Chapter 02

Red Scarf

"Starting today, you're all official ninjas but you are still new Genins. Its going to get harder from here." Seiko and her class listened to their academy teacher, Umino Iruka, address them with his statement. "You all will be in a group of three, where you will accomplish missions under a Jounin teacher. Due to the fact that there has been an odd number of students graduating this year, there will be a single group of four."

Seiko narrowed her eyes, and murmured quietly under her cool breath, "Jounin teacher..." Students murmured quietly back and forth, already grouping themselves with their best friends. Iruka noticed this kind of strategy, and informed his class politely, "Don't bother. We've already arranged the groups such that overall abilities are equivalent." Ino grinned at Sakura, tapping her shoulder, "I wonder who's going to be in Sasuke-kun's group, Sakura." A heated aura began to set off between them, both extremely determined to be with Sasuke with eyes burning, hotter than the flames of hell. Seiko looked at them, and shrugged her shoulders, "I hope I won't be paired up with any of those two..."

"I will now announce them."

Time past quickly as Iruka announced each team and recieving either a excited squeal or a sad groan. Knowing that this was the best way, some went with the flow and accepted their teammates.

"Next, Team 7. Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura..." Naruto's face shifted gears and altered from a bored expression into a excited one, shooting his clenched fists into the air while standing up, "YES!" On the other hand, Sakura's head dropped lifelessly with a depressing aura surrounding her, "I am with Naruto..." Seiko grinned at the blossom, and sighed happily, "I hope she suffers--" "Kasaimi Seiko." There was a loud thump as Seiko slammed her head on her wooden table, "I jinxed it..." "Lastly, Uchiha Sasuke." Iruka finished with a grin, staring at the unique Team 7. 

"I am with Sasuke..." "YEAH! IT UP, INO!!!" "They're going to be a drag..." "Great, drama. I am totally looking forward to it..." 

"Next, Team 8. Hyuuga Hinata--" "H-Hai!" "...Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino." Sakura took this chance to turn around, giving Ino a daring look and a peace sign, "Heheh~" Ino hated her cocky side, and began to clench her fists while growling at the lucky duck, "Why do you get to be with him?!" Beside her sat Nara Shikamaru, the laziest boy ever known yet incredibly smart, who sighed at her rage, "Why do girls like such a guy anyway...?" Ino gave him a look, "Don't you even know that, Shikamaru?!"

Shikamaru returned her look with his bored one, trying to get this conersation over with, "I am not a girl." Ino raised an eyebrow, and brought her attention back to Iruka, "I wouldn't want to team up with a guy like you..."

"Team 10. Namanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru--" Ino was taken aback at this, so Shikamaru took this chance to , "Looks like you have to team up with me..." "Ugh..." "--Akimichi Chouji..." The sound of rustling potato chip bags were on cue as the name was announced, followed up with the sound of someone eating it like a mad animal, nonstop. Ino lowered her head, and cupped around the curve of her skull, "A fatty..."


Seiko's head shot up after being awaken from a daydream, grumbling in annoyance after knowing who caused her to awaken, "Naruto..." Iruka stood with arms akimbo, and answered calmly, "Sasuke graduated with the highest scores, and you, Naruto, graduated with the lowest scores!" Laughter filled the academy room, making Naruto's face flush. "This happens because we want to evenly divide abilities into each group." But Naruto still wasn't satisfied, and wanted to retort before Sasuke started to speak. 

"Don't pull my leg, dobe." "What did just say?!" "Do you want to fight, dobe..." "WHY YOU--" STOP IT, NARUTO!" "Gomen..."

Seiko sulked in a corner, and sighed, "Why am I grouped with them?! This group..." Iruka waited for the class to be quiet, and wrapped up his announcement, "I am going to introduce the Jounin teachers in the afternoon. Meeting adjourned then." 



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