
Good Girls
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♥ 4 Cracks - Tutors




"What do you mean I have to go to a maths tutor? I'm doing just fine!" Jackson exclaimed into the mouthpiece of his cellphone. His friends hovered behind him sharing fits of giggles softly as they slowly distanced themselves from the school gates amongst the sea of students moving to make their way home, others to their extra tutional classes of course. But according to the agitated tone in Jackson's words, one could take the educated guess that he was soon going to be one in strand B. "Mom, I got one F. One F and you're sending me to a maths tutor? Come on!"

His steps came to a sudden halt as he held the phone in front of his face with wide eyes. Faint toots could be heard as his friends side stepped him to look at his face, catching sight of the twitching cheek muscles he had donned at the moment. Byul's lips pressed into a thin line as she snickered softly. "She hung up on you didn't she?"

His head cranked up and down stiffly as if his joints were in need of some oiling. He's teeth were clenched harshly, bringing out that defined jawline of his as he raked his fingers through his side swept bangs; ruffling them out in the process. Opening up the browser application on his phone, he searched for directions quickly not daring to be late on his first day regardless of how reluctant he was in the scheme of all this. Sure, maths wasn't his best subject, but it's not like it was going to drag the rest of his grades down or anything? Mostly B's and a few C's scattered here and there wasn't going to kill anyone, anyone but his parent's ego's apparently.

"You're not hanging out with us again, are you?" A female sulked as she released her query. Jackson paid little to no attention to that particular conversation until the latter had replied with that distinctive voice of hers.

"Yeah, my tutorials start again today so I need to go. I'll talk to you later?" He glanced towards the source of the voice at the corners of his eyes to spot Dareum parting ways with her friends to walk right past him and the rest without a care in the world. She even went as far as plugging both her ears with ear buds to blast music into; effectively creating her own little bubble where no one could disturb her. What if it was the same tutor that he was heading to? He shuddered visibly as if death's hand had run it's hand down his spine causing chills to overtake him by an overpowering surge. "God please don't be so mean to me." He muttered quietly.


He ing called it. Life had to be a brat and teamed up with fate to turn his day, and quite possibly the rest of his year upside down. There he was sitting in the front left corner with his back pressed against the wall, hoping it would just swallow him alive as she made her way into class. Lifting a curious brow at the new addition in the room, she whispered something towards one of her friends as she glanced at the unoccupied seats next to him. After little to no debate, he watched as she shrugged and made her way towards him. It was as if she was taunting him by slowly tugging the chair back from the desk, slipping into the one right next to him and went on to add her two cents to whatever lame topics they had to hold. The tutor was actually a home with the living room set out as a classroom complete with four rows of desks and chairs, and of course a standard whiteboard drilled into the wall for the male tutor to teach the kids. Park Jinyoung was his name apparently. He's actually quite young and successful

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... I don't know how it was marked as complete when it's nowhere near it e n e


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junebune #1
Too cute!!
suamortentia #2
Chapter 4: Cool. I'm really curious as how you're going to make this story, and don't even know who I like more, but hopes I don't take too longe to find out. Fighting!