Who am I?

Dead Dreamer

Every morning I open my eyes and ask who am I? Day by day is the same, wondering why am I here? My name is Kiara and I am 16. My life has been uneventful for the most part and by now I question everything. Some would say I'm a philosopher for questioning my life others would say I'm suicidal. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to die, I just want to know what I'm supposed to be doing. Is it enough to go day after day doing the same thing? Or am I supposed to save the world?


Questions go unanswered but every once in a while I figure one out. Today is just another day, my family is not average to say the least. I have a father who drinks us into debt enough that we starve but can still pay bills, although late. He doesn't have his own job and always thinks he's right even if he's not so when he's in a mood it's best to shut up. If not then he gets mad and talks longer so that I learned early on. Now my mother is ok, but she's had a rough life. She was abused when she was younger by her father but even so does her best for me. As a side effect she is very opinionated and strong, scary strong!


Every day I get up early to go to work with them unless theirs school. I get depressed a lot when they fight and thats when I lose track of time. Sometimes I will zone out for seconds sometimes weeks. Time is elemental, you can't touch it yet its there all the same and I can never grasp ahold of it long enough to fully enjoy it.


Leave me alone,

                                Forever and a day.

There is nothing you could say,

                                     Life is a dream,

Eats you to the bone.

                                       Turning me gray.

Nothings as it seems.


My days are endless and yet life leaves me nothing. I have few friends with parents who love me but aren't really there. Who am I? Who could say, this is a dream and I'll wake up soon, I know. I'll live for a time, a lifetime and wake up in another world. A world where there is no sorrow, no angry masses. Everywhere you look is a smiling face that which i seem to lack. 


What if it's not a dream will I never wake up. Am I cursed to live this dream over forever or am I nobody and never lived at all? What could I say life is a mystery, you know where you've been but not where your going. A never ending wheel that keeps on turning spinning endlessly, the wheel called time.


Round and round,

       So far from the ground.

Be I forsaken?

         Or never found.

I hear a voice,

              Perhaps I'm free?

But just a noise,

                 For i can't see.


My name is Kiara and my life is simple. I live with the questions in my mind. Some will never be answered and only leave more questions. I am a lost soul that is cloaked in shadow, I wait for someone, or anything to brighten my life. To see everything that others can't yet never know anything about yourself, that is what haunts me the most. All I can do is believe in another time but will that be enough?

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Chapter 1: Author, is this based on your personal life? Because it's nicely written. It's like you've experienced this already. You can feel the intense emotion and drama at every paragraph. Everyone has a purpose in life. We just have to search for that reason. Time drowns you into a swimming pool of hopeless dramas, but that doesn't mean you can't swim. The never-ending potentials of time are indeed dangerous.