
Yah, he's mine !

before you start ,

i want to apologize if this is nowhere near your expectation.

i do hope you enjoy reading this.



It official ! Sungyeol won’t go to the senior graduation day. Because his boyfriend is going to act in a play. What worse , with the senior of the same age as Sungyeol , Nam Woohyun. And the most terrible hell worse ever ,  Myungsoo is going to play a role of Juliet , and that freakin Nam Woohyun –his rival since forever , is the Romeo!



“you really not going to the plays”


“but I got a role in it..”

“I know” Sungyeol clenched his teeth . But its going to be with Nam Woohyun..

“I’ll be wearing dresses in it..i thought you want to see..”

“Yah ! that will be for other times , when it just you . and . me . “ Sungyeol smirk a little as he tease Myungsoo. He couldn’t help but grins when Myungsoo hit his chest lightly , muttering a ‘ert’ under his breath.  Deciding to tease his boyfriend further –he always loves the reaction , he leans closer , jutting his lips in gesture to kiss Myungsoo  full on the lips , only to frown when he get a cheeck –Myungsoo had turn his head to the side .

“you’re not getting it , Lee Sungyeol”

“really?” he arched his eyebrow , pushing Myungsoo on his back , onto the couch, hands resting on the armsrest. The position somehow trapped Myungsoo as  Sungyeol is hovering over him , mischievious smile still tugging on his lips. The blush shading his cheeks makes Sungyeol grins more. Damn my Myungsoo is so cute!

‘you know I’ll get what I want baby” Sungyeol is enjoying the pink cheecks as he use the pet name –baby is Myungsoo’s favourite. He smiles tenderly then , when Myungsoo stuttering to let a words out. One day , this kid gonna be the end of me.

“huh fine”

He knows he win then when Myungsoo sneak his arms around Sungyeol’s neck , drawing him closer . They share a tender kiss , the one with no rush , just a pure love. A moment passed and they broke the kiss , ever so slowly and catched their breath. Myungsoo’s  fingers ghosting over Sungyeol’s lips , then its brushes the cheecks as Sungyeol let a sighs of content , of happiness , before the fingers finally resting back at his nape. Again, Myungsoo pulls him closer , lean in , and they exchange another breathless kisses. The rest of the day continue as they cook lunch together, watch a movie , and finally Sungyeol walked Myungsoo home when his parent finally back from work.



--It being midnight, Romeo with his companions departed; but they soon missed him, for, unable to stay away from the house where he had left his heart, he leaped the wall of an orchard which was at the back of Juliet’s house. Here he had not been long, ruminating of his new love, when Juliet appeared above at a window--



“oh gosh, that’s my Juliet”

“oh God stop it Sungyeol hyung”

Sungjong avert his gaze again, to the stage.



--through which her exceeding  beauty seemed to break like  the light of the sun in the east; and the moon, which shone in the orchard with a faint light, appeared to Romeo as if sick and pale with grief at the superior luster of this new sun. and she, leaning her cheek upon her hand, that he might touch her cheek.



“no Romeo , you better don’t even think of touching my Juliet”

only I can!

“shhhh Yeol”

Sungyeol pout to Dongwoo next to him and continue to watch the play as the narrator continue with her lines.



--she all this while thinking herself alone fetched a deep sigh, and and exclaimed,

‘Ah me!’ Romeo,enraptured to hear her speak, said softly and unheard by her,

‘O speak again, bright angel, --


My angel!



--for such you appear, being over my head, like a winged messenger from heaven whom mortals falls back to gaze upon’

She, unconscious of being overheard, and full of the new passion which that night’s adventure had given birth to, called upon her lover by name,

‘O Romeo, Romeo! , wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, for my sake; or if thou wilt not, be but my sworn love, and I no longer will be the Capulet’



The sweet lines from Juliet send the guys at the back seat of the theater swooning and whistling over the couple on stage. Even with the bright stage light, Sungyeol swore he saw Myungsoo’s tinted cheeks and he clenches his fist.



“why the hell they make Myungsoo be the Juliet ? isn’t there any girls out there?!”

“umm Yeol that’s probably this is an all-boys-school”  Howon answer quietly.

“ ! my love lines with the real Juliet is way way way more sweet! UGH!”

“whatever , the entire school might be thinking that Myungsoo and Woohyun is the perfectest couple in this school” Sungjong say then, adding more fuel to the blazing fire.

“the entire school know he’s with me”

“they might be doubting now” Sungjong added, smirking at Sungyeol’s priceless expression at the moment.



--‘How came you into this place?’ said Juliet, ‘and by whose direction?’

‘love directed me’ answered Romeo.



Sungyeol tsk at the lines recite by Romeo. And his raging anger is just too much by the way Romeo –Woohyun, look at his Juliet –Soo .



‘I am no pilot yet wert thou as far apart from me as that was vast shore which is washed with the farthest sea, I should venture for such merchandise’

And Juliet blush , unnoticed by Romeo.



My Myungsoo doesn’t really blushes right ? that’s just the makeup. Nothing more..yeah..thats it.


By then, Sungyeol heard someone on the seat behind him compliment how sweet and real the couple on the stage look like.


No way that’s my Myungsoo ! ugh I hate this why this happen to me?!  its okay Sungyeol , you know Myungsoo only love you.


“do you think that their heart might be waver a little? I means, they look so good together..like a pairs made in heaven. Just for each other”

“I know right..they look so sweet”

“yea, I wouldn’t mind if Myungsoo be with that Woohyun guy. Im willing to let him go”

“haha you’re saying it like he’s yours”

“oh just shut up”

Sungyeol is boiling then, how dare the guys talks about his Myungsoo. It was then he just realize..


