32 D-Day

Creating Fairytale
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Se Ryeong’s hold around Baekhyun’s arm tightened as she gripped onto the fabric of his blazer whereas his steps were firm and confident as the couple strode into a quaint and traditional restaurant in Sokcho. Baekhyun acknowledged the plain clothes policemen sitting around the restaurant with a slight nod of his head before following the store manager into the private room he had booked. The paper door partition that separated two private rooms were drawn apart and Baekhyun greeted the shareholders briefly before going through their plans again. Once the screen door between the rooms was pulled tightly shut, Baekhyun reached for his girlfriend’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Everything will be all right after tonight.”
“I hope so, Baekhyun. I truly hope so.” she let out a soft sigh.

The witch had fallen straight into Baekhyun’s trap as he’d predicted, led by her never ending greediness. She wasted no time in contacting the shareholders of Byun Electronics according to the information Baekhyun had purposely divulged and one week later on a Friday night, Baekhyun was informed of her secret meeting, except never in her wildest dreams would she imagine that everyone in it were chess pieces to this game, and the aim was to take her down for good.

The couple’s quiet time was interrupted when they heard voices greeting each other in the neighboring room. Se Ryeong’s eyes were alert as she strained her ears to listen and Baekhyun identified the female as Heejin immediately. She sounded as authoritative as she’d always been, bossy even, from the careless way she spoke, as though everyone were just dirt beneath her feet.

“I don’t know what that old man has on his mind, Baekhyun is clearly not the right person to be placed in charge of Byun Electronics after he sold all of his shares in a family business to an outsider for his own personal gain.” Heejin shook her head as she drummed her perfectly manicured nails against the tabletop, looking expectantly at everyone around the table until they were nodding in agreement. “I know Jong In is a little inexperienced when it comes to business, but that’s because he’s so trusting and obedient, it’s like a double-edged sword really.” the woman had no qualms lying so blatantly through her teeth. Anyone in the business knew that her son was anything but trusting and obedient. His highly public private life consisted of various girlfriends and flings which took up more of his time than business did and rumor has it that he indulged in drugs at one point. And even when he finally showed desire of wanting to settle down and take his work more seriously, he had no exceptional results under his belt.

“I really appreciate how all of you took time out of your busy schedules to meet me. Please order as you please, the meal is on me.”
“Pardon me for asking, but aren’t your accounts frozen if you’re wanted by the police now?”
“Wanted?” Hee Jin’s face darkened immediately. “Then aren’t you an accomplice if you’re meeting me right now without reporting me?”
“I…” the woman was at a loss for words as she stammered and Hee Jin simply waved a dismissive hand.
“Forget it, I won’t hold this against you.” Hee Jin raised her wine glass. “Let’s cheers for a brighter future ahead with Jong In leading Byun Electronics! With all of you backing him, even Kris wouldn’t be able to take him lightly.” she chuckled as they clinked glasses. The abrupt sliding open of the door had all of them snapping their heads in the same direction and Hee Jin froze in her seat as she wondered if anyone had caught her entering and reported her.
“Umma,” Jong In was out of breath as he slipped into the room. His hair was matted down against his forehead by his perspiration and he rushed over to yank her up from her seat. “What are you doing here?!”
“This is no way to be speaking to your mother.” Hee Jin frowned as she pulled her hand free from her son’s grasp. “Can’t you see that everyone gathered here are supporters of you? You should sit down with us and share some of your ideologies.”
“You shouldn’t be here, umma.” Jong In looked at her pleadingly. “And certainly not discussing these matters when I had long resigned from my position.”
“Don’t be stupid, Jong In!” Hee Jin finally snapped. “You did not spend all those years in the company for nothing! Byun Electronics is our family business!”
“You mean, my family business.” A third voice emerged amidst the ruckus as the screen door separating the rooms slid open, revealing none other than Baekhyun and Se Ryeong. “Checkmate, Aunty.”

All color drained from Hee Jin’s face as she recognized her arch nemesis and it didn’t take another second before she realized that this meeting in itself had been a trap which she’d jumped straight into. Disbelief is etched on her features as she turned to her own son, “You knew? You knew and you didn’t warn me straightaway?”
“It’s better to turn yourself in, umma. I don’t want to see you being taken away.” Jong In begged with tears clouding his eyes as he clung onto his mom’s arm.

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Chapter 40: I'm sorry I'm late ! I got so busy recently sobs .
Thankyou for writing this series eventhough I started following this since Tainted Fairytale .
I'm so happy for the characters, they are happy and ofc the bad one deserved bad ending .
I am sure I know that mysterious person . She is from Tainted Fairytale lol
Anyway, I feel sad that this series is ending too . I have never been so loyal to a fic and you're super nice to me . I'm so thankful I met you through this fic :')
Chapter 40: ahh, and we're finally done!
it's been really long since I started reading this series and it was nothing short of amazing (although sehun's arc was something altogether). I'll definitely stick around because I luv you and please keep on writing amazing stories like this! good job authornim!
pinkypn #3
Chapter 40: The mystery girl is the one who was engaged to Kris. The girl wouldn't be able to get her revenge on them cuz they would figure out who it was and get back at the person. I glad baekhyun and kai ends up making up and everyone got their happy ending.
Tiinkerbelll #4
Chapter 39: I am really happy for them they look so perfect together. Thank you author nim for writing such a beautiful story... Waiting for the epelogue
sarangbit #5
Chapter 39: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ the start of real happiness, I love how mature everyone ways of thinking in this chapter even our baby byul lol. And the fluff for baekryeong omg they're so cuuuuute i want more I can't believe it marked as completed story you've work hard you did a great job once again i hope peoples notice it and start reading this story. this masterpiece should get more attention! can't wait for epilogue :3
Chapter 39: I cried reading this chapter..
I'll definitely miss this story. Thanks for writing such amazing story and for bringing us into a roller coaster ride of emotions.
Hoping to see you in your new stories...<3
Chapter 39: I cried reading this chapter..
I'll definitely miss this story. Thanks for writing such amazing story and for bringing us into a roller coaster ride of emotions.
Hoping to see you in your new stories...<3
Chapter 39: Ohhhh btw congrats on completing this story !
Chapter 39: I'm crying . Why is this so sudden ? ㅠㅠ I love that they have happy ending but I'm not ready for this to end ! And have SeRyeong said I love you to him ? I probably miss it if there is coz I just love their relationship . So mature and so in love . They could have get married by now .