My Delusions Becoming Real

The Legend of Us

It’s about a shy girl named Yoon Bomi who has a great imagination and a talent for drawing. Every day at school she fills her lined notebook with drawings, complete manga stories, about the people around her. She can turn any minor interaction into a silly manga plot, complete with sparkles and flowers, and a heroine that looks just like herself. Her notebook is her secret, and it would be horribly embarrassing if anyone found out about it...



image Yoon Bomi

imageShe likes to have delusions and turn it into a manga plot

imageShe loves to draw everything that happened around her

imageCan't talk with boy properly because she afraid to look them in the eyes


image Jackson Wang

imageHe is a very bright and talkative boy in the class

imageOne of Yoon Bomi's classmate.

imageHe is the first boy that talk with Yoon Bomi properly.




Everyone of you ? Do you like to have delusions ?? It's because I like it....

What's more, I turn those delusions into manga and write them in my secret notebook. Mainly it is a love story about me and a fictional character.

#Day-1 at school.

"I'm so lucky today...My masterpiece is done !"I talked to myself.

"Bomi ! What are you drawing ?" asked Jihyun, my bestfriend.

I closed my secret notebook quickly. No one shoud know what I'm just doing. I would be embarrased if they knew about it.

"Eh? Ahhh..I'm just copying notes from the blackboard Jihyun..."I replied.

"Really ? You looked so happy writing it though ?"She added.

"It's just because my handwriting is better than usual.."

This is my secret notebook. In reality though....

Suddenly there's a boy bump into me from the back and it startled me.

Ahhh...It's Jackson Wang. He used to be my crush.

"Bomi !! Are you okay ? I'm sorry !" while winked to me.

How come...He's so bright !!

"I'm okay ! Please don't mind me !" I answered nervously.

Huh ? Is this the first time I've spoken with him ? Even though it wasn't an actual conversation. In reality, I can't face boys nor look them in the eyes. I can't talk to them properly. Especially a glittering person like Jackson Wang. He's just too bright ! I can't stand it ! I've given up on ever getting a real relationship but, I'm plenty happy with just this secret notebook.


#At home.

I couldn't find my secret notebook ! Where is it ? Ahh it's not in my bag either ! I can't find my precious notebook !!!! Crap ! It must be at school ! If someone finds that notebook full of those embarrassing things ! I'm dead !

Please let it be safe...

I ran to the school and when I'm arrived...there's Jackson Wang !! He's reading my notebook !

"Hello Bomi-ah" He's reading it while relaxing ?? !!

I took the notebook from his hand quickly..

"Jackson !!! Please forget it !!" I'm begging him.

"Hah ?" He looked so shocked.

"I beg you..Please not telling anyone about this notebook.." "If the things about this notebook leaks out, my only few friends will despise me ! My place in the class will disappear..It'll turn into a hellish high school life..."

"Why is it going to turn something like that ?" asked Jackson Wang.


(While dancing 'Something' by Girls Day) LOL

"Because it's disguisting.."I answered.

"Just relax Bomi-ah !" "Isn't this normal ?"

"Huh ?"

"You see...It'll be fun like this, or it'll be happy like that. Everyone will think like that and  get excited right ?"

"What do you mean by like this and like that ?"

"For example if i ever win lottery, i'll buy that and i'll buy this too.Or  maybe if I had a dragon ball, what will I wish for.."

"You are so weird Jackson"

"Look, in Bomi's case, your delusions turn into manga and that way it makes you even excited ! that's so nice ! I envy you !"

He's serious ? I though he would hate me.What a broadminded person he is.

"Draw more and More Bomi !" He added.

But,everyone is not like Jackson Wang who will accept me just like that.

"But still Jackson, can you keep this as a secret ?"


"Because it's embarrassing.."

Well, it does feel like someone is looking into my mind...

"Hmmmmm then I'll tell you one of my delusions ! I have countless delusions of me having an underwear CF while making this pose"


"Underwear ?"

Well, Jackson Wang is really a weird person. I never thought that he will be this weird.

"Thats...ama...amazing.. Jackson Wang"

"When I'm thinking about it,,,hahahaha...please don't tell anyone about this too okay ?"With this we're even right ? "


Jackson Wang is really an amazing person. Not only his outward appearance..his heart is also sparkling.I never thought that such a boy is really exist.



#Day-2 at school.

The guys from class are acting as usual. Jackson Wang really did keep it a secret.

During recess time, I'm looking for a quiet place and at last I've found a tree.Therefore I take shelter under that tree.

"Yoon Bomi !"

I can hear someone is calling my name.. but who is it ?

"Bomi-ah ! What are you doing here ?"'s Jackson Wang again..

"Ermm,,It's easier to think in a quiet place.I'm drawing in my notebook."I answered.

Suddenly he approached me and our face just an inch closer.

"How is it ? How is it ! Let me see !"

Argh !! He's too close !

"Here!"Quickly I gave him my notebook to prevent him from up close to me again.

"Ohh Thank you Bomi ! Yaaayy! "

"But is reading that really that interesting ? i'm only drawing impossible things, like an idiot..."

"Why ? This is completely okay Bomi"

"Eh ?"

"You want a relationship like this right ? This is totally possible for you Bomi-ah"

My face turning red after hearing what Jackson just said.


"Why Bomi ?"

"Because  I can't even talk to a boy properly."

