the story of him and her


this is a story of a couple who did love each other but ended up faild relationship



There was a boy named sanghye and a girl named hyunji well they we're friends in a website facebook they never meet in person even until now and this is their story....

(on facebook wall to wall)

Sanghye: hi!!!! hyunji xD

Hyunji: ohh hey sanghye!! xD

Sanghye: how are u? 

hyunji: im fine ^^ and u?

sanghye: same as u :)

hyunji: im glad u are :D

sanghye: feels bored right now.... what should we talk about?

hyunji: about lovelife?

sanghye: lovelife???

hyunji: yes! ohh u dont want? we can talk something else if u dont want :)

sanghye: no no! i didn't said i dont want.. ok lets begin!

hyunji: okay so u first..hows lovelife?

sanghye: single....and u?

hyunji: well same here also single and still looking for someone hehehe..

sanghye: then be my girl? xD

hyunji: what? are u sure???

sanghye: i dont know xD

hyunji: aww hahaha xD

sanghye: be my girl?

hyunji: uhmmm okay..hahaha! :)

sanghye: really?!?!

hyunji: of course!! ^_^


And they started their relationship that time.. both of them was very happy about their new relationship..they are really sweet to each other ...  they always wait for their monthsaries... but they never reached anniversaries...because after 3 months they broke up... this is what hyunji said to sanghye on facebook message..

hyunji: sorry...need to break up with you now :(

i need to focus on something else...
i wanna quit lovelife for now...

but i still love you

hope we still can be friends after this,,
but if you dont want... its ok..
bye for now..
thanks for all the happy moments we have...and now we need to finish this...sorry again...

(then sanghye replied...)

sanghye: its okay ..

yes we can still be friends..

so long..I'll deactivate my account..

i dont know if i will comeback or not..
i will miss you ...

* the tears appeared on hyunji's eyes especially when she saw that sanghye will deeactivate his account, she really dont want to break up but she needs to.. she still loves sanghye so much..but she dont want to hurt her self more... the message that she sent at sanghye was not the real reason... her true reason was... their relationship are getting complicated...and on her mind was sanghye dont love her anymore..she thought that sanghye wants to love another girl and dont like her anymore...but she also think it wasnt true... she was really confused but she decided to break up with sanghye....... *


after 2 months sanghye reactivate his account and hyunji found out about it too and hyunji take a look on sanghye's profile and read his latest status after they newly break up..until she found something on sanghye's profile which make her fall into tears again..

sanghye wrote this on his own wall....

"finally the day that i dont want to happened already happend..but its okay....friends? yes we can still be friends.. if you need a friend i'll be here i'm always ready to accompany you...and sorry for the days if i ever hurt you"

hyunji can't believe that he wrote that...she just read it very late so she felt guilty and cry again!! while saying...

Hyunji: i wish i didnt break up with him...i knew i would hurt myself..!!

hyunji couldn't move on until now...she even think that maybe she wont forget him anymore..she did handled relationships to forget but it doesn't works..sanghye is still stick on her heart..

And the story ends with nothing... Hyunji failed on her love for Sanghye.. 


Thanks for reading my first fanfic.. yes maybe this would be kinda ugly but i just did try my best...i wrote this story because this story is real but only the names are different... 



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