her waist 

"Sulli, I have this wierd thing I want to say." said Minho, Sulli hums in repond

"In the future, will you marry me?" asks Minho, Sulli gasps

"Marry you?" she repeats, Minho nods 

"I would be glad to do that!" she said, Minho smiles as he pulls her into a hug 

"But...I don' think your brother approve." she mumbles, Minho sigh 

"I don't care about my hyung." said MInho, Sulli glares at him 

"Yah! Choi Minho!" scolds Sulli with a glare, Minho laughs a little as he pats her head 

"I'm just joking, I'll try to convince him of course." said Minho 

Meanwhile in hotel 

"Won Younggie, please spy them for me." said Jin Hyuk, Won Young nods 

"Starting from tomorow." he adds, Won young nods 

"Good,now leave I want to sleep." said Jin Hyuk as he sleeps... 

To be continue 

Kkaebsong! I'm back :) 

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.I really like this story
Froggyoppa #2
Chapter 11: hahhahhaha...minsul so lucu..mwreka sungguh manis&eomantis ew....
Froggyoppa #3
Chapter 1: sull...kkk..omo ceritanya dia disini tegas banget sebagai ketua osis
mariehojas #4
Chapter 58: sweet ending tnx authrnim.........
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 58: thanks authornim, great ending
mariehojas #6
Chapter 57: omg!so sweet minsul i want an epilogue authornim please......tnx again
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 52: next time minho, thanks for the update authornim
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 47: So happy they reconciled, hope Sulli can have her whole family together and for Minho to be her partner in life
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 46: finally they meet! thanks for the update authornim