Chapter Four

Painfully Sweet

“Minho, my heart aches so much lately… and I don’t know why…”


*  *  *






“Psst… Minho…”




Minho turned around, glaring at who dared to bother him in the middle of a lecture only to soften his glare immediately upon seeing that it was none other than the annoying Kim Jonghyun. “What do you want, hyung?”


The elder smiled goofily upon seeing Minho’s glare soften. “Come over tonight.”


Glancing back to the teacher, making sure the lecturer hadn’t noticed they weren’t paying attention, he cautiously whispered, “Why?”






Jonghyun leaned forward towards the taller, his lips ghosting over the taller’s ear. “Because I want to show you my song.”


Minho widened his eyes, quickly turning his head to look at Jonghyun in the eyes. “Are you serious?”


The elder gulped heavily when he met Minho’s eyes. Why did Minho have to have the deepest brown eyes on the entire planet? “Yeah… I want you to be the first to hear it.”


“Wow…. Hyung…” Minho scanned his hyung’s face, attempting to search for the right words to describe this… moment. “I’m honored… Really… I could kiss you because I’m so happy.”


Blushing slightly, Jonghyun wondered if Minho would actually kiss him right here, right now. “Then why don’t you do it?” he whispered sarcastically, hoping Minho would believe he didn’t want it to happen.


Minho quickly pecked Jonghyun on the cheek then brought his lips to Jonghyun’s ear. “Thank you, Jonghyun. I’m really thankfully that you are apart of my life.”


Jonghyun bit his bottom lip as a smile spread across his face. “I… So am I. I’m happy you’re here with me, Minho.”


The younger reached up and patted Jonghyun’s head as he slowly faced their teacher again, getting back into the “learning mood”.


Jonghyun leaned back in his chair, trying to do the same thing as Minho: get back to reality… class… learning, but for the life of him, he couldn’t.


Every time he was just getting back to paying attention, his mind would travel back to Minho. And that’s just how the school day went: his mind clouded with thoughts of Minho.




“Finally, you’re here!” Jonghyun shouted as Minho was walking up to his locker, “I waited here for, like, five minutes!”


“Right,” Minho said sarcastically. “Are you ready? I have all my homework and stuff. And I texted my mom, she said she was cool with me coming over because you’re ‘such a well-mannered and talented boy’.”


Jonghyun chuckled lowly and grabbed Minho’s arm, pulling him to start walking. “Yeah… I am a good kid, aren’t I?”


Smirking, Minho shook his head. “No, you’re one of the rudest and most ignorant people I know. I don’t understand how my mother could think such hogwash about you… You of all people!”


“Well, if you’re going to be a about your mom complimenting me and dissing you, then you’re not welcome in my home,” was Jonghyun’s smart remark back.


Minho reached his hand up and ruffled the older’s hair gently. “I was kidding, hyung. Please don’t take my jokes seriously.”


Jonghyun pushed open a door that led outside of the school and held it open for Minho to walk through then himself. “So do you want to ride the bus or do you want to walk?”


“Hm… I’m fine with walking,” Minho concluded quickly. “It’s good for you. Plus, buses cost money and they’re crowded at this time of day anyway.”


“I think Mrs. Kwon’s lessons are rubbing off on you… You’re supporting your conclusions with two details. It’s disturbing…”


Minho shoved Jonghyun lightly. “Shut up! Her lessons are not rubbing off on me! I’m just intelligent unlike some people I know… And by ‘people’, I’m referring to you.”


“You’re such a terrible friend!” Jonghyun wailed as he began running.


“Hey! Get back here!” Minho yelled, chasing after the already running boy.


Jonghyun glanced back and laughed. “You won’t ever catch me!” And with that said, Jonghyun sped up, creating a bigger distance between two of them.


Minho’s competitive attitude kicked in and pretty soon, he had his arm fully extended, reaching out to Jonghyun’s shoulder. “Yeah right! I’m already right here, you !”


Upon feeling a hand grasp his shoulder, Jonghyun looked back and widened his eyes. Minho was right; he was literally already there. “Oh screw you and your damn long legs! I give up!”




Minho and Jonghyun sat quietly next to each other on Jonghyun’s bed, both stiff as a board.


Why was this so awkward? Why was this so embarrassing? All the elder boy wanted to do was sing his newly polished song for one of the people he wrote it for: Minho. Why did this have to be so… so frightening?


Minho coughed to Jonghyun’s left and the elder shakily sighed as he looked over at Minho. “So… Um… What are you going to do?”


The singer blinked a few times and opened his mouth slightly, “I… Uh… I am going to sing my… song to you. Tell me if it's good, okay?”


Nodding, Minho gently placed his hand on the elder’s thigh to hopefully cheer his on and comfort him, but it only made Jonghyun’s rapidly beating heart quicken.


“Okay…” Jonghyun breathed out, closing his eyes. "It's called Goodbye..." he sighed heavily before heartfully singing:


“I woke up drenched in sweat

Sweating from the agony

The pain

The tears

The misery

The thought of losing you


But it’s not a thought; it’s reality

They say reality is best served cold

Well, you left me so cold

I just want you to hold

But our love… Has gone away


Was it my fault? What did I do wrong?

My dream… A nightmare…

You left me so cold like a lie

Were we a lie?

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to say goodbye…


The thought of goodbye seemed so far

But it’s not a thought; it’s reality



Goodbye seemed... far away...

A lie... Our love was like that..?

Goodbye seemed... far away...

