My Type

Babysitting a Delinquent

At the zoo, I asked Haru to take our pictures instead of having Jenissi do it. I didn’t trust him to take any pictures of us after he reversed the camera and took a photo of himself instead. But the times Haru did take our picture, he was seen in the background photobombing us. I couldn't even get one decent photo with Kidoh. I got him back while none of the kids were looking. I beat him up with a cotton candy stick, stabbing his neck multiple times. “Stop ruining everything!”

“Ruin what?” he said rubbing his neck.

“I came here to have a good time with Kidoh and the kids, but you have to in on everything."

"Hey, I came here to have a good time too!" I sighed. I didn't have time for his nonsense. I'd had enough of him even before we arrived at the zoo.

We continued walking. Kidoh had Tae sitting on his shoulders while Haru held his hand. “Why can’t you be more like that?" I asked Jenissi looking at Kidoh. "He’s not even their brother,” I told him.

“His back must be killing him right now!” was all he said.

I rolled my eyes. “At least spend some time with your little siblings. Look how adorable they are. If only that were you, their big brother.”

“Stop, you’re making me feel bad.”

“Good. You should feel bad.”

“You’re so mean. Why are you nice to other people but me?”

“Because you frustrate me! I can't stand you and your mischievous ways of 'having fun'. Why can't you just be like a normal adult?”

“Here we go again, with your ratty-ness.”

“I’m not ratty! Don't call me ratty!”

“Listen to yourself.”

I sighed trying to calm myself down. “I’m only like this when I’m with you.”

“I know! Why?”

“I said because you irritate me so much! I can’t stand you!” I shouted, failing to keep my sanity.

“Lower it down a little, you might wake up the monkeys," he said covering my mouth.

I stopped where I was and pushed his filthy hand off of my mouth. “Don’t ever tell me what to do!”

“Okay, fine. I won't.”

“I don’t even want to hear another word from you!”

“Jeez, quit pulling you’re hair out and smoke a cigarette or something.”

“I don’t smoke.”

“I think you need to start,” he said pulling out a cigarette box from his pocket. “Here.”

I smacked it out of his hand. “You’re horrible!” I started walking again then realized Kidoh and the kids were gone. “We lost them! It's all your fault!”

“Oh, it’s my fault! Everything is my fault!”

“It is! It really is!”

Jenissi stopped in his tracks. “Maybe it would’ve been better if I stayed at home then.”

I turned to face him. “Yeah, you shouldn’t have counted yourself in.”

“Maybe it would’ve been better if we’ve never even met each other.”

“Yeah, you’re right about that. Life would be so much better.”

“Fine, if that’s the way you feel. I’ll go then.” He turned around and started walking the other way. Why is he being so dramatic?

“Are you serious?” I laughed as he walked away. I thought he was joking at first but he just kept going without looking back. Suddenly, I felt bad again. He was acting just like he was at the bar. I’ve encountered his sensitive side.

“Taeyang!” I called out running up to him. “Don’t go!” He was walking so fast, I couldn’t keep up with him. When it was in reach, I grabbed his arm and stopped him. “Listen, I didn’t really mean any, I mean some of what I said back there.”

“Yeah you did,” he said with his back toward me.

“It’s just 'cause you always mess with me like that! I don’t know what to think anymore. Rotten stuff just comes out of my mouth.” I looked at him as he turned around and stared at the lions. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said what I said. You can smoke one of your cigarettes now if you want."

“I can’t,” he said.

“Why?” I looked around and realized it was a non-smoking zone. "Oh, well we can go to the smoking area. I think there's one back over-"

“I don’t smoke,” he said looking at me.

“What? I thought you had a whole pack?” I pulled it out of his back pocket and showed it to him.

“It’s not mine. It fell out of Kidoh’s pocket when he picked up Tae.”

“Are you serious?” I asked in disbelief. If it was true, that would've been the first negative characteristic of Kidoh.

“Don’t kiss that guy,” he said firmly, still watching the lions. I was shocked by his sudden remark, but kept my cool.

“See, there you go again. Can you just let me live my life?” I said irritated by him butting into our relationship.

He remained silent and continued to stare at the majestic animals. I just couldn’t stand him getting into my relationship with Kidoh, so I asked him. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

I could tell my question took him by surprise when he blinked out of his lion gazing. “Why are you asking me all of a sudden?”

“Just answer the question.”

He paused for a moment before saying. “Nah, they always end up being the same.”

“Same? Like what do you mean?”

“All the girls I’ve ever dated all end up being full of bull. They turn out to be pretty crappy. Kind of like you, but you were already like that when I first met you.”

“So you’re saying you’d never date a girl like me because you know for sure it’s not going to work out?”

“Pretty much."

“How can you say that? All girls have to express their opinions at some point! It's how we are!"

“Why are you so offended?”

“Because of the way you think of girls!” I exclaimed.

“Maybe you should change so you could be my type,” he said raising a brow. That eyebrow game wasn't going to work for me if that's what he's thinking.

“Change for you? Sorry, but I’m taken. Good luck finding a girl for yourself.”

“Actually, I think I do like the ratty type. It’s kind of y when they get mad and still look amazing.”

I squinted my eyes at him. “Was that supposed to woo me?”

“Maybe, but there’s a lot more I think about ratty girls.”

“Such as?” I was just curious.

“I like seeing them on their good days, when everything seems to be alright. I like the contrast feel of it.”

“Okay, what else?”

“Oh, also when they sleep, the noise has silenced within them. When they’re unconscious and not yelling at anyone, they look like the most innocent things ever.” I felt my face warm up, I didn’t exactly know why. Stop thinking he’s describing you!

“And how they tie their hair in the morning and suddenly transform into a whole other person simply by putting it down at night. That’s pretty hot.” Stop thinking about it! Stop!

“And the way they turn pink when I get close to them like this.” His face was suddenly close to mine. “I always wonder if it’s 'cause they like me.” I felt my face burn up. Why was I feeling butterflies in my stomach? Why had my mind suddenly erase itself? How come I was having the urge to crash my lips onto his so badly?

Right as these thoughts fogged my brain, he leaned back and looked straight at the lions again. “But, I don’t think I’ll ever meet a girl like that in my life.”

I blinked at him and swore I saw him turn just the slightest tint of pink.

“I think we should look for the kids and whatever that guy’s name is,” Jenissi said walking the other direction. I was left speechless. Why? I felt like I couldn’t even move my legs. Why?

“ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?” He shouted several feet away. I snapped out of thought and scurried behind him.

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i NEED to know how this emds, i've finished this fanfic in two nights don't give up on it.
Omg, can't wait for the next charter.:888
taegyoelf #3
Chapter 25: The song is love letter lol
Chapter 25: When the third note came I was sure it was some lyric from him to her. xD (but I absolutely can't tell from which song it is xD)
But one thing we can have hope. If he had involved all of his friends, than it's most likely that he's serious about it! x3
And if he's not, Yooyoung can give him a really well deserved punch 8D -run- (ooohh sorry! I'm just joking! xD I know he's serious!!)
Chapter 24: I'm still waiting here.. '-')/
Chapter 24: You still owe a what happen between them x3
Chapter 24: This story is really cool. It would be nice if you continue it. x3
MayLi2 #8
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: I want an update! I love this story and I fell in love with Jenissi because of it.
Bumblebee04 #10
Chapter 24: I can't wait for the next update! I love your story so much and I'm happy that you are going to update again! ♥♥♥