Beach Trip

Beach Trip


Beach Trip

“Ta-da!” Yonghwa handed me some plane tickets.

“What is it for?” I asked as I took them from him.

“To Jeju Island, you. CN Blue has a vacation!” He hugged me.

 “No way, seriously?!” Minhyuk asked.

The three of them came in. “Did we hear vacation?!” Jonghyung stared at Yonghwa.

He nodded. “Since we finished up our promotions smoothly, Manager gave us some tickets to Jeju Island.”

We cheered, “Jeju Island, here we come!”


The island was breathtaking in person. It was a nice climate, perfect for the beach.

It was the season that not many people came over, so disguises weren’t necessary for the boys.

Yonghwa and I shared a room together, while the three boys got a huge room to themselves.

I blushed as I sat on the bed.

“Why’s my you all red? Is she having dirty thoughts?” He teased.

I playfully shoved him. “No, I’m not! It’s just…we’re going to alone tonight, just the two of us…”

“Oh.” He sat next to me. “You’re nervous about sharing a room with a man.” He gave me a kiss on the side of my head. “Don’t worry; I can sleep on the couch. I promise not to do anything you don’t want.”

I shook my head. “I trust you, Oppa. You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”

He smiled gently at me. “My sweet, innocent girl.” He kissed my forehead.


At the beach, I was wearing a long, thin skirt over my small shorts and a strapless shirt top. I had my hair tied to the side.

Minhyuk was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. He was sitting next to me on the sand.

The others were still in the hotel, getting ready.

you, let’s make a sandcastle!” He was grabbing a bunch of sand.

“Okay. How big should it be?” I began to help him.

We were engrossed in building a big sandcastle. We didn’t notice them walking towards us.

I felt lotion being applied on my back. I turned my head.


I blushed as I looked at him.

“You forgot the sunscreen, you.” He smiled. “I don’t want you to get sunburned.”

“Thanks, Oppa.” I stood up and took the bottle when he was done.


Jonghyung, Minhyuk and Jungshin were enjoying themselves in the water. Minhyuk was being bullied by Jonghyung and Jungshin.

Yonghwa was sitting next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist. I rested my head against his shoulder. I loved feeling the smoothness of his skin.

He my hair.

It was nice just relaxing together on the beach.

“You thirsty?” He asked.

“A bit. You?”

“I’ll go get something to drink.” He stood up and walked back to the hotel.

Three American guys came up to me.

“You alone, babe?” One of them asked.

I didn’t answer.

“She looks rich, she came from that hotel.”

I tried to ignore them.

“Why don’t you come play with us?” One of them grabbed my wrist and made me stand up.

I shook my head. “Let go.”

Another grabbed my chin. “She isn’t half-bad.”

“Don’t touch me!” I yelled.

The other grabbed my other wrist before I could slap any of them.

you!” Jonghyung yelled. They came running towards me.

“Look’s like you’ve got some boyfriends.”

“Let her go.” Minhyuk glared at them.

“We found her first, so back off!” The one holding my chin grabbed my hair. “We’re not letting her go.”

“Release my girlfriend.” Yonghwa had returned. He grabbed the guy’s wrist and forced him to release my hair.

“Oppa!” I looked at him.

“She’s my girl.” He was glaring at them. “So let her go.”

Jungshin grabbed him by the shirt. He was easily taller than him. “Back off her.”

They all glared at each other. 

Yonghwa grabbed my waist and pulled me away. He held me protectively.

“I’m already taken, go some where else.” I told them.

“Let’s go, she’s not even that good.” They left.

I let out a breath of relief. Yonghwa supported me.

“Are you okay, you?” Minhyuk asked.

I nodded. “I’m fine.”

Yonghwa helped me sit down. They all sat down around us. 

“You’re shaking, are you okay?” Yonghwa my hair.

I nodded. “I’ll be fine. I was just scared.”

“It’s okay now, we’re all here.” Jungshin reassured me.

“We can all protect you, you.” Minhyuk looked at me with concern.

“Good thing I noticed in time, I should’ve been watching you more when Yonghwa left.” Jonghyung sighed.

“Don’t worry guys, I trust you all. Nothing happened, so it’s okay.” I tried to get their nerves down too.


We sat around for a while, drinking fruit smoothies. Eventually, they eased up and went back to playing sports on the beach.

Yonghwa and I went to the water. He held my hand as we went in together.

“Do you like the beach?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yup, it’s really nice.” Not as nice as your shirtless body! I giggled silently.

“What is it?” He asked.

I shook my head. “Nothing.” I kept giggling.

 He realized the reason behind my giggles. “You like what you see, huh?”

I blushed. “Maybe.”

“You do, by the looks of your flushed cheeks, you like it very much!” He teased, poking my side.

I splashed some water in his direction.

He pinched y cheeks. “Aigoo, my you  can be so cute.” He chuckled.