Omg  who know what they talk about Myungsoo before?

Wait..thats means they thinking of him right?

Nonono what if they thought dirty of my Myungsoo

I cant let this happen..


Hes about to turn around and facing a bunch of guys in the seat behind him, ready to throw punches,  but apparently his friends –Dongwoo , Sunggyu, Howon, and Sungjong had heard their talks too , making Sunggyu calms him down. Regaining his senses , he walked out from the theater , aiming the restroom to refreshen his mind.


Im worrying too much


He splash water to his face, straightening his back , and look right into the mirror.


But they do look good together. Woohyun also have like Myungsoo since before..and my Myungsoo is a catch really..that kid attract anyone attentions..

Sighs .

He looked back at the reflection once again before exiting the restroom. He walk around , just loitering to avoid getting back at the theater hall, refuse to watch the play till the end. But he have made a promise to Myungsoo that he’ll be there. And he will never , ever , broke his promise. Not to his Myungsoo. With a reluctant heart, he walk back through the empty hallway. Opening the theater grand door. He gasp when he saw Myungsoo on stage with a dagger through his chest falling slowly on the floor , with his white dress coloured red , unmoving and lifeless on the floor. His eyes feels hot as tears threatening to just flows. Sungyeol take a step back and exited the theater hall.





“I didn’t see you on your seat during the forth and the rest of the play” Myungsoo stated quietly as he remove the necklace and bracelets around his neck and wrists. They were currently alone in the changing room. The play had ended successfully just a few minutes ago. From the mirror infront of him , he could see that theres something in Sungyeol’s mind as he didn’t get any reply. He sigh and turned to face his boyfriend.

“Yeol? Are you okay?”

He feels weirded and almost scared as Sungyeol held his gaze , didn’t move at all , just staring right at him. He debated with himself whether to stand where he is or take a steps back then when Sungyeol hopped down from the cabinet he’s been sitting on and make a way to Myungsoo. Myungsoo flinched as Sungyeol’s cold fingers make a contact to the skin of his cheeks , cupping his face.


“you’re okay Myungsoo , you’re fine”


Myungsoo smiles. So Sungyeol just worried. Its probably because of that last bloody scene. The one where he stabbed himself and died tragically.

He take both Sungyeol hand in his and draw its to his chest.


“yes Yeol, im fine” he chuckles a little , then smiles sincerely.





--which Romeo now opened, and there lay his lady, as one whom death had no power upon to change a feature or complexion, in her matchless beauty; or as if Death were amorous, and the lean abhorred monster kept her there for his delight; for she lay yet fresh and blooming, as she had fallen to sleep when she swallowed  that benumbing potion. Here Romeo took his last leave of his lady’s lips, kissing them; and here he shook the burden of his cross star from his weary body, swallowing that poison which the apothecary had sold to him; whose operation was fatal and real; not like that dissembling potion which Juliet had swallowed—


--when Juliet saw the cup closed in her true love’s hands, she guessed that poison had been the cause of Romeo’s end, and she would have swallowed the dregs if any had been left, and she kissed his still warm lips to try if any poison yet did hang upon them; then hearing a nearer noise of people coming, she quickly unsheathed a dagger which she wore, and stabbing herself, died by her true Romeo’s side.





Myungsoo wraped his arms around Sungyeol’s neck , bringing him down and kiss him softly. He then draw back and sigh in content.

“what was that for baby?” Sungyeol’s asked as he draw Myungsoo closer by the hips. Myungsoo turned around in Sungyeol’s arms around him , leaving the question unanswered.

“help me this dress”

Sungyeol reach for the zip and pull it down , making the dress hanging loosely on Myungsoo shoulders. He kisses the exposed skin.

“so..what with the kiss just now?” he asked again as seeing his lover’s set of blushing again. Myungsoo may be a clingy monster who loves to cuddles all time , but its not like him to start any intimate –in a complete different level than just hugging , so Sungyeol guessed there must be something bothering him.

“its..there’s kissing..with Woohyun-sunbaenim…” the rest of his sentence comes in a set of mumbling due to the shy nature of him.

“oh don’t worry , im gonna washes all his traces and marks you all over again tonight” he a little harder, his lover’s shoulder just to tease Myungsoo more.

“yah!” Myungsoo quickly squirming away from Sungyeol’s hold and continue to changing with the blush still obviously present on his cheeks. Sungyeol lets a chuckles and decide to leave Myungsoo change in peace.

He walk at the other end of the room –Woohyun belonging is there. He grap a sticky note and writes something on it, before sticking it to Woohyun bag. Perfectly know that the guy will get the meaning behind his simple message.

‘yah ! hes mine’ 





hi, so i finally post this.

i hope you enjoy.

thank you for those who subscribe and comment.

do point my mistake.

thanks for reading and , carpe diem

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luizty #1
Chapter 1: Awww....yeolly you soo romantic...and funny if jelouse
....love possesive yeolly...
Chapter 1: Awww <3 MyungYeol is just so cute >w<
Btw, I would like to translate this fic into Vietnamese and post it on my Wordpress blog. Can I do that?
Chapter 1: Aww, Yeollie it's just a kiss. Myungsoo belongs to you.
myungyeol is my obsession so im here!
Chapter 1: Awesome story..
I really enjoy it..
Make moreeeeeee...
MYungyeol is my happiness..
Really! Great story..:)
matsukazeai #6
Chapter 1: wkkkkk~ myungyeol is cute together. I think woohyun will get the meaning of sungyeol's message. I like it ^_^
Everytime we look yeolie , he become more more handsome and manly
I'm in love in Myungyeol so MuchHHH..
I hope you write a better story of them..
Hope a happy ending too..