"Aren't you talking to me right now ?"

"Thats...Jackson Wang is easier to talk to than what I'm imagined.Moreover I'm plain and I don't stand out.I'm just no good."

"You know Bomi..I'm actually already knew that you always draw something on your notebook. I didn't know it was manga though..."

What ? did he stalking me ?

"I see you get angry and laugh by yourself, and so I thought how interesting is it.You always making different faces while drawing."

Eeeeehhh !  No way ! What is this ! I'm really just gross !! I never noticed it before that Jackson alwys peeking on me..

'' looked so happy and it seemed like you were really enjoying it. And seeing you like that make me happy too." "There has to be somebody out there who loves you Bomi-ah ! I don't think it will take much longer until the day your delusions turn into reality !" he added.

 I can't believe it... a boy that thinks of me like that...exists ?

Suddenly the bell ringing and its mean that the recess is over.

"Ahh this is bad ! Lunch break is over ! We have to go back to the classroom." said Jackson.

"Okay lets go"

"Emmm and sorry Bomi.not only for the notebook but also for stealing glances at you"

"Huh ?"

"But you're so cute..So I can't help but to look..."he added and then run to the classroom and leave me alone.

A boy who loves me,if that boy turned out to be Jackson Wang, that'd be nice. I'd be so happy.


#Day-3 at school.

I see my reflection in the windows mirror. What a horrible face Bomi-ah..

Last night my delusions ran too wild.I'm drawing until when I noticed ,morning had already come.That was some concentration...What is more,my partner in all of the manga is Jackson Wang ! I feel a little guilty... This definitely musn't be seen by him.

"Bomi-ah !! Morning !" Suddenly Jackson patted my shoulder from the back.

"Eeek .. Good morning !"

"Eh ? Bomi-ah ! are you sleep deprived ? Your face look like a panda hihihihi..."

Why do you always appear from behind huh Jackson Wang ?!

"urmm yess...yesterday I was pretty inspired.."

"Ohh.. amazing ! Let mee see your new epic !!"

I'm startled..Oh noo ! I've said something unnecessary ! He definitely can't see this one ! If Jackson sees this delusions centered around him,this time he will definitely hate me.

"Ehh you can't !!"

"Ehh ? Isn't it alright ?You don't need to hide it now."

"I said no ! I don't want to show you Jackson Wang !" I screamed out loud toward him.

" it's like that..sorry I got carried away.. I won't try to look anymore." and then he left me.

You're wrong..It's a misunderstanding...I'm sorry I can't tell you the truth Jackson Wang.

Now I'm drawing back the situation that just happened with me and Jackson. And added some dialouge that I can't speak it with my own mouth. 

"I'm just kidding Jackson, you can see it"

Even I write it won't change anything after all...This is the first time my delusions have felt so empty..


"Yoon Bomi ! Your English notebook please !" suddenly Mark Tuan greed me.

"Ahhh Bomi-ah ! You're drawing a manga !" Mark snatch the secret notebook from me while I'm spacing out.

"And this is you ?" All my classmates run towards Mark and look what inside my notebook. I'm dead seriously.

"What ? What ? Gyaha ! Ehh what is this your delusions ?This is kinda phatetic !" Jinyoung added.

"Moreover isn't this guy.....Jackson" said Mark. Ahh ! He knew that it was Jackson !

Suddenly Jackson came and grabbed the notebook from Mark's hand.

"Alright Dimsum Mark..It's time to return that" "Anyway what's so funny about that? What's wrong about imagining things you like and enjoying it ?"said Jackson towards Mark Tuan...or maybe Dimsum Mark ?

"Well, it's not that bad. But she drew something impossible..Because the partner is you Jackson Wang !" Mark answered.

I just cant't stand with this situation anymore...

"It's not something impossible ! I know reality is not the same as what goes on inside my head. It might  not go as I want it..It's true that what's inside this notebook are mostly delusions, but... what is written here is my true feelings! This is the truth !" I showed them what I have wrote in my note book.

"Jackson, I love you" /kissing scene/

Rather than imagining these meaningless delusions, I'm going to do my best !

"I Love You Jackson Wang !!" finally I managed to gather my courage.



"Wait ! There's something I'd like to correct" said Jackson to all of my classmates.

"Heeeyyy attention !! This comic is not a delusion !" and suddenly Jackson lips touch my lips...He's kissing me !

"It's actually non fiction !" He added.


No way ! Is this another one of my delusions ? Jackson Wang kiss me ?

"Bomi-ah..Letme take my time looking at that notebook later.SInce it's all written in there, let's turn all of those into reality." said Jackson.


The world I always write about in my notebook is becoming real ! I'm happy but my heart is beating so much, I could die !




Authors's note :

Thank you my lovely readers~





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Chapter 8: haha so cute ^-^
Chapter 1: i like this story, i like the fact mark begged to be around her and he wasnt like a typical popular boy
LinLin_09 #3
Chapter 5: Ahhhh I love this chapter. It's so cuteeee
HaraxD #4
Chapter 4: Youngjae~~ too cute xD I'm excited. Who's next >.<
moetsundere #5
Chapter 3: Either youngjae or JB Xd
HaraxD #6
Chapter 3: Loveeeeee it xD gimme youngjae juseyo~
Chapter 1: So beautiful i love mark. <3
junqsiw #8
Chapter 1: cute story