
Where You At

Tae yang turned his head at the mention of his name. Few people use his real name. He can't make a clear view of the girl who mentioned his name as the guy beside her kept blocking his view. There's just one thing he took note of, the girl kept on cursing and mentioning of killing someone. "Americans" he murmured and caught up with the group. Just as he e more time trying to get a glimpse of the girl, someone bumped him."

"What happened back in the plane?" GD asked Tae yang.

"Ah, I think it's the girl's first time on plane. She was terrified." Tae yang answered.

"Hyung was so nice to help her. But she must be pretty rich, she was occupying 2 seats and it's in the first class." Seung ri was more than excited to in. "And I peeked on her tablet, it's the latest model and man, it's full of business whatever. But she's too young to be a business woman,"

"Seung ri, I bet you were envious of Tae yang," TOP teased.

"Hyung, I tell ya, she's pretty even when she's drenched with sweats. And obviously a smart person. My type," Seung ri retaliated to TOP's teasing.

"I'll make a bet. If you can find her and date her, I'll buy you a plane ticket to your dream vacation," Dae sung dared.

"For real hyung?" Seung ri bite on the challenge.

Tae yang who was silent spoke. "You'll be dead before you make a move," he said with an evil smile.

"What?" Seung ri looked closely at Tae yang.

"She'll kill you before you even ask for a date," Taeyang laughed.

"What do you mean kill me?" Seung ri was puzzled.

"First find that girl and let us know," Taeyang got up and grabbed his bag. "I'm heading out first. I'll see you guys tomorrow,"


"Oppa, you owe me something big in here," CJ walked into brother's office and straight to his empty chair like she's in their living room..
"What do we got?" Jae Min got up and followed her to his chair.
"You have to talk to your accountant. Something went fishy on your accounts last year. I caught a glitch on a project last year. You have to check the newly launched fashion line. The raw materials aren't seems like what was in the datas. You could lose the whole company if the costumer will caught up with it. Have you had complaints yet?" she realized someone else was in the room. "oppps, sorry, I didn't knew you have a guest," she made a bow act of apology to the guy sitting in the couch. "Oppa, is it a trend in Korea to wear dark glasses even inside the building?" It was a whisper but loud enough for the guy to hear it. "when I was coming here I sat next to a guy wearing dark glasses. I just find it rude,"
"Oh, it's something they have to do I guess," Jae min answered.
"Oppa, that's a big thing and I want something big," CJ said happily thinking of a Japan trip.
"If you're thinking of talking to mom to send you back to Canada, you might as well forget it." Her brother shooed her out. "We'll talk about this next time. Ah, are you coming to my house for dinner?"
"Dae Shin's taking me out. He'll show me around." CJ winked "and oh don't try to sell me out or you'll be dead before you're dead," she closed the door behind.
"Sorry about that," Jae Min apologized to Seung ri.
"What does she mean you're dead before you're dead?" Seung ri asked curiously.
"Oh," Jae Min shook his head. "That's her favorite line, killing people. Anyways, I already talked to the board about it."
"Hyung, what if I ask my members to join me with the shoot." Seung ri suggested.
"I shouldn't be talking to you about this coz the planning people won't have anything to do." Jae Min laughed. "Do you think your agency will agree? You guys are big in the market now,"
"They will. Trust me," Seung ri promised.
"Okay, done deal," Jae Min offered a hand shake.
"Oh, was that girl your girlfriend?"
Jae min laughed out loud. "That girl? Oh you gotta be kidding me. I'm a married man, seungri and you know that well. I'll be dead before I start dating that kind of girl but I love her so much,"
"huh?" Seung ri was lost. "whoaa! you're the second person who mentioned dead before dating,"
"Oh, really?"
"Oh. Taeyang hyung said the same thing the other day,"
"probably we're in the same boat. But that crazy girl is my younger sister. Mess up with her and she won't leave you alone,"
"Sounds scary," Seung ri commented. "I haven't seen her before,"
"Ah, she grew up in Canada and mom dragged her to live here. Mom's trying to marry her off. That made us worried. The poor guy will have hell life."
"Ohhh, Is that how she was brought up?"
"Oh no. we spoiled her a lot that's why she gets her way," Jae Min admitted." But she's the sweetest girl ever,"
"You're a good brother," Seung ri took his glasses off. "She didn't recognize me did she?"
"Ask me if she even know you," Jae min chuckled.
"What?" Seung ri cracked up. " You mean she doesn't know me?" Jae min nodded. "No way,"
"Well, I'm not sure but she's the person who's not into entertainment. Her life revolves in her studies and her hobbies,"
"That's surprising. A Korean who's not aware of Korean idols considering her age,"
"Let's forget her, shall we go out for lunch?"