We headed back to the hotel and our rooms. As Yonghwa and I neared our room, he covered my eyes.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” I placed my hands on his.

“Just trust me.” He whispered in my ear. He opened the door and led me in. “Okay, now.”

I gasped. There were red and pink rose petals in a little road leading to a table for two. The bed was also sprinkled with rose petals.

“Yonghwa…” I looked at him, speechless.

“Jungshin and Jonghyung helped me set it up.” He took my hand and led me to the table.

We had a nice dinner together. We even had a little bit of weak wine. He knew I couldn’t stand strong alcohol.

He had even prepared the Jacuzzi in the bathroom for us. He helped me in. we sat across from each other. “Do you like it?”

I nodded. “It’s wonderful, Yonghwa.” I smiled.

“I’ve always wanted your smile to glow like this.” He my cheek.

I blushed.

He brought me closer and our lips connected. They were just soft kisses at first, but we became fiercer. He slid his tongue into my mouth when I granted him access. I was melting in his hands. I was so inexperienced in kissing, but he led me. His arms held me closer, tighter.

My hands tangled in his hair and I wanted more. “Yonghwa…” I breathed, breathless when we separated.

He was breathing heavily too. He had his hands on my neck and he ran them down to my back, then to my waist.

I shivered under his touch. “Yonghwa…”

He took my lips again.

My mind was spinning. I was going crazy for his touch. I couldn’t get enough.

He kissed down my throat to my shoulder. “you …” He breathed against my skin.

I shivered.

He kissed me once more and released me.

I looked at him, I could feel my eyes glazed over and my cheeks were flushed.

He had a look in his eyes, saying that he wanted me too. He got out and grabbed a towel and went into the room.

I didn’t want him to stop; I wanted us to go all the way now. It wasn’t fair to him or to me.  

I got out and went after him. He was almost fully dressed. He was putting on his pants.

I grabbed is shirt and kissed him fiercely. I don’t want to stop now. I want you as badly as you want me. Here and now.

I led him to the bed without breaking our kiss.

He seemed surprised. He didn’t touch me.

I forced him down on the bed and I nibbled on his ear.

He yelped a little. “you …”

“I want you too; like I know you want me. Here and now.” I breathed, breathless.

 Yonghwa turned the tables; he was on top of me in an instant. “I won’t let you do this to yourself and to me. We both know we’re not ready.”

“Yonghwa, please.” I looked at him.

The same uneasy look I had was in his eyes.

“Not now, you. We’re not ready for this.” He pinned me down.

The hormones were getting the better of me. I tried to take deep breaths. He was right. Neither of us was ready yet. Slowly, I began to calm down. “You’re right, Yonghwa, what was I thinking?!”

He released me. “I’m going to take a shower.”

I nodded. “I’ll go after you.”


I guess I’m not always the innocent girl as I seem to be. Well, it could happen to anyone. We’re both at an age where our hormones can spin out of control.

Yonghwa came out of the shower fully dressed. He seemed better.

I dashed into the shower to wash off the feelings.

I took a long, cold shower. As I came out fully dressed, and drying my hair with a towel, I noticed him sleeping peacefully like an angel on the bed.

I kissed his cheek and sat down next to him. He was truly an angel, his beautiful face smooth and neutral. I his hair. He’s such a great guy, I thank god every night for granting me my miracle in my life. I know one day, god will be smiling down on us on our wedding day.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked as he opened his eyes sleepily.

“I’m thanking god.” I answered him.

“For what?” He yawned.

”For the greatest miracle in my life.” I lay down.

He turned to me. “What is it?”

“You.” I giggled as I his hair.

He smiled gently, the smile he has only shown to me. A true smile. Yonghwa hugged me to his chest. “He granted my miracle too as well.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“To be by the side of a very wonderful woman.” He kissed my forehead.

I blushed and snuggled into his chest. “I love you.”

“I love you.” He murmured in my ear. 




Hey~~, I hope you enjoyed my little oneshot! Please comment, second fic I posted. As you can probably tell, Yonghwa is my bias, my ultimate bias~~!! ^///^ The other one I posted is called Pure Love and it's also a YonghwXYou fic too, so check that out if you're interested~! Thaks for reading~! And don't forget to vote on my next oneshot! 
The person that reaches ten votes will be my next oneshot ---Xyou , so vote on your favorite!





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emyonghwa #1
Chapter 1: Hehehe..its me!TQ! :D
Chapter 1: How awesome that the user name gets into it! Hehe. Great story btw!!
Awww... boice should love you more Yonghwa ssi!
110 streak #4
Cute <3 Yonghwa is so sweet :)
fyekay918 #5
so cuteee aigooo :3
Cuteee >_< heeheee!!<br />
Thank youu!!
awww it's soo cute<br />
I like it<br />
thank u soo much =)