Ah yeh

Good Girls
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♥ 6 Cracks - Ah Yeh




... Was fate really messing with him this year, or? Jackson stood rigid at the cafe's entrance taking in the sight of the one and only Dareum seated comfortably at one of the booths with the window view. Donning a loose white stripped long sleeve rolled up to her elbows, clad in a pair of black skinny jeans; she effortlessly looked stunning with naturally straight hair coming to an end at her chest. Nah, what are the chances of her being one of the girls in this double date that Youngjae had dragged him into? Running a hand down his mouth with a weak chuckle, he made his way over to a separate table while he waited for the dingbat to appear. The male's eyes wandered about a lot of the time, but they would eventually fall back upon the poised girl scrolling through her phone in a disinterested manner a couple of tables away from him. There was no doubt that the girl was intriguing. She always had this aura set around her that made her seem untouchable. Perhaps it's that resting face of hers, he could almost hear Suzy sneer from the back of his head. Suzy's disgust towards Dareum always baffled the male, what could have happened between them?

His fingers toyed with the napkin on the desk idly before feeling a soft buzz setting off in his pocket. Taking note of the time beforehand, he swiped his thumb along the screen answering the deadbeat's call. "It's been half an hour, bro. What's holding you up?" Jackson's brows furrowed in dismay before even hearing the excuse the latter had to give. 

"What do you mean, where am I? Where are you? We're all here waiting for you man..." Youngjae's voice seemed to trail off nervously. The soft ruffling on the other line made it seem like he was shifting away from a predator about to pounce at him as his voice came out in a hushed whisper. "I'm getting nervous here, save me... I'm just talking to your date! He should be here real soon." A forced laugh followed suit.  

"I thought you were my date." A curt voice cut through the line, making Jackson look up in alarm. No... His eyes tracked their way over to that same old booth and groaned loudly, sliding down his chair in defeat. She was his date? She was Woobin's little sister that everyone was talking about? Taking his snapback off his head, he ran his hand through his dark locks messily. How is it that he only managed to catch wind of this news now? Woobin was the handsome prince of the campus that terrorised those he saw fit up until he eventually graduated and shifted to university. Go figure that the little sister took after the same title with her brother at another school. Does it run in their veins or something? Why did they go to separate schools anyway? Squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, he willed the peeping headache to back away for another day. He really didn't need it.

Fixing the black varsity jacket over his white raglan shirt with Boston printed over the front in large letters; he grudgingly pulled himself up in order to approach his impending doom. Sure, she showed him some sort of act of kindness during their first tutorial session together, but the tone that she carried when he heard her over the line was a taste test of what's to come. With his footsteps nearing the table, he took a liberating breath in and smiled at everyone. Looks like Dareum moved out so that her friend could have the window seat inside. The girl had softer features than Dareum did with cheeks that looked soft like marshmallows and loose waves that fell down her back, framing her heart shaped face gently. 

"Yo, what's up? Sorry, I was seated somewhere else that whole time." An embarrassed laugh was offered in hopes to soften the glare sent his way by his friend once he took a glance at Youngjae. He observed Dareum's reaction from the corners of his eyes, sadly missing the spark of recognition and interest in her eyes, as he saw how blank they seemed to be. He hastily took his seat next to his friend, placing him in perfect view of the ice princess. Clasping his hands together in an attention seeking manner, he rubbed them together with a friendly smile directed at the girls. "Let's start things off with an intro, shall we? I'm Wang Jackson and I'm friends with this goofball f

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... I don't know how it was marked as complete when it's nowhere near it e n e


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junebune #1
Too cute!!
suamortentia #2
Chapter 4: Cool. I'm really curious as how you're going to make this story, and don't even know who I like more, but hopes I don't take too longe to find out. Fighting!