"Oppa, what do you think mom is planning? She suddenly wanted all the family to be in Korea this Christmas," CJ picked her purse.
"I was surprised myself when Jae Min Hyung told me you're coming. I can't believe it at first till I saw you at the airport,"
"Hey, seriously you haven't heard of a Dong Yong Bae?" CJ whispered.
"Dong Young bae?" Dae Shin repeated.
"Hmm," CJ nodded. "She said something that I need to meet him before Christmas. What the do I know about this guy. What if he's a bad guy or worst a gay," CJ can't control herself and burst to laughter.
"Oh well, be sure to be back before the 20th. Mom will go ballistic if she'll find out you're not in Korea. Or uh... mom would be very happy if you ran off with your Dong Young Bae"
"Ya! Oppa! One more word and I'll kill you. You won't see pretty girls tomorrow,"

The loud and familiar voice made Tae yang and Seung ri turned their back at the same time. They saw a familiar face seated across a guy.
"Seung ri? Sol?" TOP snapped his fingers before them.
"Oh, I thought I saw someone I know," Tae yang lied.
"ah, I heard a familiar phrase," Seung ri answered.
"It's scary in the airport huh," Dae sung commented. "You don't know when someone will just drag you"
The group were on their way to Japan for another concert.

"Ayu-chan, yep. I just boarded the plane. Dong Young bae? Ayumi satoshi, not you too. please I'm sick of that name. Accordingly, we'll be landing around 3 pm. better be at the airport or you're dead,"
Tae yang became more curious of the person behind him. He crept and raised his head to see the person behind him. He was flabbergasted and sat back slowly. "Who the hell is she?" he wondered. "Did she plan everything?" he began to be suspicious. "If so, then she should know me by now," he shook his head and rested on the head rest.
The take off was being announced and the FA was talking to CJ.
"I"ll stay with her," Tae yang stepped in.
CJ was dumbfounded. 'isn't he the same guy she was seated with from her flight in JFK.' She wanted to protest but the guy was already buckling himself next to her. The FA nodded, thanked him and left.
"Just wait a minute," CJ was the first to speak. "Are you stalking me?"
"Stalk..excuse me?" Tae yang didn't expect that statement. "excuse me miss, shouldn't you be thanking me instead of accusing?"
Before CJ could shot back, the plane started to take off. She closed her eyes and held at the arm rest tightly.
Tae yang pried her left hand from the arm rest and held it. "Look at me," CJ was still adamant and closed her eyes. "Miss aren't you the one stalking me? You know who I am right?"
CJ opened her eyes and pulled her hand from tae yang. "Ya! don't be full of yourself. What the do I care and why in the world should I be stalking you," she shouted.
As soon as the plane was airborne the FA came and asked what's going on. Both answered they are ok.
"Mister, let's be clear here," CJ said after the FA left. "You were on the same flight as me from the US and now. Is this coincidence? No, mom asked you have an eye on me, didn't she?"
"For your information it was you... Who are you by the way?" Tae yang didn't continue what he was about to ask.
"And why would I disclose my identity to a total stranger?" CJ said sharply.
"ahhh, so you don't know me and really clueless who am I," Tae yang snickered.
"Oh for God sake, being a Korean doesn't mean I have to know the population of Korea. I don't even know my sister in law's family why would I bother to stalk you," CJ flared.
"Dong Yong Bae," Tae yang said.
CJ turned to him. "What did you just say?"
"I wonder if how many Dong Young Bae in Korea," Taeyang ignored her.
She ignored him in returned.
She called Ayu as soon as the plane landed. She was furious when Ayu said she had to go to her hotel by herself. "You are so dead," she said and hung up.
Seung ri who was on the line caught a glimpse of CJ. He was about to ran after her but his manager held him. there were lot of fans in the airport. he can't afford to get caught running after a girl.
