The Fallen One

Wanted Something More

 Chen was wearing a boy tank top that was black and had rock looking lip stain printed on it. He wore tan shorts and vans."Aigoo, look at our Hina, always looking so plain, he chuckled and smiled cheekily. Shina's heart skipped a beat. She bit her lips nervously, " Oppa, thank you so much for the compliment," hinting the sarcasm in it.

"Oppa, we're riding a t-tandem bike ??!" Ah. Neyy." Chen smiled and dragged Shina over to the bike as Shina was wide mouthed shock. It was a light blue tandem bike. With a basket and white tires. She couldn't help but just stare at it. She suddenly came down to earth as she felt something warm. 
His hand with hers. Clasped. Shina smiled dumbly at their hands. Chen noticed and smile, then he broke the silence. "Yah ! Uh..Uh, you ride at the back. Araso ?" Oppa, shirdo !" whined Shina. " I want to ride in the front. I promise I will work hard !" Chen just eyed her. "Pweasee, oppa. ChenChen ?" Aish, fine. "
"But when we come back I'll ride in the front."Asa !" They both got on and before they knew it they were already one with the wind.

Sunset with the wind, and the colorful lights. They both were laughing as Shina almost made a mistake and hit a tree. While Shina was laughing Chen took in the view. 

I hope today will be a good day. 

Chen thought to himself. He looked in front of him. There she was, her caress-able back. He just wanted to hug her from behind. Chen hesitantly reached out to touch her waist..
"Oppa! Look ! It's right there !" Shina yelled as she turned back. Chen was snapped out of his actions. " Ah, yeh. Do you like it? "

Shina smiled showing all her beautiful white teeth. He smiled back and sighed as he helped paddle like nothing had happen.  They finally got there and locked their bicycle onto the metal thing. As they entered there was the smell of onions, fries, and the sound of loud music. Also to mention all these people that came. It was definitely crowded. 

Shina P.O.V

"Oppa, pe gu pa" I frowned and rubbed my tummy. Chen looked down. He suddenly broke into a chuckle. "Yah ! What ?" As I did a self defense on my body. Hey, we don't know where he might look at. 

"Gaja, lets go get some burger and fries first." I smiled and jumped happily. This is wonderful. Music, food, rides.. And of course Chen. Ah, Chen. Back there was weird. He definitely reached out to .. Hold me right ? He was staring down... My ??!.. Wait. No . He wouldn't. He isn't those type to stare down there. "Yah, there it is !" I snapped out of my thinking. Still puzzled I followed Chen. 

We quickly ordered our food and sat at a wide bench. "So after this we will go on rides. Then we'll play games...." 

It seemed as if the whole world stopped. No sound No movement. All I saw was this guy. His smile, his beautiful eyes. His lips that moves perfectly, shaped perfectly-- 
"Yah ! Are you even listening ?"
Yes, I was."Yah, kywenchana ?"Ah, Ney. continue."
" Ok. After that, if you're tired let's go onto the Ferris wheel. Araso ?" Yes." 


Third P.O.V


They walked around. Sometimes when people got too pushy Chen would reassure Shina by touching her back and leading her. Shina felt Chen being awkward with is hand, yet she doesn't stop him. 

Live, laugh, love. 

This was what's happening and Shina couldn't help but went along with it. They rode on rides and laughed the entire moment. 

The night was coming to an end and Shina didn't want it to. They both were walking side by side, strolling by these standees.

"Hey, look up at the stars." Chen bend back and smiled. " Yes it's quite pretty isn't it ?" Shina nodded her head. "One day, I will go to the galaxy. I will party up there." Yes, I would want to go too. With you. Just you." Shina stopped looking and turned her head at Chen. "Really. I do." Chen said and slowly turned his head to look at Shina while smiling. They both just looked at each other.

   Sending messages through eyes because the courage wasn't found to say it by heart. 

Chen looked away. "Hey let's go ride the Ferris wheel then we'll go home. Your parents might be worried."
Chen dragged Shina along as she was still in daze. 

They both got on and smiled as they are nearly at the top. All those beautiful lights. Various lights were still on creating an ocean of golden light. Music was still heard. Chen and Shina took in the view.

" Hey, let's take a photo," Shina suggested. She took out her phone and did a V sign pose while Chen smiled. " Let's take it on yours too." Chen smiled showing his teeth while Shina did a kiss pose with her The V sign again. After the selfies, they both relaxed and didn't talk. ?

Shina slowly fell asleep. Her head kept wobbling down but Chen leaned it on his shoulder. He smiled, " Ya, pabo. Do you know you might had fallen if I wasn't here to catch you.." 


Shina had woken up and now they were walking to her house. As they were walking to her drive lane Shina turned and hugged Chen. Chen was caught by surprise as he dropped the bike. "Thanks for everything today Chen. I really had a fun time thanks to you, " Shina said as she was walking backwards yet hugging Chen. " Thanks for always understanding me, thanks for always being there for me. Thanks for being my best friend." Chen chuckled and smiled. 

He hugged Shina even tighter and whispered,"You're welcome, Shina. I think you're a bit too tired.." I'm just really happy." Chen pulls back and smiled," Happiness is a delight. Now lets take you home." Shina noticed that they were already at her front door. She frowned. "I'll text you tomorrow." Shina smiled and hugged him again. "Goodnight ChenChen." Goodnight Shina." Then Shina went inside. 

Chen slowly walked to retrieve his bike and he strolled away quietly to his house that was down the block.



Shina quietly went up the stairs and plopped on the bed. 

" Do you know you might had fallen if I wasn't here to catch you..."

I know you'll always be there... Always. 

And just like that she fell asleep for the rest of the night remembering that sweet line from her dream...


[ Author's Note ]

WASSUP ! TheLostPlanet in SHANGHAI !! 

Tonight ! Day 2 . ✌ 
Have Fun EXO!

Fighting Wushu Tao ! Don't cut yourself again ! 


How was it ?!!! 
I think it was REALLY SWEET ! YEHET ! Ohorat ! Next Chap. Oh Sehun ! 





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YumiD123 #1
Chapter 1: Cute. Very cute..... :)