SHINing in Seoul


Lee Tae Hee was anything but a normal child. Her mom showered her with love and protection, reminded her every day that she was a very special girl and gave her almost everything she ever wanted. Almost everything. The one thing Tae Hee's umma forbade her to do was to leave their huge gated property. But when she finally reached her 6th birthday, her mother agreed to take her out just once to celebrate. As soon as Tae Hee blew her candles out and turned around, she was greeted by 5 armed guards who took her umma away. With tears in her eyes, her mother was dragged to a van and driven away...

And that was the last time Tae Hee saw her alive.

16 years later, Tae Hee is a fabulous socialite with all the right connections. Through endless training, and a few phone calls, she makes it as a trainee in S.M Entertainment. Everyone thought it was destined, but she knew better. It was where her "dreams" would come true. Where she would unknowingly fall in love...
And exactly where she tracked her mom's kidnapper.


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ASWUM~ Can't wait to read chapter1^^<br />
Liking the settings of your very first fanfic xD<br />
I think it'd go well, keep up the great work ^O^<br />
foreverSHINing #2
T-Tshinee: THANK YOU! :D<br />
It's my first ever fanfic, and I hope it turns out well.
WOW!! I really like this story idea...i can't wait to've got yourself a subbder!!! i'll work hard on the poster ^^