"who was that?" his manager asked.
"Jae Min hyung's sister. It's surprising to see her here in Japan,"
CJ walked casually. She started to get irritated by the screaming girls on the side. Each waving a banner. It's in Hangul so she can read it well. 'Welcome to japan, Bigbang? Bigbang?' she thought. 'are they the boyband Ayu mentioned.' she wondered. She looked around and continued walking. "where the is the exit?" mostly were blocked with screaming girls. She was kinda lost and dazed. A hand grabbed her and was pulling her. "what the !" she tried to free herself but she was being dragged away.
"Dammit!!!" she screamed as she was released. She faced her attacker and stunned to find it was the same guy at the plane. She backed away. "You....I am going to scream all the way. You can't escape and...." CJ started to tremble upon seeing four boys walking towards their direction. "!" she cursed. "So this is it? You're going to kill me here," The thought of getting killed in a foreign country terrified her and wanted to collapse but she held on to her strength.
"Ha? Killed?" Taeyang burst to laughter.
"Oh?...Park Jae Min dongsaeng?" Seung ri recognized her.
CJ was speechless. They even know her brother. "Leave my brother alone. Whatever you have thing in me, leave my family alone,"
"Tae yang, what's this?" TOP approached them.
"Get into the van," Taeyang ordered CJ.
When she didn't made a move, TOP put her arm around CJ and escorted her into the van. "Hurry up guys,"
CJ was never terrified in her life. The most was when she had a surgery, well except when flying. She decided to just be quiet. She doesn't know what they are planning.
"where are.." CJ and Taeyang spoke at the same time.
"Where are you staying?" Taeyang asked.
CJ was still hesitant to answer his question. But gave in eventually. The other four boys were quiet.
"Hey aren't you Park Jae min's sister?" Seung ri turned and asked her.
"How did you know my brother?" CJ was still trembling.
"I knew it." Seung ri snapped his fingers. "You're dead when you arrive at your hotel,"
"Ya, Seung ri! what was that?" G dragon interrupted.
Her phone rang and she was hesitant to answer it.
"Go ahead," Tae yang motioned her to answer it.
It was Ayumi. She began to flare up and ignored that her kidnappers were around. "Satoshi Ayumi, if I'll find out that you're part of this plan, you will be buried in Japan soil before I let these people kill me,"
"What are you talking about?" Ayumi was puzzled. "Where are you now. I'll be coming to pick you up for dinner,"
"I'll call you later," CJ hang up and looked at the five boys who were staring at her. 'Damn! why are these boys so pretty' she thought.
"Ok, Taeyang, explain," TOP was urging Tae yang what's going on in korean.
Tae yang didn't explained much except that he said he's helping her. Seung ri bugged him explaining that she doesn't understand korean anyways.
The van stopped at their hotel. The boys were whisked inside right away.
Tae yang walked back and said, "I presume you know how to check in," he left.
CJ was like struck by a lightning. She just sat there. 'To think that they kidnapped me. What the..." she got out of the van, pulled her luggage out and went straight to the reception to check in. She breathes in relief when the key was handed to her and she's on her way up to her room. There were other girls on the elevator and all she could hear was about Bigbang. She shook her head and got off on her floor. I should check this boyband later. They really sound like popular.
She called Ayumi as soon as she finished freshening and getting ready to leave.

 *Good sunday morning!

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dubiousfool #1
Chapter 9: why did you rush it? it's actually very good you know.
Situmeng18 #2
Chapter 7: Omo I can't wait for more.
Chapter 5: UPDATE :))))
taeyang1805 #4
Update more pls ....