Good Morning

Good Morning...

I stand on the side of the bed, annoyed at his ability to sleep soundly despite my constant efforts to wake him. For what feels like the millionth time, I yell at the top of my lungs.



 I pull off the covers and thrash them around.

“I know you can hear me. You were supposed to get up half an hour ago. If you don’t get up right now, I’m gonna…”

It happens so fast. In a split second, I see him rise from the bed. I feel him grab my arm. I feel him pull me down. And the next thing I know, I’m lying in bed with him; pinned by his constrictor-like hold. He kisses me on the side of my head and whispers drowsily in my ear.

“Five more minutes…”



I can’t help but concede. I feel so small whenever he wraps me in his embrace. He covers my entire body like a shield. And in those few moments that I am in his arms, I feel protected. I feel at home.

I check my watch. Precisely five minutes later, I roll him over and pin him down below me. I bend my body so that I almost lying on top of his and whisper to him.

“Your five minutes are done.”

“Five more?”

I give in and sigh as I lie down completely and rest my head on his chest. He raises his hand and begins my hair. My eyelids grow heavier. I slowly drift away from consciousness as the rhythmic beating of his heart and the gentle rise and fall of his chest guide me into a deep slumber. In this moment, again, I feel protected. I feel at home…

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