In Trouble

♥♥♥ I Fell In Love With Oh Sehun, My Personal Bodyguard ♥♥♥

In Trouble

[Sehun's POV] 

"Okay, people. We're live in: 3, 2, 1... ROLLING!"

There were hundreds of spectators and journalists dressed in the most formal of clothing. 

Slowly, the room was beginning to crowd as people sat at their seats and patiently waited for the ceremony to start. EXO was among them. 

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." The spokesman greeted the room with a plausible smile on his face. 

Cameras were being clicked away and laptop keyboards were continually being pressed. 

"Our country has seen a remarkable success in military, defence and economy, in the past few years. Citizens of The Republic of Korea, we thank you for joining us today in the announcement of our country's newest Vice President, Choi Yoon Sung."

Said man appeared on stage and waved to the audience as he approached the microphone stand in the centre of the stage. Roars of applaud and clapping followed as he quickly adjusted his tie before speaking. 

"Thank you everyone for attending the ceremony" he began professionally but with a hint of nervousness. "I would like to greet you all a fair evening, I hope that our country will accredit the public, for I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for you." Blah, blah, blah. 

It was a tad bit obvious how long this was going to take, and I sighed knowing I would be here for a while. 

The audience clapped and cheered for the man in the spotlight… but I didn't. 

Simply because I wasn't there. 

"What a shame. Your demeanour is always one step ahead of you, perhaps it was your destiny to stand back here while the rest of your team 'Exo' are having a while down there."

"I'm sorry, Sir." That was all I could say. "This would never happen again."

"You're right, it won't."

The owner of the voice brought my attention back to the present as his rotating chair spun around by 180 degrees until he was facing me. 

His face was as blank as paper. 

"You'll be denounced. There is no chance of a bodyguard I see in you, Oh Sehun. You're nothing more to me than the dust beneath my shoe."

Well, talk about rude! 

I stood quietly in the dimmed spacious room with hands behind my back. The man sat at a permanent spinning chair towards the front, where a wide one-way screen window overlooked the crowd of people. 

We were in the director's booth, a place high up from the rest of Exo. There were no cameras here. It was just us. 

I stared at him with no expression on my face, either. He ignored the ceremony below and dealed with the matter at hands. 

The problem this time, was me. 

"But I saved her!"  

"I know that very clearly. It's thanks to you that the Vice President's only daughter is alive and well. He wouldn't be standing here today, not only by the general public, but if it weren't for you, either. Choi is greatly in your favour."

The man spun around again and looked down at the audience, he probably didn't have the nerve to look at me. 

Being a bodyguard requires training and practice. It ranges everything from combat fighting, defence strategies, critical thinking and on-the-spot skills needed at any time during a situation. 

But you also have to play by a few rules.. 

And as you have guessed, I have broken some. 

"Firstly, you ran away from the watchtowers without permission to leave" he began to list my undeniable mistakes. 

"Do you know why we have rules like that, Sehun? It's to protect young trainees like you from risking your lives at a non-practice operation."

I unknowingly my lips, counting the broken rules myself as he went on. 

"Secondly, you stole the keys to a silver SUV straight off the receptionist's desk. That, and you never bothered to register the vehicle before you stole it!" 

"I didn't steal it, sir. I had to act quickly and there was no time for—"

"Silence!" He ordered me like a kid in a classroom. I could picture his head about to explode with anger behind the backrest of his chair. 

And I even left the door wiiiiiide open as I ran out of the car… Good thing he never mentioned it. Or even knew about it, for that matter. 

"Third, YOU BROKE INTO THE CHA FAMILY'S HOME!! Do you know how much it costs to replace a damage at an expensive house like that? I don't think a fire could have smashed a window... do you?"

"So the broken window was more important to discuss, than the fact that nearly three quarters of their property was burnt down to ash, or how two girls were on the brink of death?" I argued, but kept my voice low. My blood was boiling with anger.. But I'd never dare to show my discomfort around him. 

"Oh Sehun, not only have you broken three rules in one day, but you also left premises on your own! You could have been in great danger!!"

Danger?! I don't think so. Here I am, training to defend a victim from harm, and now he thinks I can't protect myself— and I'm almost 18! How typical.. 

Then there's Luhan. 

Didn't they know he left without permission, too..? 

"Sir, I think you're losing the point." My hands were sweaty but it was a good thing he couldn't see my fiddling fingers behind my back. And he was still facing the wide one-way view screen. "The broken window has got nothing to do with my safety at the watchtowers, and the rules I follow thereby."

"The decision is final. You've proved your worth."

I tightened my fists to contain the injustice I felt. This was so not fair! 

Everyone's forgetting that I saved a girl from dying in a fire!

But no.. breaking into a house was more serious. 

"Sehun, young man.."

I didn't need to hear the rest of what he had to say as I was already heading for the door. Let Exo enjoy their time. 

I was never going to be a protector from the start. Mr. So-Not-Fair just said so. 

I'm leaving! 

"The leading Vice President requests a personal bodyguard for his daughter, Choi Eun Mi."

What has that got to do with me? Not even five minutes ago did he say that he saw no chance of a bodyguard in me, so what did he mean..? 

Well. It doesn't matter. I'm out of here. 

"..And you're hired for the job."


A/N: Sorry for short chapter! I didn't know how else to write it so it's a little bit messy… and I skipped the ceremony speech part, because umm.. I also don't know how to write about that. ^^; But Eun Mi and Sehun will meet for real in the next chapter! See you until then, too~ 안녕

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ButtercupRainbowdanz #1
Please update author nim!!!!!!!! Who's the visitor?!?!
Update soon author-nim. Ohmygahh, this is too cute, well i mean Sehun is cute ^-^ i cant wait ! >~<
Chapter 1: By the way, your background also caught my attention! I like sentimental circus too! ♥ yay!
Chapter 1: Ohhhh! I'm only on the first chapter but i can already tell that this is going to be good! In fact, this is a one hell of a gem! What a unique story! A plot that's so nice exists! Oh my god! I'm so happy to see this fic! Thank you so much for sharing us your talent! I hope you won't waste it. You've got a really nice potential! You write well! The way you describe this makes the story more interesting! I hope you'll continue to update it. I hope you won't abandon it because really, it's such a waste for such beautiful fic. This story got a huge potential to be long chaptered fic! I hope you can come back soon. If you feel like you're having a writer's block just tell us, maybe we can help you. I tried looking at your profile but it's really private so i don't know if you can read my comment but i hope so! I really like your story! More power! Hope you'll see this! Take care! ♥ (●^o^●)
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON!!! Oh lord. Sehun's attitude are my type of guys, there so attractive! I would totally love a 24/7 bodyguard like Oh Sehun. It's so CUTE!!! Eeek!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON. IM DYING!!
eksojjang #6
new reader here! oh my gosh :"> cant stop smiling by sehun's actions <3 PLS UPDATE SOON PLEASE! :)
sharonjessia #7
Chapter 11: update soon pls, i cant wait ouo
Rachael_exostan #8
Chapter 11: Ohoho... Sehun with his I'm-gonna-undress-you-myself-if-you-won't-get-dressed-anytime-soon....
EllyKelly #9
Chapter 10: This story is really good i cant wait until the next chapter
Blackexotic_94 #10
Chapter 8: updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesssssssssssssssssss please update soon authornim!! I luvvvv it!!!!!!! (≧∇≦)/