Mixed Perspective


My head is absolutely throbbing. The first thing I do is to try and move it from side to side.

Bad idea.

"Ahh!" I squeak as I tried to sit up-


I don't squeak. I can barely sing tenor  (when forced to) let alone squeak.

"What the-"

Is that English!?

Something's wrong. Very wrong. 

I sit up as best I can with the throbbing pain rediating from my head to my lower back.  I slowly open my eyes so they can adjust to the bright room. Did I have on glasses before I left? I couldn't have. They're in my suitcase which is God knows where. And these aren't even mine! They're so dirty. I snatch them off without a second thought and begin to clean them with the bottom of my shirt before I realize that...it's not my shirt. I feel my stomach drop into my knees as I look at the bright blue and silver manicure on hands that I don't own. They start shaking as I futher examine the charm bracelett on the left wrist and the stretch ring on the right ring finger. Oh God. Please don't tell me...  I nervously glance down and notice the powder blue mini dress overlayed with a thin white cardigan. I think I'm going to throw up. I slowly stand only to wobble in these monsterous shoes that my older sister calls "wedges". Still a bit dizzy, I make my way over to the mirror thats built in the wall of this waiting room. It takes all that's in me to keep from screaming, throwing up, or crying when I see a tall foreign girl's reflection staring back at me. I step closer only to see her mimic my movements. Without thinking, my hands fly to my chest praying that-

Oh crap. They're real. And not mine.



What did I just write? After having a conversation with toptotesrulez5eva, I decided to write this...whatever it is. As you can guess it's purely crack.


What happens when two KPop idols switch bodies with two college students?


Well, let's just say it won't be pretty


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ariannarmusic #1