Your Everything


The person that you were running after for months, absolutely infatuated with, has left you.

Left you to wallow in depression.

Why did he do this to you? After all you've been through.

If he didn't love you, who would?



OKAY, So, I wrote this intentionally for my Infinite Instagram, but I was like "Why not put it on Asian Fanfics?"

So I did.

I'm pretty new to this, so I'm sorry if this ,

please give me critical (but not soul depressing) criticisim.

There may be grammar mistakes, I have read it over, but mostly likely will be grammar mistakes AFTER I have posted it.

Always the way.

And Woohyun isn't the guy who dumped you, just saying,

He's just an unnamed character, call him the Devil if you must.

Also, don't mind my crappy poster.

And I at descriptions.

e n j o y  g u y s


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Chapter 1: Its just too much sweets feels ;;
potaTao21 #2
Chapter 1: OMO that was really emotional! :') I'm so happy Woohyun rescued her from heartbreak! <3 Thank you Author-nim, I loved this little story! ^•^
bayan_ #3
great story<33
elizabeth1653 #4
Chapter 1: Wow, that was so sad! I'm glad she had someone to pick her back up when she needed it. I would've knocked the guy out if he said that to me. btw I like your poster, looks good:)