Garden Of Joys [Discontinued]


When Ran, Alex and Nadine didn't get accepted into the new girl group made by YG Entertainment and J Tunes Camp called "Enchantment", they were on there way home when all 3 of them got stopped by the one and only Rain Bi.


He saw something in those 3 girls, and decided to make a new group (Hidden from Enchantment) called F0xi3.


What happens if Enchantment and F0xi3 find out about each other??


Would there be conflict and Arguements??


Or would there be love and peace??


Find out by reading on ^_^


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LOL this is so cute...looking forward to reading more updates.
Ohh. Can't wait for this. It's getting interesting.. :)) Update soon !
I love your writing! u are totally awesome :D and i like all of the different persoalities of the different members they work well together :) Can't wait for the next update >.<
Awh..Rain surprised them!! :D lol
Update soon XD
Funny!! I looking forward to the next update!!! BTW Alex' POV was hysterical I was laughing the whole time while I read it.