A lie... Our love was like that..?



Happiness... Sadness...

Passion... Pain...

Love... Hate...



They say reality is best served cold

Well, you left me so cold

I just want you to hold

But our love… Has gone away


A lie…

Our precious love…



Jonghyun sat still, his eyes still closed as a tear gently slid down his delicate cheek.


Minho gulped heavily. “Jonghyun… That was…”


“Sad?” Jonghyun finished with a nonchalant tone. He opened his eyes, and turned to look at Minho dead-straight in his pair of dark brown orbs. He chuckled when he saw Minho nod slowly. “Yeah, I know.”


“Why, Jonghyun?” Minho asked, his voice full of concern, “Why are you sad?”


“I’m not...”


Minho reached up to Jonghyun’s cheek, softly wiping the away the droplets. “Don’t lie… please. Tell me why you’re like this.”


The elder swallowed thickly, trying to hold back the tears and raw emotion he has been concealing for far too long.


All the anger, sadness, love, hate, confusion, and betrayal seeping into his eyes in liquid form. “It’s just… I don’t know…”




“I honestly don’t know…” Jonghyun admitted, wrapping his arms around Minho’s shoulders and burying his face in the younger’s sturdy chest. “It just hurts…”


Minho opened his arms, willingly accepting his hyung’s need for affection and comfort. He s his hands around Jonghyun’s waist, pulling him a tad bit closer. “What hurts?”


“My heart…” Jonghyun said as he buried his face deeper into Minho’s chest. “Minho, my heart aches so much lately… and I don’t know why…”


Minho let the older cling onto him, tears soaking his shirt. Jonghyun’s breathing was rigid due to his sorrowful sobs, releasing all his pent-up emotions.


When Jonghyun finally calmed down--his breathing back to normal--Minho softly called out, “Jonghyun.” He hesitated before asking: “Does this have anything to do with your break-up?”


“I don’t know!” Jonghyun yelled, but the noise muffled by the younger’s shirt. “It just hurts everywhere.”




“Yes-!” Jonghyun panically yelled as he quickly pulled away from Minho, pure horror struck in his eyes. “And-And I want it go away, but it’s not leaving and it’s only getting worse. And I don’t understand how my heartache is becoming worse as I’m trying to accept everything, but it just does… You know? And look at me… I’m pathetic. I understand why I got dumped. I completely understand why nobody would want me.”


“Hyung, it’s okay…” Minho reassured the emotional boy, “I want you; I’m here for you.”


Jonghyun stared into the younger’s eyes for a bit before sighing. “Minho?”




“Promise me you won’t hate me.”


Minho dropped his hands from Jonghyun’s back slowly as he backed away, confusion written all over his face. “What? Why?”


“Just do it. Promise me you won’t hate me.”


“I promise... I could never hate you…”






“Good… But I’m sorry…”


“Sorry for what?”


“Sorry for this,” Jonghyun said as he leaned forward, desperately latching his lips onto Minho’s.


Minho slowly began to register what was happening to him. His best friend, the one guy he viewed as “his other half--in a heteroual way", was kissing him. He didn’t feel hatred, disgust nor did he feel any sort of pleasure, but never-the-less, he gently kissed Jonghyun back.


A spark light up inside of Jonghyun that he recognized as soon as he felt Minho comply: the connection. That connection he was completely sure was fake, was back and real.


Maybe there was a chance that this… thing he had towards Minho could lead somewhere.



Hello, this is your author typing. 12/14/2014 2:55 AM... Sorry that this chapter is short af, but it's still a chapter and I thought leaving off where I did was nice. If you're wondering abotu the "lyrics", they aren't from an actual song; I just made them up. Since I'm lazy (and it's nearly 3:00 AM), I don't edit well before posting, so if you see an error or if a sentence doesn't make sense, please tell me. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!^^

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moxnshinee #1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Minho being a cutie pie is the best thing in the world. I can see all the love that he had for Jjong, how consent everything that Jjong wants <3
oas2310 #2
Chapter 5: Hi. Thanks for continuing this story. I'll wait for the next chapter. :)
JongHolic #3
Chapter 5: ohw you're back! i had to read chapter 4 again to be able to remember this fic, but i'm so happy cuz you decided to continue this fic!
I feel soo sorry for jonghyun but it's a relief that he told minho the truth.
Please update soon! I'll be waiting for it
Chapter 5: Authornim thanks för coming back and updating hope too see more of this amazing story ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 5: I forgot that I subscribed two years ago lol~
Thanks for updating and I'm really happy for you ^_^
jong040890hyun #6
Chapter 4: oh my gosh!!! author-nim!!! i just started to read this and wow!!! it's so cute T^T jonghyun cries a lot so i feel sad for him but oh you can see his feeling growing stronger with every chapter!! and minho is always there for him... i kinda get a sense of their relationship being very close... like no matter what happens, theyre there for each other... maybe minho secretly likes jonghyun back but doesnt act upon it because it will ruin their "bromance" kekeke
Chapter 4: minho actually kissing him when jjong invited him over was so cute that dense little potato lol. this chapter was short but sweet and honestly i was too excited that it was actually updated to feel like it wasn't enough. it was perfect. this fic is perfect. you're perfect for writing it, ah~ i'm really glad minho kissed him back but also noticed the 'nor did he feel any sort of pleasure' bit so i'm still a bit weary. i hope the kiss haunts him later tbh mwahaha
Chapter 4: YESSSSH!! /too happy and can't say much