Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress


Cold mist filled Seoul's air; the beautiful morning sun was rising. Taeyang opened his eyes and slowly moved out of bed. He sat there for a while, trying to awaken properly. "Come on; don't want to be tired for the wedding”.

He got up, but was still in a sleepy trance. He got undressed and ghostly moved into the shower.

He felt the warm droplets of water fall onto his skin and move down his body. Steam filled up the bathroom and made a warm atmosphere. There was no emotion to be seen in Taeyang besides despair and sadness.

He got out and wiped the steamed mirror. He looked at himself with disappointment.

“Why me?”

Taeyang suddenly heard his cell phone ring. He ran out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist.


“Youngbae. It’s me Dara. The wedding will be starting in half an hour. Where are you?”

“I...Ah…I’m leaving the house now.”

“Alright, see you soon.”

Taeyang hung up the phone and looked at the time. “How long was I in the shower for?”

Although he knew he was running late, he still didn’t pick up the pace to get ready. He finally finished getting ready and left the house with his notebook. Taeyang decided to walk to the church. He checked his watch “I’ll have plenty of time.”

He hurried along, just in case his calculations were wrong.



“Aigoo! How many times do you listen to this song Youngbae?!” Said Jihyun

“Not that much! Actually, according to my calculations 45+789-2268=6”

“Ahaa, sure. Let’s have a look shall we? Yup, I guessed it. 120 times a day. Do you always listen to this song? ”

“No, only when I think of you.♥” Taeyang said with a grin on his face.

[*end of flashback*]


Meanwhile, Jihyun was getting prepared for the wedding. Everyone was praising her dress.

“He is such a lucky guy.” Jihyun’s mum said

“I know. And I love him with all my heart.”

“I can see.”


Taeyang finally got to the church and greeted everybody.

“Youngbae! Good to see you made it.”

Dara ran up to Taeyang and gave him a big hug.

“Dara~ you look so pretty.”

“Well, I have to look good for this special day.”

Dara blushed and gave a big grin.

“Where’s Jihyun?”

“Oh, she’s getting ready. She’s in the room on the left.”

“Okay, see you soon.”


Taeyang walked to the room on the left and saw Jihyun dressed in her beautiful wedding gown.

Never before in his life has he seen someone so beautifully dressed like this. Her hair was long flowing and was as dark as the night sky. Her eyes glistened and sparkled in the light and her smile made him feel like he was in heaven.

“Youngbae! Oh how great it is to see you!”

Jihyun ran up and gave Taeyang a kiss.

“So, what do you think?

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. But you know. You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding starts…”

“That rule only applies to the groom…”

They both laughed. Then a moment of silence came between them.

“Aah, Youngbae. You made it. Thanks for coming.” Hyunju interrupted

“No worries.”


The wedding started, and Jihyun walked gracefully and beautifully down the aisle.

Everyone stared in awe and never took their eyes off her. As Hyunju and Jihyun said their vows, Taeyang thought of the times that Jihyun and Taeyang would have had if Hyunju weren’t in the picture. Anger, Depression, Pain, Disappointment, Despair, Sadness. They all rushed through him like a giant tsunami destroying his heart leaving no survivors. Every time Jihyun and Taeyang were together, Hyunju always popped out of nowhere.

When the wedding finished, Jihyun saw Taeyang still sitting behind the piano just quietly soaking up his sadness.

“Youngbae. Thank You for being an awesome friend. We’ve been so close ever since we were children. You, me and Hyunju.”

Taeyang didn’t reply. He just stared back at Jihyun with a blank face.
“Taeyang…Don’t look at me like that. What’s wrong?”

Taeyang sunk deeper into sadness. Deeper than the dark abyss of his soul.

“Why won’t you answer me Youngbae!?”

Taeyang instantly stood up at the rage in her voice. He spoke quietly…

“It’s obvious that you don’t know what I’m feeling. What I’m going through. So why should I have to answer.”

Taeyang then look at her for a split second and walked away. His head hung low and never looked back. Jihyun tried stopping him from walking away, but it didn’t work.

Taeyang watched as the happy couple went off to their honey moon. He put his hand into his pocket and reached for the engagement ring that was for Jihyun and looked at it with a heartless glare. The world around him faded out and left Taeyang alone. All the love he had, all the happiness and laughter that was left, erased. Never to be seen in this world again.


”You, who never understood my feelings
Because of that, I ended up despising you
then I wished a misfortune upon you
but now my eyes are dry”

- Wedding Dress, Taeyang

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